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Learner Reviews & Feedback for More C# Programming and Unity by University of Colorado System

614 ratings

About the Course

This course is the second course in the specialization about learning how to develop video games using the C# programming language and the Unity game engine on Windows or Mac. Why use C# and Unity instead of some other language and game engine? Well, C# is a really good language for learning how to program and then programming professionally. Also, the Unity game engine is very popular with indie game developers; Unity games were downloaded 16,000,000,000 times in 2016! Finally, C# is one of the programming languages you can use in the Unity environment. This course assumes you have the prerequisite knowledge from the previous course in the specialization. You should make sure you have that knowledge, either by taking that previous course or from personal experience, before tackling this course. Throughout this course you'll continue building your foundational C# and Unity knowledge by exploring more C# and Unity topics and finishing the Unity game you started at the end of the previous course. Module 1: Learn how we make decisions in our code Module 2: Learn how to get and use player input in your Unity games Module 3: Learn how to use iteration (looping) to repeat actions in your code Module 4: Learn how we can store lots of data in arrays and lists “Unity” is a trademark or registered trademark of Unity Technologies or its affiliates in the U.S. and elsewhere. This course is an independent work and is not sponsored by, authorized by, or affiliated with Unity Technologies or its affiliates...

Top reviews


Mar 22, 2018

Good course not sure I like having to rely on other students to grade my coursework. I have been waiting a while for my work to get graded and I am afraid that it will not be graded in time.


May 17, 2020

A perfect course on the internet to learn game programming for unity with several in course Practice excersices to make you grip strong, on what you just learned! Must take this course.

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26 - 50 of 129 Reviews for More C# Programming and Unity

By Luis B A N

Oct 28, 2021

This course was great and progressing and completing the assignments on the way was fun and it helped me honing my programming skills!

By Cristiano O d S

Feb 20, 2018

O curso é excelente o professor chamillard consegue transmitir muito bem a materia, o concurso é atualizado, resumindo otimo curso.

By Prameet A

Jul 17, 2020

if only I had a teacher like this in my class!!!

coding was so fun and frustrating at times I can easily recommend this to anyone

By Vicente L

Jun 1, 2020

the courses of the teacher are the best. The classes, the materials, the exercises and the assignments are very good. Excelente!

By Ugwuegbulam C

May 3, 2021

The Course is very interesting. I like the inVideo-Quizes. I like the application of the C# codes to the Unity game programming

By Furkan S

May 1, 2020

It was my second course taught by Dr. T. and it was as perfect as the first course. I will apply for the third course, too.

By Gazi F Z S

Aug 14, 2020

This course was very helpful for me to learn about Building classes, text i/o , and a little about audio in unity and c#


May 15, 2020

Very Interesting. For a complete newbie in programming maybe a little intimidating at the beginning but not impossible.

By Joseph F

Jun 10, 2024

Easy to understand instructions, numerous examples of each concept, and useful resources to help with understanding.

By Marek H

May 25, 2020

Enjoyed the course a lot, as always. Dr. T is a great lecturer, looking forward to the rest of the specialization.

By truth t

Mar 28, 2018

course material is prepared well so worth learning, Exercise and a real game project makes the course even better

By David F

May 31, 2020

This was another brilliantly presented, accessible and fun course from Dr. T and the team. Thank you very much!

By Cemalcan D

Mar 21, 2021

Thanks to this course, I increased and repeated my knowledge in game programming. It was a good experience.

By Ad E

Oct 9, 2018

Very well done course, with an excellent instructor and enjoyable exercises that complement the lectures.

By Muhammad M

Jun 29, 2020

I like the pace of the course. Love Dr.T's style of explanation and the curriculum is well thought out.

By Ieva R

Jun 20, 2022

very well explained with readings and exercises that help to understand and practice it better

By Shankha S S

May 29, 2021

This course was very helpful for my new game development journey. Thank you very much, Dr. T.

By Semenov N

Jan 29, 2019

Very good course, but you have to know some basics in C# and Unity, before start to learn it.

By Eugeniusz

Dec 20, 2022

Many thanks to Dr. T for this course, you really managed to make it useful and interesting!

By Vladyslav S

Dec 5, 2022

That was much more difficult comparing to the previous one but I love it so much!

By Kirill D

Sep 30, 2021

Good course that gives you a important information for making simple 2D games

By Duy N

Jun 8, 2019

Thanks I learn alot. and have a lot of fun trying to solve the solution.

By Sagor A

Jul 30, 2020

Awesome course. Learned a lot of new things. Thanks to the instructor.

By Ziad M

Mar 29, 2020

I Learned from this course a lot of programing in c# and unity physics


Jun 21, 2020

It was a great experience learning with Dr. T. He is a great teacher.