Apr 16, 2022
I enjoyed this course. I learned a lot from it. Although I am familiar with some of the topics, it expanded my knowledge further, and would definitely help me become a more effective manager at work.
May 23, 2021
Very informative course, I liked the scientific approach in it and the thorough presentation of the contents. The backgrounds explained, the researchers shared added great value to the material.
By Pedro P
•May 13, 2020
Course well structured, understandable, with interesting content. I was very satisfied and with the feeling of having learned more and having more skills to understand people management at work and ways of dealing with the most diverse situations within organizations. I recommend it to everyone.
By varadaraj
•Apr 19, 2020
it's great opportunity to me for learning on people management and very help full to me for taken candidate hiring ,sellecting, appraisals,management,process and policy and keep holding candidates ,and motivating skills,and extra,,,
thanks to all professors for given great learning skills to me.
By Tolulope O
•Mar 22, 2023
This course is explanatory and very educative for managing people at work. If the leadership, decision making and conflict resolution at work place modules are followed properly in an organization by the line managers , then the organization will run smoothly with little or less conflicts.
By Amtul B
•Nov 10, 2022
It has been an incredible journey so far and has been instrumental in engaging me in the interesting topics and wonderful experience.I would highly recommend it to everyone looking to have a deeper understanding of the Human resources. Looking forward to taking up more full time courses.
By Md. A J
•Jun 1, 2020
I really enjoyed this course. The good thing about this course was thorough discussion with practical visualization alongside with supplemented study materials which broaden my knowledge on variety of aspects. And this is an absolutely gain for my further career and personal development.
By Pilar D
•Mar 12, 2023
El curso de 6 semanas es muy completo, cada semana se trata un tema distinto y se abarcan los grandes tems básicos de la direccion de personas en el trabajo. También se dan materiales adicionales para complementar algunos temas en los que en el curso por razones obvias no se profundiza.
By Naveen K N C
•Feb 7, 2021
Excellent course which i have attended in the recent past, and the way it has been designed and developed with each element is extremely useful for all the managers and many things, could able to learn from this course. I strongly recommend to all the managers to gothrough the same.
By Olga I
•Jul 26, 2023
The course I have found very useful for manager's level with perspective to guide the company as CEO. For myself I have learned many additional tools in practical point of view such as team guidance, control of KPIs, real samples.
Good experinced teachers and sources for reading.
By Azeez A A
•Apr 6, 2020
This course is a full package on management filled with lessons that can easily be put to practice by practice. I have no doubt, that any manager who's opportune to take the course and follow its teachings to the latter won't regret taking it, instead, be a better manager/leader.
By Umme S
•Aug 12, 2020
This course is beneficial for all, in terms of, skills acquired or rather learned and practiced. Some of the skills that I learned are role management, conflict resolution and management and leadership qualities that requires one to be more efficient and better among others.
By Asad A
•Mar 16, 2024
Completed the "A Practical Guide to Managing People at Work" course on Coursera recently. It's fantastic! Clear explanations, engaging lectures, and hands-on assignments. Professor Dr Chris Dewberry, is amazing! Highly recommend it to anyone interested in machine learning.
By Amna A
•Sep 4, 2024
It was good experience but I'd add something that please try to add subtitles with videos because I found difficulty in understanding lectures at 1st attempt just because of poor speaking skills.words clearity required to give clear picture of what you need us to learn.
By Emily K
•Jul 13, 2023
Very informative while also being very easy to incorporate into your work/life schedule. Offered the opportunity to learn a great deal about best practices for management in a short timeframe. I will be sharing the course information with others with in my organization!
By Shilpy B
•Aug 30, 2022
I learnt how to understand the workforce and solve the problems that might crop up at workplace. I got to know the impact of different factors such as pay, motivation, conflicts, etc. on the work performance. Overall, this course is going to benefit me in the long run.
By Roberto A G R
•Apr 1, 2020
un curso bastante completo que introduce distintos métodos logÃsticos para la comprensión de una buena administración y encaminar las relaciones empleado/empleador de una manera efectiva, asà como los métodos de como entrevistar y que observar y evaluar de cada uno.
By Mahir A
•Apr 24, 2020
The course is really well structured and the materials are easily understandable. This course can come in handy for any manager or future manager to get a detailed insight into the managerial activities of an organization. I really enjoyed learning this course.
By Julius . I
•Mar 22, 2021
Aside being a very concise course, it is one that will definitely get someone ready for a managerial position/career, as it gives one on the job situations that can help one settle into management and function properly,as one deal with people in management.
By Naomi G
•Jul 17, 2020
I was very happy with what I learned in this course. I thought the conflict management section was not as useful as the rest of the course as it did not give specific examples of what a manager should do (as the vignettes in other parts of the course did).
By David O
•May 25, 2020
The course is very informative and practical. It was wonderfully delivered and the knowledge and skills acquired from here will go a long way in shaping my managerial career or any any career roles that I will delve into.
Thank you Team London University!
By Slavisa D
•Jan 24, 2020
Nice course, every aspect is at a glance. The handout is well prepared also. I would recommend this course which outlines: "Interviews, Leadership and Decision Making, Performance Management, Motivation, Pay as a motivator and Managing conflict at work".
By Carra C L
•May 12, 2020
Very informative. Really impressed with the content. The power point presentation made it easier. Lectures are wonderful. Role play, a plus! Exams are thorough and submitted answers are hidden so you can't cheat!! I plan on taking a few more courses.
By Eddie D
•Feb 10, 2021
With little knowledge of management at the beginning of this course, I can boost that I have acquired and benefitted a lot after taking this course. I encourage everyone in the field of management to take this course to upgrade their skills. Thank you
By Ushatikova O G
•Mar 31, 2020
Thank You for the course "The Manager's Toolkit: A Practical Guide to Managing People at Work ". It was interesting, useful, easy to understand and remember all new information. Short videos and presentations were greatly design and helpful. Thank You!
By Lev N
•May 6, 2018
Some materials for individual readings are difficult to find, costly and take a lot of time. But overall course gives clear basic understanding of managerial problems. I've rethought my previous habits and looking forward to get more courses from you.
By Elvie P
•Feb 9, 2022
I have learned a lot in this subject. This will be very useful when I again get back to work. The topics are very simple, concise and understandable. The lecturers are seasoned personalities and very knowledgeable in their own field. Congratulations.