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Learner Reviews & Feedback for MBSE: Model-Based Systems Engineering by University at Buffalo

840 ratings

About the Course

This Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) course and the Digital Thread courses featured earlier in this specialization bring together the concepts from across digital manufacturing and design, forming a vision in which the geometry of a product is just one way of describing it. MBSE is where the model resulting from the evolution of system requirements, design, analysis, verification and validation activities is the focus of design and manufacturing. Students will gain an understanding of systems engineering, the model-based approach to design and manufacturing, the Digital Twin, and a roadmap toward a model-based enterprise. Students will be able to explain the value and expectations of systems engineering and model-based systems engineering, and the underlying motivations and opportunities represented by a model-based enterprise. They will develop the knowledge necessary to perform a baseline assessment of an organization’s potential to leverage MBSE. Main concepts of this course will be delivered through lectures, readings, discussions and various videos. This is the eighth course in the Digital Manufacturing & Design Technology specialization that explores the many facets of manufacturing’s “Fourth Revolution,” aka Industry 4.0, and features a culminating project involving creation of a roadmap to achieve a self-established DMD-related professional goal. To learn more about the Digital Manufacturing and Design Technology specialization, please watch the overview video by copying and pasting the following link into your web browser:

Top reviews


Aug 2, 2018

Gives a clear idea about MBSE covering basics of all the major fields related to MBSE and MBE. Also, informs about self assessment tool and various levels of assessment during complete life cycle.


Apr 8, 2021

This course is very informative regarding the future technology or industry. I would like to thanks Sir, Ken English for sharing his knowledge and experience to make this course very informative.

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1 - 25 of 224 Reviews for MBSE: Model-Based Systems Engineering

By Shelley S

Apr 19, 2020

This course was not at all what I expected. It focused on why MBSE is a good idea for individuals and organizations. The topics were discussed superficially. The quizzes were mundane and lacked depth and nuance, with inexplicable penalties for write-in answers that directly matched quotes from the course. I was already convinced MBSE was a good idea, but was looking for practical examples, skills, and exercises on how to *do* it. I did learn some things in this course that I didn't know before, but not the knowledge I was seeking. The audio quality is also terrible. This did not meet my expectations compared to other paid courses here on Coursera.

By Fabio F

Nov 7, 2019

Very General overview of the opportunities of Model Based System Engineering, the course provides basic info, useful only as introduction for non-professional on the topic.

Could be an introduction in case a self-assessment on an organization is required on use of Model Based Sy Eng.

By Connor W

Jan 11, 2020

More examples were needed. Very monotone and it was hard to differentiate between key points and supplementary information. It needed more flow and I definitely had a hard time at many points visualizing what was being taught beyond a basic definition.

By Christopher C

Jul 19, 2021

Imagine a scenario where you are working in a large organisation as a systems engineer, one day your manager asks you to look at the feasibility of switching a project to a more MBSE approach but you only have minimal knowledge of MBSE specifics. If this is you then save your time, this "course" is about trying to sell you on the idea of MBSE rather than telling you how to approach implementing MBSE.

Plus I think the tutors got a little confused over what the course was supposed to be about between weeks 2 and 3 with it suddenly becoming a course on a model based enterprise not you know model based systems engineering, they even refer to it as an MBE course in later videos.

By Sunny K

May 9, 2022

My formal education is in engineering but not specifically in systems engineering. I am about to start a job as a senior systems engineer after accumulating work experience. I took both the introduction to systems engineering course from University of Buffalo and this MBSE course in order to start developing a more formal background. The MBSE course was not helpful. I learned close to nothing. I took away only a single page of notes. For comparison, I wrote 17 pages for the intro course from University of Buffalo. The reason why this course is unhelpful is that weeks 2 and 3 come off as a sales pitch for systems engineering. I do not need half the course to convince me that systems engineering is useful. Most people who are interested in systems engineering understand that already. I wanted to learn specific approaches and techniques that I can use to be a better systems engineer. There are no in-depth use cases covered in this course. I would suggest that the instructors rework the course to include various example projects and go in detail on exactly what a systems engineer might do from beginning to end of the product lifecycle. This way, we can get a sense for how to utilize MBSE tools and for how different tools might be better suited to different projects/enterprise scales (e.g. small medical device vs large aerospace vs medium software company).

By Dana A

Feb 8, 2021

This is the best online MBSE course I have taken. It is clear and easy to understand without being overly simplified. The course describes and gives relevant examples of the material.

By Matheus S

Nov 1, 2021

The course title is misleading, less than a quarter of it is dedicated to MBSE. Most of the content is related to MBE and a whole week is spent summarizing a NIST table.

Also the course material is in part of low quality: there are some typos in the presentation, the audio has some hiss on it, some reference links do not work and the quizes seems like a were done with low effort by them (some questions dont' make sense, others are only a question of common sense).

By Harsh K D

Aug 3, 2018

Gives a clear idea about MBSE covering basics of all the major fields related to MBSE and MBE. Also, informs about self assessment tool and various levels of assessment during complete life cycle.


Jun 27, 2020

Without coursera very difficult to learn various university courses in globally. For me it is very good platform to learn various areas of subject with renowned professors. Thank to Coursera.

By Somnath D

Feb 4, 2020

Very exhaustive and informative..would greatly benefit my academics and my profession.. recommend this to others engaged in Digital Manufacturing / IOT / System Engineering domain

By Abhishek N

Jun 15, 2020

It is one of the best courses I have come across for MBSE. It rightly pushes the need of bringing the modelling practices for any enterprise.

By Pilli B C

Jan 12, 2020

Its a good course and helpful for my work related

By Sandeep M

May 29, 2020

Assignments are not upto the mark. References are good.

By Parth P

Jan 27, 2023

Starting was very informative. But week 4 could be more helpful. And the course name is misleading. It is not really about MBSE at all! Where is detailed information about MBSE tools and models? The course name could be "MBSE introduction in an organization/ How to proceed for MBSE as an organization". Waste of time for a student or an individual.

By Elango G

Nov 9, 2021

Majorly the tutorial is referring to other sources available across youtube and various website. Own content is very low portion of the entire course. I didn't expect this. I thought the complete course will be by the Tutor from UB. Only positive point the interview from David Long ESEP. His interview provides lot of insight into the course rather than the actual speaker. His interview points are very precise and to the point

By Allen H

Sep 29, 2021

It's pretty much one long sales pitch for MBSE. I don't need a sales pitch, I need more substance. I was hoping (based off the course description) that the course would discuss more about what a Systems Engineer does.

By Shashank N

May 14, 2021

A fantastic overview of the Model-Based approach to systems engineering! Covers a wide field of topics ranging from various conventional definitions of system engineering, model based engineering and transition from conventional systems engineering methods to MBSE, modelling languages used to devise and develop systems architecture, namely SysML, all the way to Model Based Enterprise (MBE). A great course for beginners wanting to get familiar with model based systems engineering.

By Rikkin A

May 11, 2020

A complete overview of Model based System engineering that is currently emerging topic in the Industry 4.0 era specially for SMEs. The Course is a must if you are an industrial or Mechanical Engineer working in the field of design or analysis and Manufacturing. Also for the persons who are keen to transform their role or organisation from traditional approach to MBSE. Devote 100% of your time and attention and you will make the most out of it.

By Jack H

Mar 22, 2022

This was a fantastic course that taught me about a subject I knew very little about. Mr. English was a great speaker and was nice to listen to. This course gave great insight into something I always wondered about, how do race teams and aerospace companies make a brand new race car or plane from scratch within such a small timeframe.

By Fasai S

Feb 6, 2022

It's an eye opening course. I really enjoy the value that I can bring to my work. The course materials and the instructors' teaching styles are nice and appropriate (Easy to understand but not too simple in the level that we don't get anything). No peer grade assessments (and I like that!). Tons of references that are very useful.


Mar 16, 2020

Course is very insightful and gives a great overview of the model based engineering system. Some of the references need to be updated as they are no longer available (and additional readings); however, that did not take away from the concept that was being presented in this class.


Nov 5, 2023

The concepts are systematically covered. The application of MBSE from small businesses to large-scale industries is progressively implemented. MBSE brings revolution at all levels of the organization. The course instructor's explanation and course materials are excellent.

By Rabindranath R

Jan 15, 2019

the course is very short and informative. It provides MBSE concept in very simple approach and also suggest how systematically we can assess the MBE practices in the organization and follow recommended practices at different level to reach ultimate goal.

By Leila

Mar 8, 2023

Absolutely outstanding quick overview of MBSE offering excellent context and interviews with the past INCOSE President. Well done! Thank you. I have referenced this course again, nearly 3 years after I completed it. Wonderful reference material.

By Michal W

Dec 22, 2023

I am INCOSE ASEP certified and I am happy to say this course was very good. There were links to paid content or blocked for my region yt videos but I do not care (a few) be I benefited from the overall structure and concepts. I recommend it!