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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Advanced Engineering Systems in Motion: Dynamics of Three Dimensional (3D) Motion by Georgia Institute of Technology

310 ratings

About the Course

This course is an advanced study of bodies in motion as applied to engineering systems and structures. We will study the dynamics of rigid bodies in 3D motion. This will consist of both the kinematics and kinetics of motion. Kinematics deals with the geometrical aspects of motion describing position, velocity, and acceleration, all as a function of time. Kinetics is the study of forces acting on these bodies and how it affects their motion. --------------------------- Recommended Background: To be successful in the course you will need to have mastered basic engineering mechanics concepts and to have successfully completed my course entitled Engineering Systems in Motion: Dynamics of Particles and Bodies in 2D Motion.” We will apply many of the engineering fundamentals learned in those classes and you will need those skills before attempting this course. --------------------------- Suggested Readings: While no specific textbook is required, this course is designed to be compatible with any standard engineering dynamics textbook. You will find a book like this useful as a reference and for completing additional practice problems to enhance your learning of the material. --------------------------- The copyright of all content and materials in this course are owned by either the Georgia Tech Research Corporation or Dr. Wayne Whiteman. By participating in the course or using the content or materials, whether in whole or in part, you agree that you may download and use any content and/or material in this course for your own personal, non-commercial use only in a manner consistent with a student of any academic course. Any other use of the content and materials, including use by other academic universities or entities, is prohibited without express written permission of the Georgia Tech Research Corporation. Interested parties may contact Dr. Wayne Whiteman directly for information regarding the procedure to obtain a non-exclusive license....

Top reviews


Nov 23, 2016

The instructor does a fascinating job of structuring and delivering the course material. The concepts are simplified and well explained with the help of practical applications and relevance.


Aug 20, 2019

Thanks a lot to such a helpful platform to have access to such competent & great teachers for them who don't have so in their university but they are passionate and curios to learn

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76 - 85 of 85 Reviews for Advanced Engineering Systems in Motion: Dynamics of Three Dimensional (3D) Motion

By Thamatam b K r

Sep 23, 2019



Sep 11, 2019


By Biyani R R

Sep 5, 2015

The Course material is great and is useful to refresh the concepts underlying dynamics of 3D motion in a short span of time. The course is very well structured and enjoyed thoroughly listening to the lectures by Dr. Whiteman. I have just one complaint though, model answers to the question in quiz are not available. So, it is difficult to compare the approach taken and validate the understanding.

By Yefta S

Nov 22, 2015

This course is very well done made. Again, I enjoyed the teaching of Mr. Wayne Whiteman very much.

By Tushar G

Aug 31, 2015

Nice course and awesome videos....Really loved it but some parts could have been simpler.

By Jeffrey B

Oct 14, 2019

Tough class, but very interesting lectures and examples.

By Vinod K M

Aug 18, 2019

Course is really good

By Yaswanth k R

Sep 8, 2019

Good for future

By Joshua K

Dec 19, 2016

Be warned - practice problems come from a textbook not available online or open-source. Forums do not offer much help or interaction. Material is presented clearly and lectures are well-delivered.

By Fahad A

Feb 14, 2020

Try to simple things don't make completed to explain as personly not think this course some what help due to lecture delvering is not a good