Jan 26, 2019
I learned a lot from this online course especially the skills in media literacy. Thank you very much University of Pennsylvania. God bless to all staff and the people behind this program. More power!
Feb 8, 2019
This course helps people to b knowledgeable in a very accessible way. Through Coursra you can study even in different places. Also you will get a Certificate that will be valubale to every learner.
By Taissiya M
•Feb 12, 2020
This course was of a great pleasure and great opportunity to me. I have not only learned about media literacy but also notices some good methods of how to teach this ssubjects to others. I am going to recommend this course to my friends and students.
By Loubna H
•Aug 15, 2020
From this course, I learned some things that I was ignorant of about the world of media. Grammar
lessons also helped me improve pronunciation and writing, in addition to new English words
This course is complete in all respects and deserves 5 stars.
By Sadykova A
•Feb 5, 2022
I enjoyed this course. great teaching staff, very nice content and intersting tasks. I learned a lot. Sure that my new knowleges and skills will be helpful in my professional career. And I will continue to study on Coursera. Thank you very much.
By Gulizor A
•Jul 28, 2021
I want to express my gratitude to the organizers of the program. It was really helpful. I saw the media from the different perspective I really started analyzing every pieces of information before accepting it, Thanks again and all the best.
By Hagie B
•May 22, 2020
In my opinion, we have been using media with lots of bias without noticing it but now I can use social media by making sure I avoid all sort of bias especially to people from different background n culture, tribe, language or even color.
By Shahab Y
•May 6, 2020
It was the first course that I went through until completion on Coursera. It was a well-made course with very little in the way of the main content promised by the course. Straight to the point and delivered perfectly by the instructors.
By Nguyen T T T
•Jun 2, 2017
The course is well-organized and systematically presented, so it's quite easy to followed. However, some of the linguistic points and exercises seem to be too basic compared to content of Media Education that learners need to go through.
By Maria L D
•Jan 28, 2018
Glad I was able to take this course. It made me think first of all the media that I am encountering everyday life. Hope people will also have that kind of knowledge that I had after taking this course. And this will start with myself.
By Tolybayeva K
•Mar 14, 2020
I knew much more about media literacy, for example, that information that we read on a different kind of resources have true or false information. Although by replacing it, it can be bias by placement, bias by omission, bias by spin.
By Marcio A M d S
•Mar 20, 2020
I want to take this opportunity to thank every one who made this course available online. Thanks for the University of Pennsylvania team's and all the colleagues that shared their point of views and helped me evaluating my tasks.
By Арина Б
•Apr 29, 2018
I enjoyed the course and I want to thank all the people who contributed to it. The knowledge, the texts and test that were in this course helped me understand media way better. It really helps to learn how to think critically.
By Nuryaman
•Jul 2, 2023
Thank you very much for this great lesson. I love learning with this theme and all the materials in it. I know much about media literacy and how I can emerge critical thinking skills to understand information better today.
By Marina N
•Apr 9, 2022
Everything was great! I 've got a lot ob useful information and I am going to share it with my students and colleagues!
It was very professionally done just beginning with clear videos to clear tasks and tests.
Thanks a lot!
By Mina G
•Apr 24, 2020
This is a great introduction to issues in media literacy as well as other important skills related to critical reading and grammar. The articles and assignments were interesting and I really enjoyed the peer review format.
By Dina
•May 15, 2018
I really learned a lot from this course. I definitely love to enroll more courses in coursera. Thank you for sharing your knowledge to us for free. Special thanks to University of Pennsylvania. You are a blessing to us.
By Yongli W
•Jan 9, 2019
Nowadays we live in society with information flooded, the course of "English for Media Literacy" give a way to analyze the information and help people to build their critical thinking. It's great for students!
By Dat N
•Feb 20, 2018
This is a very good course for English learners. The videos and texts are very informative and understandable, the quizzes are fun and over all you can learn new skills which you can apply in your daily life.
By alexander
•May 7, 2017
For me, this course have been a great experience and I've learned new skills to view social media with a new look. I appreciate all people who made possible this course come success for us. Thanks so much!!!
By Zamzagul K
•Mar 16, 2023
Great course! It was perfectly designed and performed in a brilliant way. The instructors are real experts in teaching and professionals in online guiding learners. The content is informative and useful!
By Alla M
•May 24, 2018
The teachers are extremely cool! Thank you so much for such an interesting course. Now it's awesome to be aware of all loopholes in social media and to be able to understand all the media information.
By Assel A
•May 5, 2022
It was very gormative and useful! Thank you very much for giving me such an oppotinity. Before courses I did not know about the bias, their types. Now I can identify socail and traditional media.
By Alyona S
•Mar 20, 2020
The most informative and easy-to-follow course! There are a lot of interesting and useful topics not only about media literacy itself but also some grammar issues. I loved it, thank you veru much!
By Кадралиева Г Н
•May 31, 2022
I liked Courser's classes. I learned a lot about the media. And also was informed about the bias, the types of bias. All the videos and tasks were fascinating and interesting for me.
By Gulbahor U
•Nov 15, 2022
I definitely become more Media Literated person, with analizing, asking myself 5 questions and being suspisious about bias of information, news, images and many other upcoming stuff
By Gulmira S
•Sep 15, 2022
I am happy that I have enrolled in this course! I gained so much useful information. I think everyone should apply for it and enrich their knowledge. Thank you for this opportunity!