Aug 17, 2017
It was a wonderful journey of learning how to learn. Simple and effective. Wish i had come across something like this a little early in life. But better late than never. Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Aug 17, 2016
Probably the most important course I've ever taken in my life and it was completely free. Already applied many of the concepts and have seen the difference. Do yourself a favor and take this course.
By Aleksa G
•Aug 29, 2019
An amazing course which should be obligatory in every high-school. Learning how to learn in the early stage of your life (especially before you start going to the faculty) can be invaluable. Some people are "lucky" enough to find their own methods (which work amazing for them) during their learning journey, as was the case with me, but we should make it systematic by integrating it into the official school system! And even for people that already have success with learning, we can always learn new and useful tips & tricks, as I did finishing this course.
By Gyorgy G
•Aug 1, 2019
I found it very interesting, came in well-sized portions (chunks) on an easy-to-understand way. You do not need to be master in neuroscience to understand and it actually showed some useful techniques what resonated with my past experience in learning. I try to get my son to complete it as I would have benefited a lot from this knowledge if I had the opportunity to learn how to learn when I was in his age.
Thanks a lot for Barb Oakley, Terry Sejnowski, and the Team Learning How to Learn for the opportunity, it was a great experience to take this course!
By Megan B
•Sep 28, 2017
Excellent course! I have an amateur love of the brain and this course helped to solidify my understanding of how the brain learns through metaphor and analogy. I've taken away many practical tools to help me better learn, most notably the pomadoro technique and allowing myself diffuse thinking when writing. This latter tool, by turning my screen black when I type, has been a huge help to get my out of Einstellung and the focus/edit mode which can prohibit my writing and leave me stuck. Thank you for this excellent course - can't wait to take Mindshift!
By Himanshu S
•Jan 14, 2017
This course has been very helpful in identifying where I was going wrong in my studying habits. It has helped me build mental calibre to approach learning new things while being excited about it rather than having any kind of fear. The course is very insightful and will make one realize every single damn thing they have been doing wrong while learning. Lastly, the learnings from this course is going to stay with me for the rest of my life and I am gonna learn everything more effectively. Thank you, @Barbara Oakley for sharing this awesome course with us.
By Tona M
•Jan 13, 2018
THis course takes the science behind learning, a very complex subject, and makes it easy to understand and apply. Dr. Oakley teaches techniques to use, the best methods for using them, and the reasoning behind them. During the course, both instructors apply techniques to varying subjects and varying levels of study. I enjoyed this course both for the serious science and practical information, and for the levity and enthusiasm with which the instructors approached the topic. The further reading references were very helpful and thought provoking, as well.
By Li C
•Jan 31, 2020
It is a course that opened my eyes to the latest advances in neuroscience with its connection to learning. It could have saved my a lot of time had I learned it growing up, not to mention that I could have earned better grades as well. Thanks to Barbara and Terry, the current and future generations can benefit from the research and the ways of learning they put together. I want to point out that the course caters to a broad audience, so it does not go into the depths. Some of the reading materials they put down are great. It is worthwhile to read them.
By Laura P
•Jan 25, 2016
I am so sad to see this class end. (At this moment, I'm at the very end of the last week.) So much information, presented so elegantly, explaining so much, answering questions I've had much of my life, this course was amazing.
Now, I just have to get every, single human I know and love to take the course next time it's offered. (Thank God that's only a week or so away!) I'm going to take it again, too. It's changed my life once, and I've got this feeling that if I give the information a second go-over, it may change my life at an even deeper level.
By Ghislain L
•Sep 12, 2015
Je recommande ce cours fortement, j'adore ce cours il devrait être enseigner dès le jeune âge. Personnellement je pratiquais certains concepts par instinct, mais c'est rassurant de se le faire confirmer par des sommités dans le domaine.
J'ai appris des nouveaux concepts formidables et je vais aussi pouvoir corriger certaine mauvaise habitue ou illusion que j'avais.
Ce cours est une grande générosité, il permet aussi de constater à travers les entrevues, que même si vous êtes un peu différent de la masse, vous pouvez vous accomplir à des niveaux d'élite.
By Guillermo H Q
•Aug 2, 2022
One of the greatest treasures in our modernity is improving learning techniques, which sometimes come with trial and error, then collecting our own lessons learned and principles, other like this, are practical courses for understanding what is behind, how our brain works, and why some techniques are more effective than others. This is a practical knowledge when applied boost our capabilities and techniques in a world where is a must to move from the confort zone and adapt quickly. Thanks for this remarkable job that will ease our lives from now on.
By Mina S
•Aug 31, 2018
I learned from this course a lot , unfortunately I didn't complete it due to pressing business conditions as I was diligently searching for a job since my manager fired me because I used to watch the course videos during my break time using the company internet so he counted this situation as an abuse to company resources but I believe he fired me because I'm christian. Anyways, I would like to thank you so much for all the valuable information that I have gained from your course.
Barbra, you are wonderful .... keep up the great work.
Mina Samir
By Antonio M B P
•Apr 11, 2020
This course is amazing, the kind of things that you learn are awesome and very useful because you learn how brains work and why sometimes we don't get the understand of some topics. I recommend this course to any kind of student or professional, this will teach you a lot of useful tools that can improve your job and your life as well. The teachers are concise and the lessons explain the topic without blind points, Dr. Barbara and Dr. Terry are awesome teachers and I can assure you that you will have another kind of thinking after complete the course.
By Ashkan B A
•Dec 6, 2016
This AWESOME course could help me to remove my bad character of learning process and methodology, actually I tough that my IQ is low since I have spend to much for study on my lessons but after watching course videos and see how our brain nerves system works I realized that not only my IQ is in good range but also I understand that I have creative memory.
All in all this course is the best course that I had I my life and all of you should commence this course ass soon as possible.
Thank you so much in deed Dr. Barbra Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnowski.
By Hoong S
•Apr 25, 2020
I have always been curious about how to learn effectively, so I frequently read a lot on related topics. Despite this, I still learn so many new interesting topics in this course! All of them not only cover concept but help to explain on how to turn them into actions, which are very helpful.This course should greatly help students, but even if you aren't a student, I still believe it's beneficial as we all need to learn new things (especially in this world of rapid change).Highly recommend to give it a try! It's only 4-weeks long, truly worth it :)
By Rosy D S
•Apr 9, 2017
thanks. This course makes me more confident in learning new things, to grow & change, to maximize using Coursera courses I am taking & will be taking. For all those involved in Coursera & this course, thank you soooo much for having worked so hard to make these courses accessible, as I am unable to further my formal education, but I can still learn by enrolling in Coursera. Coursera is a very powerful source for me to be more competitive in the workplace. And this course will enable me to absorb more knowledge & skills in my office or other fields.
By Anshuman N
•Aug 12, 2015
This course has been an eye-opener on many levels. It really helped me put things in perspective as far as learning any subject is concerned. Some of the tips resonated with what I've been hearing about education & learning since my growing up days, but I wouldn't have known what my deficiencies/drawbacks had I not taken this course. This course made me reflect about myself & my methods. As Prof. Oakley has stressed in this course, "One has to take responsibility for his/her own learning" and I would highly recommend this course. Happy Learning !!!
By Justin H
•Oct 21, 2022
This course turned everything I was ever told and taught about learning and studying on its head. When in school, I had always been told to focus on studying and homework for long periods of time, and nott to stop until I was either done, or until I could recall the information flawlessly. Knowin what I know now about long term memory, working memory, and diffuse, I wish students in school had access to this information. I intend on telling everyone about this course, as I truly believe its lessons and information are that impactful and valuable.
By Zairu S
•Jul 24, 2020
This course is such a helpful course for those who want to delve in deeper in cognitive psychology while learning new ways in how to learn more efficiently. It's a great course and the instructors are the type of professors you can easily get along with. It's an easy four week course and I highly recommend this as a first course for the first timers as it will be a good reminder that learning isn't just about reading books or making notes. It's also how you put that knowledge in your life and how to deeply ingrain it in one's mind for a long time.
By Abbas Z
•Jul 18, 2021
This is very useful course prepared and conduct by Dr. Barbara, it absolutely changes my perspective of learning and put me in new path to learning, I do recommend this course and training to all of you with any ages, seniority level or education background.
Prior to this training, I almost give-up new training and skills and prepare myself for going to sidewalk in terms of updating my skills and learning objective, but I am more confidence that I can learn new skills, knowledge and catch-up.
Thanks to this training and Dr. Barbra, God bless you.
By hivy a f
•Jan 25, 2021
I highly recommend this course, not only you benefit from learning new technique, but you also know you are on the right path, you get inspired from people interviewed in this course, how they learned and always went after learning, they never lost their goal and found a way to learn what they set their mind to, finally, it made me really t always learn till the rest of my life. what is great about this course, that instructors support their concepts with scientific evidences, this reinforce your willpower to learn and improve your understanding.
By Xyrah V Q
•Aug 5, 2020
It was such a pleasure to be in Dr. Oakley and Dr. Sejnowski's MOOC. I feel sad that I've finished the course, but I have already put holds on Dr. Oakley's books and currently reading one. The way she writes and the way she lectures is the same - engaging, funny, and thought-provoking. Thank you for this course, I have already begun to change my thoughts as advised in one of the lessons, and it has been doing wonders for me every day. The techniques mentioned here are applicable to everything that I do and not just in the classroom. Thanks again!
By Gaia F
•May 7, 2020
This course was one of those life-changing moments for me. At the end of my first degree, I felt that the learning methods I used were not effective enough, and I wanted to know better. I stumbled upon this course and the rest is history. It really changed my learning, and I feel much more confident now about my abilities and about my future learning. I would also like to thank the instructors, and professor Barbara Oakley in particular, for providing a supportive learning environment, that inspires the students to believe in themselves and grow.
By Piper A L
•Nov 5, 2019
This course is so intriguing. As a Psychology major during my undergraduate studies, the content presented in it really brought me back to what I've been learning in my courses. In addition to this, the analogies that the professors used to illustrate examples of concepts really made it easier for me to grasp the content of the course. It really rocks. I would absolutely recommend it to everyone who want to take an online course or just want to improve the way they learn. Go Coursera! Go McMaster University! Go University of California San Diego!
By santhosh k m v
•Jan 6, 2016
It is Must do course for all to understand how well we can harness the power of brain to learn better and effectively any subjects.
They have given lots of practical and interesting suggestions to improve our learning. They are so simple techniques that we do sometime unknowingly or saw someone doing it, but we ignore it most of the time.
Now that we can see what they do actually to our learning , we ca kind of hack the mid to learn the stuff we need.
I am still doing the course and finding it interesting .. i will surely recommend it to others .
By Samina k
•Apr 16, 2020
I would like to thank Dr. Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnowski for putting together such a wonderful class.
The great techniques put forth from test taking to tips on avoiding procrastination, to the memory palace for remembering lists and focusing on process and not on results were were very well put forward in this class.
I am a 60 year old adult, who has lost complete faith that she can read and learn. This class has given me courage to move on and has given me a great sense of accomplishment. And has also taught me a lot along the way.
By Emanuel F
•Apr 3, 2019
Amazing course
It's tips on memory, how to beat procrastination, and the use of focused and diffuse attention modes, as well as the diferences between working memory and long term memory and how they work, without forgetting the best ways of learning and the not so effective common practices called illusions of competence really were very helpful ideas that I'm decided to review them in spared days of the week to best retain them in my mind
Thanks to the team that made this possible
and a special thanks to Barbara and Terrence.
Cheers from Brazil :)