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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Local Economic Development by Erasmus University Rotterdam

374 ratings

About the Course

Welcome to this MOOC on Local Economic Development (LED). Local economic development refers to the processes by which local governments, businesses, and civil society groups get together to raise income sustainably and improve their lives in a well-defined area. It’s about creating jobs, securing livelihoods, improving infrastructure and managing local resources. What do I learn? We will be dealing with questions such as the following. Why does economic development take place in some areas of the world and not in others? Why doesn’t it happen in your place? What prevents people from having the lives they want to live right there? Could your region make more of the opportunities of globalization and new technologies? Did the promises of decentralization in your country fail to deliver better public services and more responsive governments? If these are the questions you are asking yourself, this is the right course for you. It explores the where, who and how of economic development. Please have a look at our list of contents for the coming 8 weeks: 1. What is LED? What drives it? 2. How does globalization shape LED? 3. How does decentralisation affect LED? 4. How does competitiveness affect innovation? 5. What are entrepreneurship and its dimensions? 6. Why are value chains and clusters so important? 7. What are some LED strategies? 8. Your project How will I learn? In each week you will be able to access the content of the videos, suggested readings and additional videos for selective deepening. You will also find assignments that you have to complete if you want to earn a certificate for this MOOC. We will first introduce our “toolkit”, a series of theories and concepts that will help you read the situation in your locality. We will explore the main factors affecting local economic development, such as globalization, decentralisation, and competitiveness. We will discuss key components, like entrepreneurship and innovation and look into the organization of local economies into clusters, value chains and learning regions. We will conclude by deepening on some specific constructs that make local economies grow to benefit their communities. You will also contribute your ideas in the discussion forums, where you will learn from other participants around the world. What makes this course special? There is plenty of information in Internet on local economic development, which is mostly prepared by international donors or multilateral organisations. So what does this course do differently? First of all, the course is offered by academics that have significant published research on local economic development. This course gathers a wealth of academic knowledge that often fights the assumptions on what things are supposed to be like. Second, the instructors of this course have participated in dozens of capacity building projects in Latin America, Asia, Eastern Europe and Africa. Putting learning at the centre, they worked with communities, local governments, international donors and business associations. They often found a significant distance between theory and practice in local economic development, and this has been the basis of learning. Third, the course is acutely aware that each region is different and does not attempt to offer a one-size-fits-all recipe. It singles out key factors that drive local economic development and enables participants to do their own learning process, defining local problems and appropriate solutions. The aim of the course is that participants come up with their own ideas on how to promote local economic development. How will I get a certificate? If you want a certificate for participating in this MOOC, you will need to complete a small assignment each week and participate in the discussion forums. In the end of the MOOC, you will put these contributions together in one final document, your Capstone Project. I hope you find this course exciting and that you get to share our passion for promoting local economic development. Your instructors Dr. Georgina M. Gómez, ISS Prof. Emeritus AHJ (Bert) Helmsing, ISS Dr. Jan Fransen, IHS...

Top reviews


Mar 17, 2022

I found it very much practical and implementable with specific strategy. I appreciate the instructors and the LED team to devise such skill course for professionals around the world.


Mar 13, 2021

The course is insightful and relevant for promoting Local Economic Development.Am very motivated and interested to keep learning.Moreover,the course is taught by renowned experts.

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76 - 100 of 113 Reviews for Local Economic Development


Aug 13, 2022

very helpful

By Pishenbay U

Apr 26, 2020


By Joseph A

Aug 27, 2024


By Marsiah K

Aug 30, 2022


By Archana K

May 11, 2021

Was helpful

By joshua d

Mar 19, 2023



Aug 11, 2022

very good

By 송영민

Jan 14, 2020

잘 가르쳐주세요.

By Zanele S

Aug 12, 2024


By Wiryanta M

May 19, 2020

best one

By Princess N

Sep 30, 2021



Jul 23, 2024


By Wissal C

Jun 21, 2024


By Kavipriya.S

Apr 18, 2021

How h

By Favour E A

Aug 16, 2024


By Sundus J

Nov 17, 2020



Jan 18, 2021



Sep 20, 2022


Jul 25, 2022

By Chow K M

Jun 16, 2022

General practical examination directed at the problem of raising local economic competitiveness with useful case studies. Since the times of Adam Smith and Karl Marx, it must have apparent that institutions matter – a lot. The challenge has been, how to successfully create and cultivate the institutions?

Then, this question comes tantalizingly similar to, how to successfully create and cultivate an enterprise; i.e., the recipe to succeed at entrepreneurship? Now, if this question has been answered, then no business would ever fail. This course shows the great strides taken at solving poverty, and still more need to be done.

By Jorge C

Mar 10, 2023

A course to beter understand the importance of multiple collaboration between the actors in any human group. Sharing knowledge and experience with no particular interest. LED help Improve income, quality of life, giving employment and creating economies for populations that before did not have opportunities.

By Aashish K

Jun 3, 2020

It taught me about the need of local economic development and how it can be done with efficiency. It helped me to realize why my locality needs to be involved in economic activities to boost up national economy and we need to start small and gradually look to the bigger picture.


Aug 29, 2024

This course has given me an insight on Local Government Administration. As a person who is delighted in contributing positively toward my locality when it comes development, I am grateful for the opportunity and lessons received. Thank you.

By Marcia M L d M

Sep 17, 2018

The material of the course is excellent. However, the course lacks an active discussion forum. Input, feedback, and discussion are the core of a such course subject.

Thank you for this opportunity!

By Óscar B P

Jul 6, 2021

Although dated and dense, it contains a great deal of scopes and tools to effectively put LED strategies to work. However, it requires time, attention and willingness to get the best from it.