Apr 28, 2017
I'm a GP interacting with pregnant woman on a regular basis. This was a very enlightening refresher course. will highly recommend it to my peers. beautifully presented. N.B very pretty obstetrician!
Mar 20, 2022
The course was very comprehensive and easy to understand. The instructors made sure that they are giving the information in a way that won't make me confused. Thank you so much for this great course.
By Novalda Z E P
•Sep 10, 2021
The course is so beneficial for me to understand the changes in physiological, metabolism and nutrition requirements for pregnant woman to maintain health for the mother and also the baby.
By Chrissy D v
•Feb 5, 2021
I would like to thank all the mentors for making this course. I have learned so much from all of you and I cannot wait to be able to use this course in applying it in my clinical practice.
By maria i i
•May 15, 2018
Very informative. Great for all women who which to become pregnant one day. I believe taking this course before becoming pregnant will be of great advantage for the mother and the child.
By Priscilla B D
•Jul 6, 2017
Excelente curso, la información es muy consistente y actualizada, fácil de digerir. Los videos tienen muy buena calidad y son entretenidos. Los felicito y agradezco mucho por este curso.
By Esthefany T
•Oct 16, 2021
Buenísimo curso, me enseñó la importancia de una correcta planificación nutricional antes y durante el embarazo en base a información fundamenta en evidencias científica. Muy completo.
•Sep 9, 2020
By Gitla H
•Jul 2, 2020
Great Course to understand the diet plan in pregnancy, protection, correction of principal diseases that could impact the outcome of the baby and understand the role of microbiome
By Maria L A
•Jun 19, 2020
Me ha encantado. Un curso muy completo para los profesionales de la salud. Yo soy nutricionista y me ha servido para refrescar conceptos y aprender de nuevos. Lo recomiendo 100%.
By Ariana P M R
•Jul 8, 2020
Me hubiera gustado que se hablara más acerca de la lactancia materna, sus múltiples beneficios e importancia, pero en sí, todo el curso fue muy interesante, realmente excelente.
By amna i
•Aug 31, 2020
COURSERA is a best site to learn something new and knowledgeable Nutrition and Lifestyle in Pregnancy provides a huge knowledge to me for my future career. Thank you Coursera.
By Lisa
•Mar 25, 2022
While parts of this course went a little over my head due to only basic background in the sciences, I felt like it was both interesting and informative and enjoyed taking it.
By Filipe F
•Mar 26, 2018
In general, the course is very explainatory and rich, making the sources of the information available for further information and investigation, which is always an advantage.
By Bayan N A
•Sep 4, 2020
I learned a lot about feeding pregnant women, and this course added valuable information about the right sports for pregnant women and the nutrients needed during pregnancy.
By Sarah C
•Nov 28, 2017
Lots of important information packed into bite-size pieces and presented in a way that is also understandable to lay persons. Nicely presented, but not too much information.
By Depai M
•Dec 4, 2020
I'm currently on the field of food science and have little attention to nutrition. With this course, its somehow enlightens me on the nutrition and food for pregnant women.
By Laura H
•Sep 28, 2020
The course is a good basic primer for health care professionals needing an introduction on the most important messages to offer women planning and experiencing pregnancy.
By 任淑文
•Sep 10, 2019
What is the mostly interest me is the epigenic modification changing the genotype during the early stage of life, the machanism really opens up my eyes! Thx professor!
By Daniel F P
•Mar 28, 2020
I am an ultrasound technician working every day with pregnant women and I found this program quite useful and interesting to reinforce knowledge. Totally recommended.
By Alisse S
•Jul 9, 2018
Incredibly detailed and informative- breaks down many misconceptions as well as introduces new studies and insights to inform a healthy pregnancy. Highly recommended!
By Mohita C
•Jan 23, 2018
I really like all the professors and doctors. There is lot of knowledge and information I have collected. I am sure it is all of help in future. Thanks! Great work.
By Caroline C P S
•Nov 19, 2020
Excelente curso! Adquiri bastante bagagem cultural - além de tomar conhecimento de mitos. Linguagem concisa e técnica. Esquemas e explicações lúdicas, acessíveis.
By Sathishkumar r R M
•Jun 16, 2020
In nutrient and life style in pregnancy I gained knowledge and understand the importance of good nutrients and I know about what are the exercise should be done
By Fernanda M
•May 12, 2018
Excelente curso, utiliza ótimas referências e recomendações atuais. Indico o curso para profissionais de saúde e pessoas interessadas no tema gestação e nutrição.
By Deleted A
•Sep 26, 2017
I would recommend this course to public health, science and medical school students. I enjoyed the course very much and learned a lot from the material presented.
•Jan 16, 2021
Very good course structure. Very much helpful to provide proper knowledge and education to the pregnant ladies as well as those who want to plan for a pregnancy.