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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Sequence Models by DeepLearning.AI

30,646 ratings

About the Course

In the fifth course of the Deep Learning Specialization, you will become familiar with sequence models and their exciting applications such as speech recognition, music synthesis, chatbots, machine translation, natural language processing (NLP), and more. By the end, you will be able to build and train Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and commonly-used variants such as GRUs and LSTMs; apply RNNs to Character-level Language Modeling; gain experience with natural language processing and Word Embeddings; and use HuggingFace tokenizers and transformer models to solve different NLP tasks such as NER and Question Answering. The Deep Learning Specialization is a foundational program that will help you understand the capabilities, challenges, and consequences of deep learning and prepare you to participate in the development of leading-edge AI technology. It provides a pathway for you to take the definitive step in the world of AI by helping you gain the knowledge and skills to level up your career....

Top reviews


Oct 29, 2018

The lectures covers lots of SOTA deep learning algorithms and the lectures are well-designed and easy to understand. The programming assignment is really good to enhance the understanding of lectures.


Mar 13, 2024

Cant express how thankful I am to Andrew Ng, literally thought me from start to finish when my school didnt touch about it, learn a lot and decided to use my knowledge and apply to real world projects

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3526 - 3550 of 3,742 Reviews for Sequence Models

By Alessandro P

Jun 22, 2020

The lessons are very good as always, but I'd like to be tested more in the programming exercises rather than literally being told what to do and then fill in missing parts of already completed code. Still super glad I took the specialisation, it has been extremely helpful.

By Mason C

Sep 12, 2018

Had to rate this lower due to problem with the final assignment. Submission and saving situation was a nightmare, I had to redo my work several times. Please fix this, it's a real downer at the end of the course. Otherwise, content stellar as always.

By Ashvin L

Oct 22, 2018

The course content is pretty good for breadth. However, it falls short in going into depth. Assignments need to be more open-ended and probably a bit more involved. It appears that we are cutting and pasting code that is already written in comments.

By Oliverio J S J

Feb 12, 2019

This course presents an interesting review of several strategies that are part of the state of the art. However, it is impossible to assimilate how they work in the time devoted to each one. The "fill in the blanks" exercises do not help much.

By Arnon B

Feb 29, 2020

I would advise giving more tutorials about TensorFlow and Keras. Those are your main tools and eventually, in many cases we were only required to complete the gaps which don't give you a true understanding of how to use those frameworks.

By Jamal H

May 13, 2021

The assignments are more like quests - most of the time is spent guessing what is required. The changes made require more programming skills rather than the understanding of ML principles.

The "Attention" topic was not in good detail.

By Heming C

Feb 8, 2018

The programming exercises can be better polished, there was quite a few errors that caused unnecessary confusion to the students. Many times, I felt like I was fighting with the Keras/Tensorflow API rather than solving a ML problem.

By Ben R

Jun 27, 2019

Courses had some issues with the grader, and there were some instances where the expected output in the assignment didn't match the actual output, despite it being correct.

See forums for a range of complaints on the matter.

By Smith R S

Feb 3, 2019

Need more detailed explanation and programming assignments are way too easy.I would suggest to make advanced courses for people to improve their knowledge keeping all this courses also considering not all feel it very easy.

By sushil d

Apr 18, 2022

this one was quite fast, should cover transformer in details and also other NLP models like BERT, GPT, MORE QUIZES should to be added based on tranformer acrchitechture, GRU and LSTM should me made short as LSTM is dead

By João H

Nov 10, 2021

Every notebook was super well explained and made except the last one, which was very confusing, unfortunately. I did not enjoy doing that one :( Also, I think the transformers network were not deep explained as hoped.

By Nikhil Y

Dec 1, 2020

Video content is excellent but I am not very much happy with the assignment task. There should must also be some video content based on the assignment because the some codes some libraries are not taught.

By Dominik B

Apr 27, 2020

In comparison with other courses in this specialisation a lot of assignments were poor quality - vague descriptions and code logic (especially week1, asign 2 & 3) or just broken (last week3 assignment)

By Pier L L

Feb 14, 2018

With respect to the others, this one seems to be prepared almost in a hurry and the learning curve is very steep and sometimes the programming assignment don't have a nice progression as the others.

By saipuneet357 .

Feb 2, 2020

Videos were really informative and were equally interesting, but I believe that the programming assignments lacked a bit in clarity. The instructions were really unclear, it could have been better

By Lyn S

Apr 3, 2019

Quite a few bugs or abstractions in this course, in comparison to the others the projects feel a bit rushed and pushed together. Andrews's explanations and video lectures were still great though.

By 田奇

Mar 3, 2018

this course is the most difficult in deep learning specification, but i think Andrew NG should design more homework for word embeddings and bidirectional rnn, i do not understand how it works yet

By Iggy P

Apr 29, 2020

The course was great. However, coming from finance I was also hoping to see some examples which use time series so I can get a picture of how I can extend this knowledge to my specific domain.

By Ioannis B

May 27, 2020

The module was really good in explaining the concepts, but there wasn't any deep dive on the equations and mathematics behind with the results of making the code assignment harder to achieve.

By Farzad E

Jun 18, 2019

I gave 5 stars to other courses in this series but this one doesn't deserve 5 stars. There were many typos and bugs in the assignments compared to the other courses of the specialization.

By Rohit B

Sep 27, 2019

Video Lectures were excellent.

Assignments, however, were buggy and spoonfed you too much. I completed them, but on more than one occasion, I had no idea what the code was actually doing.

By Purin W

May 22, 2021

The lectures are wonderful as usual but the practical assignments are so extraordinarily perplexing that it does not seem to improve the learner's comprehension by a significant extent.

By Удимов Д А

Jun 28, 2020

Boring course:

Short videos instead of lections.

Copy-paste task instead of exercises.

Loading pretrained models instead of training.

Good full keras tutorial will be ten times more useful.

By Noam S

Oct 27, 2018

The lectures were not as good as the previous andrew ng. courses, and the exercises were quite bad in all honesty.

I do appreciate what I have learned, as the lectures WERE clear enough.