Jun 23, 2020
This was truly a deep and research-oriented course. This helped me in getting ahead with so much knowledge and skills. Thank you, CBS for coming up with something so creative and innovative like this!
Jul 15, 2020
Thoroughly enjoyed the course. A total new dimension for me, as far as marketing in concerned. Very well organized and demonstrated by the Instructor. The reference will help me in further studies.
By Miguel A M
•Sep 30, 2020
Great class, I would like it to have a harder method of grading at the end. but it was a great introduction to Neuromarketing, very helpful
By Giorgia B
•Mar 5, 2019
I loved it. It's full of new information and subject to study further. Personally I would have added even more case studies to the lessons,
By Cecil V
•Mar 1, 2021
I loved everything about this course. Great Prof, great material, great learning pace. I am excited to take another neuromarketing course!
By Vedha B
•Oct 1, 2020
This course seemed a bit difficult initially but was made simple and interesting with all the lecture videos, case studies and interviews.
By aish
•Jun 10, 2020
A wonderful course for with very informative interview sessions of business leaders and researchers.
My first step towards neuromarketing.
By Mikael A
•Nov 5, 2016
Finally a course on the subject, good insights and format with short videos on theory mixed with interviews with experts within the field.
By Kayra C
•Aug 5, 2017
Great! it was perfect for me. many really interesting videos and reading materials to fully understand what neuromarketing is all about.
By Andrea B
•Sep 10, 2020
Interesting and complete course; i really recommend to all the people that are interest to start to understand the Neuromarketing world.
By Sanjoy B
•Feb 6, 2024
The content compilation is very thoughtful. This field is going to be heard much more in near future. The Professor is amazing. Thanks
By Kjell G
•Nov 30, 2016
I had just sent a very positive review. I like to add that the discussion on ethics and laws after the course was finished were great.
By Froni H
•Mar 19, 2019
Excelente curso para estudiantes que están empezando a incursionar en este tema. La explicación de todos los temas es bastante clara.
By Hamid S
•May 28, 2017
Thank you very much. A great course. Wish you would also provide a full specialization program related to Neuro Marketing Management.
By Elena S
•Jul 16, 2020
Than you for such a comprehensive and easy to understand course! Clearly gives you an idea what neuroscience and neuromarketing are.
By Ana Q
•Mar 25, 2018
It was a very interesting course, where I learned a lot of new things and I still want to learn more about it. Thank You very much!!
By Wilmer G
•Apr 19, 2022
Excelente curso!!!
apremder en la forma correcta ccomo el neuromarketing se apodera de la toma de desicion de compra del consumidor.
By Supratim B
•Mar 9, 2019
A very good course! The study materials provided were excellent. Recommended if you want to have an introduction to neuromarketing.
By Ashish K
•Apr 7, 2018
This is a brilliant course for the beginners. Gives a lot of insights and the best part is, you can complete it in just five weeks.
By Elena G Á
•Jun 27, 2017
Highly recommended. Very interesting and enjoyable. You would get the basic notions about neuromarketing and consumer neuroscience
By Daniel M
•Jun 8, 2021
This is an incredible course, full of knowledge and the professor is a really nice teacher, he domains perfectly all the topics.
By Laura R G
•Aug 26, 2020
The selection of the reading material is excellent and so are the videos, I just wish the couse were updated with newer material.
By sara f
•Jun 26, 2020
Very good course. I found it very intersting and stimulating thanks to all the practice example it gives to understand the topic.
By Fahd Y
•Feb 9, 2019
Best intro course there is to this very niche, but powerful field on neuromarketing
-Sincerely a cognitive neuroscience researcher
By shubham d
•Mar 21, 2022
I would highly recommend this course to every Brand marketer, Digital marketer and all the consumer/customer interfacing folks .
By Sunanda B
•Jan 8, 2020
Very well explained. The reading material is absolutely insightful. Interviews make it best bridge from books to the real world.
By Eric Q
•Jun 8, 2020
i learned everything i expected and more. this is a new field for me so i am very satisfied with the amount i have learned here