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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Machine Learning: Regression by University of Washington

5,574 ratings

About the Course

Case Study - Predicting Housing Prices In our first case study, predicting house prices, you will create models that predict a continuous value (price) from input features (square footage, number of bedrooms and bathrooms,...). This is just one of the many places where regression can be applied. Other applications range from predicting health outcomes in medicine, stock prices in finance, and power usage in high-performance computing, to analyzing which regulators are important for gene expression. In this course, you will explore regularized linear regression models for the task of prediction and feature selection. You will be able to handle very large sets of features and select between models of various complexity. You will also analyze the impact of aspects of your data -- such as outliers -- on your selected models and predictions. To fit these models, you will implement optimization algorithms that scale to large datasets. Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course, you will be able to: -Describe the input and output of a regression model. -Compare and contrast bias and variance when modeling data. -Estimate model parameters using optimization algorithms. -Tune parameters with cross validation. -Analyze the performance of the model. -Describe the notion of sparsity and how LASSO leads to sparse solutions. -Deploy methods to select between models. -Exploit the model to form predictions. -Build a regression model to predict prices using a housing dataset. -Implement these techniques in Python....

Top reviews


May 4, 2020

Excellent professor. Fundamentals and math are provided as well. Very good notebooks for the’s just that turicreate library that caused some issues, however the course deserves a 5/5


Jun 24, 2016

An in-depth overview of the regression techniques and models. I think it went as deep into the concepts as I wanted it to go. Being a developer I found it quite understandable, and useful.Keep it up!

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826 - 850 of 1,000 Reviews for Machine Learning: Regression

By Yury N


Jun 9, 2016

Really good course. Provides basic theoretical and hands on knowledge in the regression.

Step by step programming quiz some times not demonstrate enough best practices or conceptual ideas. For example I would expect that if at step 1 we asked to assess performance based on single feature then at step 2 based on several features and compare results. But in most of the cases such comparison not proposed and results not explained. In addition it is not always clear why prediction accuracy better or worse.

By Manuel T F


May 28, 2017

Great course! To be very honest it was a challenge and you made me learn a lot. Wait a second, that was the goal, right?

A couple of times I couldn't know why my answers in the quizzes were wrong. Besides, in general I found the level of the programming asignments quite fine.

Things you are doing right:

+ Tests in the programming assignments to ensure we are coding correctly

+ Constructive approach

Things you can improve:

- I can't think of something right now, so I guess it is indeed a great course!

By Charles G


Feb 7, 2016

Great course! Good balance of theory and practical application. I'm glad that we didn't use GraphLab as much as in the first course and more exercises were implementing the algorithms.

My one recommendation for improvement would be to revise some of the assignments with an eye for making the instructions more clear. There were a few--particularly week 5--where I understood the concepts, but it was very unclear what exactly we were being asked to do.

Looking forward to the next course!

By Siamak S


Jan 25, 2016

This course touches on basic concepts quite nicely and should help students with adequate math background to gain a good understanding of regression on both high and low level.

A text book and optional exercises could help attain better theoretical ground for regression. In general, references and suggested reading are missing from this specialization.

I would also like to see optional programming assignments on publicly available data sets other than the repeatedly used house prices data.

By Leo B


Apr 26, 2017

The material in this course is very interesting. I feel comfortable with the concepts and algorithms. I am definitely prepared to utilize these skills in an entry-level manner - it will take some hands-on practice with real datasets to build expertise, understand the nuances of these approaches and expand my knowledge base. I recommend a decent level of comfort with programming. I completed the Python for Everybody specialization, but still struggled with the programming in this course.

By Zeph G


Jan 1, 2016

This gives a nice survey of the techniques and approaches of Linear Regression. Lectures are structured well, and mathematical derivations are provided as optional lectures. Each week has a quiz that goes over the material, as well as programming assignments that are meant to provide a higher level understanding via Dato's GraphLab Create, as well as lower level understanding with Numpy.

I am dropping a star because some portions of the programming exercises seemed to be contrived.

By vacous


Jul 23, 2017

The material is very good and well explained into details.

However, doing the coding quiz could be kind of frustrating, as there is nothing provided for debugging. Before actually doing the quiz, there is no way that you can know if your code is completely correct. And for those who chose to use sklearn instead of graphlab, there could be some unnecessary struggle in the coding assignments.

Overall, I really appreciate the well organized content in the lessons. Good work!!!

By Tanya T


May 2, 2020

The course content is very good, well described and easy to follow (with a bit of concentration!). However, given I was coding in sklearn I found that the time it took me to code and run through demos took me a significantly longer time. On one week I spent an entire 8 hours coding to finish that week alone. further support could be made available for those coding in other languages and responses to forum questions would be great,

By Adrian L


Aug 9, 2020

A very detailed approach for beginners (like me) to understand what is under the bonnet or behind scenes the already popular and developed Regression models available in most of the python ML libraries.

Takes you into a deep (i my opinion) and understandable journey into the Regression world, it statistical reason and explanations on why do the models do what they do and how can we optimize it results based on our targets.

By Conrad T


Jun 9, 2016

This was a deep dive into all things regression and I guess having a background in mathematics helped out a lot with following the material. However, I wish there was a better distribution of quizzes and assignments throughout the weekly lessons because they seemed to all come during the end of the lesson. All in all this was a very good course and I wish that I would have taken a similar course during my undergrad.

By Bahram A


Feb 6, 2021

I give this course a 4-start rate; it was a very informative and well-structured course. The only downside of this course is that they used some proprietary library, which has changed significantly since they used it. However, they updated the documents and added some tips on achieving the same result with open-source modules such as Pandas and NumPy. Finally, week 5 wasn't as good as the rest of the program.

By Tim J


Jan 19, 2016

An excellent overview of regression techniques in Machine Learning, with a very well thought-out balance between explaining concepts, providing enough maths to support the concepts (even with some optional "deep dive" lessons). For those interested in the really technical details, I think this course is an excellent start to get a grip on the concepts before diving into formal proofs. Highly recommended.

By Thomas H


Dec 11, 2015

Really enjoyed the course - I did well, but this is really in-depth material. I feel like it would be really difficult to implement an ML regression algorithm from scratch in a job material.

I would like to see more interactivity in the lectures (short-quizzes interspersed in the videos) in addition to the long programming assignments at the end of the course.


By Ramesh S


May 1, 2018

Ridge regression could have been explained better. The best explanation was for kNN; perhaps this could have been the first module; since it is so disjointed from the others anyway.

The main reason I am rating this lower than 5 is because the notebooks for the assignments were only Graphlab based. Please do consider also giving notebooks that use pandas/numpy only.

By Andrew T


Jan 12, 2016

This was much more in-depth than the intro course in the sequence, which was exactly what I was hoping for.

I still think that it could stand to be more challenging. Perhaps the instructors might offer some optional, more challenging exercises. Or, maybe students could choose an alternate "challenge version" of the homework that contains fewer hints.

By Danielle S


Dec 21, 2015

Wonderful lectures and good assignments. Very, very clear presentations.

Minor drawbacks: there's no assistance available for the assignments (which can be quite difficult). The quizzes require sometimes information that is not directly available in the video lectures.

Note that it takes more hrs per week than mentioned (but it's worthwhile!).

By Marco A


Sep 2, 2017

It is interesting to understand how the gradient descent and other optimization algorithms works but it took al lot of time. In my opinion, that time could be used with another examples and practicals applications and even programming practical algorithms. After all, the course is very good produced! I will recommend it! Congratulations!

By M C


Sep 6, 2017

Better than the first one, however I feel that some material was missing and that the last week was rushed. It is sad the don't talk about XGBoost and other recent algorithms for regression (Elasticnet and so on). I also think they should only focus on using Numpy/Scipy instead of closed source software they recommend.

By Himanshu S J


May 4, 2020

It was a great learning, concepts are explained in so simple manner. Thank you.

On the exercise, i think it would be better to test concept than the actual result value as different people uses different python packages and sometime result may differ slightly which make it difficult to pass. Overall simply Great!

By K S


Mar 1, 2016

Good introduction to linear regression. The quizzes are moderately difficult, and can be somewhat time consuming. There is a lot of depth to this topic, and tho this course touches on a lot of it, it won't be enough to get a very thorough understanding. In general I'm really glad I took this course

By Owen M


Feb 22, 2016

The course was mostly well taught, and having the two programming assignments each week was useful. One so you could learn the technique, and another so you could learn the underlying algorithm. Some of the topics were occasionally light and too fast on the detail, but overall a very good course.

By Tarek M s


Dec 24, 2017

This course is better than the previous one is this specialization the video lectures very good and topics but programming assignments looks to designed to use sframe and graphlab so it has some problems but this time there is better supporting for sklearn and pandas so i recommend this course

By Carin N


Jun 5, 2019

The courses get better and have more assistance for those of us who can't / didn't use graph lab. It is still outdated as python 3 came out after the course was created. But did learn a lot of stuff. Module 4 was the most frustrating as you'll get the wrong answers if you use pandas/sklearn.

By Matthew G


Oct 30, 2016

Good course that covers the intuitions and goes a bit deeper with the implementation. Main down point is the fact that they try to get you to use graph frames and the alternative pandas route is often a bit of an afterthought, occasionally leading to trouble/confusion with certain quizzes.

By Howard M


Jun 12, 2018

The course dealt with implementing the key regression algorithms from scratch as well as tuning the hyper parameters using cross validation and observing what the pros and cons of each algorithm was.The course explained the maths/stats knowledge well and I would recommend it.