May 12, 2019
I am still seeing octopede/octopuses with tentacles in backpacks or lockers. Wonderful!!! I am a therapist who works with all age children and this will be extremely helpful! Thank you to all of you.
Jun 19, 2020
I learn so much from this course. It really helps me improving my learning and the way the message was conveyed really helps the youth to understand. Thank you so much for all the lesson and sharing!
By Umair B
•Jan 23, 2019
this for giving me this treasure. i am 34 years old and i regret why i didnt came across this
By Wael T S
•Jun 15, 2023
very beneficial course to increase your studying skills and be a multiple disciplined person
By Valeria R
•Feb 3, 2023
this course provides useful and simple tools to make learning an easy and effective process.
•Sep 22, 2020
كتير كويس وبنصح يلي بروح كتير وقت عالدراسة انو يحضر الكورس والاعطاء كتير جميل ومساعد عالفهم
•Jun 19, 2020
i learn't some excellent tips on ways to learn That will definitely help me in the future
By Gunel A
•Apr 16, 2020
I learned a lot from your course. I enjoyed the lessons and teachers. Everything was great.
By Chia C L
•Oct 7, 2019
It is so simple to follow. The use of metaphor and cartoons makes it so easy to understand.
By Hritika P
•Mar 4, 2019
I'll definitely work on the ideas that were mentioned in this course. I also enjoyed a lot!
By Yash P J
•Mar 21, 2023
This is the first course we need to take before any other course. Well-explained concepts.
By Lucas A
•Dec 26, 2020
muy recomendado, da excelentes tecnicas para estudiar, y como aprender de la mejor manera.
By endah s
•Nov 5, 2020
its very interresting, ang i realy llove whan Barbara explan the konsep learning to lean
By Salha k k
•Jun 25, 2020
It was the best course I had ever ..the thank to all teachers were very helpful 💓♥️❤️🌹🌹
By Prem K R
•May 2, 2024
Love this course and would recommend this course as a foundation to learning to everyone!
By jorim s
•Mar 10, 2022
very nice course i learned a lot and nowi can can use it for my testweek. I am very happy
By Chandini
•Jul 18, 2020
Excellent course which helps younger minds learn the complex information in a simple way.
By Soraya S S
•Jul 3, 2020
J'ai adoré j'ai pu revoir des bases de l'apprentissage de façon ludique et intéressante
By Patricia E G
•Jun 24, 2020
Very good, excellent course. More exercises in the Memory Palace Technique. Thank you
By Balachandran A
•Jun 5, 2020
Great course. but include more practical, which might be practice to create brain link
By Mathamgi N
•Apr 1, 2020
It was a very good exposure. To think out of the box is made real through this session.
By aureleo d
•Sep 10, 2019
it is really good for kids of all ages with plenty of great tips on how to learn better
By Sudhakar D
•Jan 5, 2019
Truly a great course. Very relevant and nicely covered topics. Must for all learners.
By Rizky M
•May 31, 2022
thanks for free course, great explaination, easy understand, help me for learn better
•Apr 27, 2022
the course is full of interest and all the lessons have been absorbed without effort.
By Hoai T
•Sep 10, 2020
This course is so useful. I got lots of good tips for my learning and my life. Thanks
By Arivou T
•Sep 16, 2019
Great course and very interactive. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Wish we had this in school.