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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Managing as a Coach by University of California, Davis

2,173 ratings

About the Course

Do you (or do you want to) manage employees? Have you ever wondered how to get better performance out of those you manage? Are you unsure if you are communicating effectively with your employees? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then this course – and its associated specialization – is for you! Leadership and management responsibilities have changed dramatically, particularly in the last decade. In order to be an effective manager in increasingly fast-paced and complex organizational environments, coaching has become essential. In this course, you will learn what coaching is and learn how to differentiate between it and all of the other myriad roles managers are expected to perform – managing, mentoring, leading, and training. You’ll learn about the importance of strong leadership and learn to describe your current point of view as a leader, and evaluate when to adjust your thinking in order to be more effective in managing and leading in a rapidly evolving workplace. And finally, you’ll be introduced to the Thought Model, a coaching technique you can use to develop better thinkers and better performers. So if you’re ready to learn all about how to be a more effective and valued manager using coaching techniques, join us as we explore more successful managing through coaching!...

Top reviews


Nov 17, 2017

A great course for the beginners. The videos are short and easy to comprehend. The slides can be downloaded in PDF - i find it very convenient as i can share some of those slides with my colleagues.


Dec 9, 2018

Very practical basics for all managers with some knowledge how to lead a team, but without big picture and background principles. I will use it for all my people willing to start with management.

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1 - 25 of 645 Reviews for Managing as a Coach

By Emmanuel M

Nov 18, 2017

A great course for the beginners. The videos are short and easy to comprehend. The slides can be downloaded in PDF - i find it very convenient as i can share some of those slides with my colleagues.

By Petr M

Dec 10, 2018

Very practical basics for all managers with some knowledge how to lead a team, but without big picture and background principles. I will use it for all my people willing to start with management.

By Pia A

Jun 22, 2019

Wow! This course has been applicable not just to the challenges I'm facing as a new manager, but how I approach challenges in areas outside of work as well. I feel like the last 2 modules were teaching me how to think in a whole new way, while the first 2 shaped my perspective as to what my responsibilities as a manager are.

By Janet W

Aug 27, 2020

This was a great course to help reinforce the need to approach issues with the mindset of a coach. It will enable me to have much more productive conversations with people as we work through problems.

By Mohammad A R

Aug 28, 2020

This is a simple common sense course that helps you integrate and strengthen your learning and practices as a Manager. Using practical experiences and real-life examples the course makes you understand the role of a manager and the requirement of coaching. Using the thought model the course teaches how to analyse a problem and also provides tools to find out desired results using the same model backward. I personally liked the contents and deliberation of the course and these are useful for me.

By Subramanian V

Jun 28, 2016

This Course is Excellent, bu all means.

Teaches the Nuances of all the Roles: Leader, Manager, Mentor, Trainer and Coach.

The Trainer Kris Plachyis awesome. Excellent Delivery Skills.

By Kiera R K

Nov 1, 2016

While I was only auditing this class, it has easily been the MOST useful Coursera class that I have taken thus far. The examples were realistic and relatable and helped me see where I can improve by increasing my self-awareness and giving me tools to think through current and future situations. This is a great and informative class, particularly if you are a fledgling manager like myself or finding yourself stuck and/or feeling disconnected from your staff!

By Érika A C

Mar 2, 2016

Excelente curso. Explicações claras e consistentes que me fez refletir sobre minhas ações no trabalho e sobre minha carreira.

Valeu muito a pena e não vejo a hora de começar o próximo.

By Michael B

Aug 13, 2018

While the Facilitator may be knowledgeable, the course has a HORRIBLE format. The Facilitator often giggles during the presentation which MIGHT work if this was a LIVE presentation. Also she uses of the phrase "a lot" frequently and that detracts greatly from the value of the course.

Introductory portions are poorly produced with background music that is louder than the Facilitator.

The course CONTENT is good, and is very helpful.

By Marie C

Oct 14, 2021

poor, the course as great but I cant complete the peer reviews because there are none there to review.

I need to complete this course quickly and I cant because I have to wait for submissions. This was not mentioned before I satrted the course. Now Ive wasted so much time and no certificate to show for it!

By Kerry T

Jun 5, 2019

I love this course - I'm a new manager who inherited a challenging employee and I needed coaching skills quickly. The content is excellent, and the assignment really drove home the point. I am actually using my peer assignment as my plan to address a critical performance issue with my employee. I feel much more confident in my skills as a manager and coach, and I look forward to putting it all into practice.

By Elizabeth S

Mar 25, 2018

This is a great course where the coach also learns about him- or herself and easily understands how to apply the thought model in coaching conversations. It is a welcome method that simplifies complicated situations where the coachee is empowered. This is what I have found extremely valuable because coachees do not want to be manipulated but understand and learn during the coaching conversations.

By Graziella B

Aug 24, 2021

Great course, great applicable reflective tools, and most of all, GREAT INSTRUCTOR. So glad I participated to this course. It's really worth the effort!

By Simona B S

Mar 18, 2020

Excellent course! Very well structured and understandable. The Thought model is a great toll that we can use both at work and at home

By Hettiarachchige D C K M

May 10, 2021

Great course. This gave me a great insight about how different things which I have neglected impact on how people around us perform.

By Daniel F R

Nov 6, 2018

Loved the course!!! Really straight to the point. Worth studying.

By Mark J

May 23, 2018

This course seems to split a lot of hairs for very little benefit: Is XYZ a Circumstance (fact), Action (also a fact), or Result (also a fact). Is it a thought or a feeling? but "I'm feeling overwhelmed" is a thought. While being able to tell the difference between a fact and a feeling is a good thing, trying to split some hairs is just consultant speak for give me a lot of money to confuse you. The videos of the leader of linked in give more substance than part 3 of this course.

To some degree, some of what she is trying do is convince use the King's new clothes are beautiful, but some of it is just bluster without substance.

Does she believe what she is teaching? Maybe, but she seems to worry more about definitions than substance

By Amit B

Dec 11, 2019

Content was good, also explained all scenarios with good examples. Need more practical course material to be applied in day to day managing team issues.

By Anastasios S

Dec 18, 2018

Good description of the Thought Model. More lessons may be added on how to coach your employees (with more examples, how-to, etc.).

By Bonnie S

Jan 16, 2019

The course had some good information and I was interested in the material but did not want to wait a month to get a paper graded in order to move to the next section.

By Hirung

Nov 6, 2024

1. Memberikan Bimbingan dan Arahan: Pembina bertugas memberikan bimbingan dan arahan kepada anggota organisasi atau kelompok yang dipimpinnya. Ini termasuk membantu mereka memahami visi dan misi organisasi serta bagaimana mencapainya. 2. Mengembangkan Keterampilan Anggota: Pembina harus mampu mengidentifikasi kebutuhan pengembangan keterampilan anggota dan menyediakan pelatihan atau sumber daya yang diperlukan untuk membantu mereka berkembang. 3. Membangun Kerjasama dan Komunikasi: Menciptakan lingkungan yang kondusif untuk kerjasama dan komunikasi yang efektif adalah kunci. Pembina harus mampu memfasilitasi diskusi dan memastikan semua anggota merasa didengar dan dihargai 4. Memotivasi dan Menginspirasi: Sebagai pembina, Anda harus mampu memotivasi anggota untuk mencapai tujuan mereka dan menginspirasi mereka untuk terus belajar dan berkembang 5. Mengelola Konflik: Konflik adalah hal yang tidak bisa dihindari dalam setiap kelompok. Pembina harus memiliki keterampilan untuk mengelola dan menyelesaikan konflik secara efektif, memastikan bahwa semua pihak merasa adil dan didengar 6. Evaluasi dan Umpan Balik: Memberikan umpan balik yang konstruktif dan melakukan evaluasi berkala terhadap kinerja anggota adalah bagian penting dari peran pembina. Ini membantu anggota memahami kekuatan dan area yang perlu ditingkatkan

By Dr. V K A

Jul 21, 2020

The Course was an eye-opener. I have been Coaching quite a few Managers, since years. And had used the TAB (thoughts-attitude-behaviour) concept a lot. But Prof Plachy explained the Thought Model exceptionally well with her examples related to the corporate world. I used the RAFT approach right away (twice since yesterday) and it is truly amazing. So, not just the content is well structured, but the delivery too is great. In addition, peer reviews helped understand some other nitty gritty which I was missing out. The questions asked in between the videos were well-timed--kept me alert all along.

Looking forward to more courses from University of California, Davis.

By Navi C

Aug 23, 2020

This course has taught me how to be more accepting of the fact that sometimes when we have issues with our staff, employees or just people in our lives, sometimes it's our own view that needs to be inspected in order to see what the real problem is. We make decisions based off of our own way of thinking but sometimes we need to step back and analyze the situation with a different perspective. Managing as a Coach has also made me realize that there's much more than just managing a team, you need to be able to manage them, lead them, mentor them, train them and lastly, coach them.

By Joshua B

May 24, 2020

Straightforward if you've had experience at the manager, VP, director, or c-suite level. I found it to be a nice refresher because even as a CTO I always need to keep learning and I have multiple mentors and coaches. Two minds are better than one and it is always good to have diversity and collaboration to cultivate a culture of inclusion, trust, transparency, and opportunities for growth. Enjoyed the course. Thank you.

By Kateryna K

Mar 27, 2023

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Kris Plachy and Coursera for 🧶Coaching Skills for Managers Specialization by the University of California, Davis. I highly recommend all managers complete this specialization. It displays very important approaches and tools for managers, who are in charge of various high-level aspects of running a company, that present in a very unique style.