Aug 2, 2018
Gives a clear idea about MBSE covering basics of all the major fields related to MBSE and MBE. Also, informs about self assessment tool and various levels of assessment during complete life cycle.
Apr 8, 2021
This course is very informative regarding the future technology or industry. I would like to thanks Sir, Ken English for sharing his knowledge and experience to make this course very informative.
By Peter
•Dec 2, 2020
Needed projects this course was too much information with no way to apply it.
By Dominik W
•Oct 9, 2023
the course was not too engaging, some information was being repeated
By Andreas L
•Jan 25, 2019
To less information about SysML and Effect Chains
•Sep 25, 2020
a bit boring but has good blend of knowledge
By André D
•Jul 6, 2020
Unfortunately MBSE wasn't the main Topic...
By Ankit T
•Jan 24, 2022
Useful introduction to the concept of MBSE
By Carola
•Aug 17, 2024
molto teorico
By Shamba M
•Mar 20, 2023
By Bozhidar B
•Jul 11, 2020
The course in a standalone format, outside of the specialization, has a few moments which are quite difficult to understand as they refer to previous courses of the specialization.
The quizzes are not very well done as they expect you to fill in the exact same word that the lecturer used (even when it's a verb or a noun) and often those are mentioned once and not even displayed on the slides. On a couple of occasions, I had to rewatch the videos multiple times to find the specific word the instructor used. An example would be that "MES system" is correct but "MES systems" is not wrong even though both would fit grammatically in the quiz sentence.
By Rick D
•Oct 19, 2021
The videos merely consist of the professor citing lists of definitions form several standards and do not contain practical examples. The scope of MBE is purely on designing and building 'simple' parts of systems and the cyber-physical element (how to handle software in complex systems) is not discussed anywhere. A significant emphasis lays on executing an MBE Self-Assessment (something most SE will never perform).
By Xiaoting Q
•Nov 28, 2019
Thanks for providing the basic introduction into the MBSE. Some suggestions for further improvement: 1. Proper slides to support structured learning. Simply video introduction didn't help a lot to understand such a complex topic. 2. Proper hand-out to follow up more easily. 3. Quiz only focused on the literal definitions, quiz/exercise to support deeper understanding could be more helpful.
By Sumeet M
•Jun 7, 2020
The transcripts of the guest lecturer should be divided into more paragraphs.
In the 2nd and 4th assignment the answers to some of the questions are exactly the same as depicted or explained in the video but in the assignment it shows that the answer is wrong.
By Timo K
•Dec 7, 2021
Very high level introduction to the concept of MBE not MBSE specifically. Acronyms and concepts mixed throughout and poorly structured at times. No details just referencing commercial websites or old barely readable papers.
By Konstantin P
•May 1, 2020
The course teaching some technical term but there are no exercises or any concepts that are learned during it. Matlab, Simulink and Ansys have also not being used. I would not say that this would be useful when I am working.
By David T
•May 26, 2022
Very informative on principals but not great on how to introduce this learning to an organisation. Also needs to show what the various levels of the Model Based Enterprise look like and how they differ in practice
By Florian S
•Jul 23, 2020
Quiz answers are not shown correct even if they supposed to be correct.
Topic is presented too theoretical without fitting practical examples, not relevant for my work,
By Sidi D
•Oct 27, 2024
Il ya beaucoup de discours. Au moins vous auriez pu présenter un ou 2 outils MBSE et les mettre en pratique
By Alan R
•Jun 29, 2020
For what it was, it was an ok course. I was hoping for and expecting a SysML focused discussion
By Philipp H
•Feb 24, 2022
I can just agree with the other 2-star ratings.
By Gathercole C
•May 19, 2021
Ok, quite dry
By Robert V
•Oct 27, 2023
Too much Why, enough What and too less How: Too much a salespitch explaining why MBSE is good, just enough explanation about what MBSE is and too less explaining how to apply MBSE. For example the course explains which diagrams there are, without showing how they look like and what the notation is. Also I would expect that using examples can be useful, but no examples are used at all. Many useful details can be found in the reference materials, which are free available on the internet/youtube. However, many of the url's are outdated.
By Nikita K
•Nov 23, 2024
Very short course, without any examples and illustrations. Just two guys briefly listing the definitions and attributes of MBSE. A lot of time dedicated to assessment of the dedication of enterprise to MBSE (in terms of just listing the features). Maybe just not what I needed.
By Matthew H
•Sep 21, 2022
This shouldn't be advertised as an MBSE course - most of it was about Model Based Enterprise. Presented material was very light weight and a whole week was wasted going through a spreadsheet developed by NIST to assess an organisations MBE maturity.
•Oct 8, 2020
The Course certificate contains only logo and not the name of the university which puts a question on the authenticity of the certificate.