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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Learning How To Learn for Youth by Arizona State University

2,951 ratings

About the Course

Based on one of the most popular open online courses in the world, this course gives you easy access to the learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines. No matter what your current skill level, using these approaches can help you master new topics, change your thinking and improve your life. This course explains: * Why sometimes letting your mind wander is an important part of the learning process * How to avoid "rut think" in order to think outside the box * The value of metaphors in developing understanding * A simple, yet powerful, way to stop procrastinating If you’re already an expert, these strategies will turbocharge your learning, including test-taking tips and insights that will help you make the best use of your time on homework and problem sets. We all have the tools to learn what might not seem to come naturally to us at first—the secret is to understand how the brain works so we can unlock its power. Filled with animations, application questions, and exercises, this course makes learning easy and fun!...

Top reviews


Jun 19, 2020

I learn so much from this course. It really helps me improving my learning and the way the message was conveyed really helps the youth to understand. Thank you so much for all the lesson and sharing!


May 12, 2019

I am still seeing octopede/octopuses with tentacles in backpacks or lockers. Wonderful!!! I am a therapist who works with all age children and this will be extremely helpful! Thank you to all of you.

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1 - 25 of 720 Reviews for Learning How To Learn for Youth

By Licia R

May 13, 2019

I am still seeing octopede/octopuses with tentacles in backpacks or lockers. Wonderful!!! I am a therapist who works with all age children and this will be extremely helpful! Thank you to all of you.

By Abdurrahman S

Jan 26, 2023

Very nice .It will help me to reshape my brain and and also learn better in future and it will also help me to set a time frame for everything I want to do in life .THANK YOU GUYS VERY MUCH.

By Siti F B H

Jun 20, 2020

I learn so much from this course. It really helps me improving my learning and the way the message was conveyed really helps the youth to understand. Thank you so much for all the lesson and sharing!

By Deleted A

Feb 24, 2019

Totally enjoyed it. I had taken the Learning How to Learn and decided to listen to the version "for Youth" because I teach and want to implement these learning ideas.

By Hitesh B

Mar 30, 2020

Excellent Course! It actually made a lot of changes in my routine of studying. And I'm damn sure that definitely it will make focused to each of them who had completed this course honestly.

By Muthiah R

Sep 25, 2019

Excellent Course. One of the best courses I have ever attended inmy life. thanks a lot. Kudos to the Teaching Faculty - Muthiah Ramanathan, Chennai, India

By Pimnutcha P

Sep 12, 2020

The course is well done and helpful. What I have learnd from the course is very useful and I can use everything that I have learned here for my study. Thank you so much. I recommend this course.

By Natalia R O

Feb 9, 2019

Although I'm not that young I found the course was a fun way to remember the key points of Learning how to learn, which are really useful in learning.

By Sulaiman H

May 25, 2020

The course is very fun because using a creative video performance and teach using methaphor or analogy, so it's made me not boring to watch the video and to studying.

And the website system is very sophisticated, that have a part to "save the note," that can save the notes with the text & the picture of the video, it's very cool feature.

The course itself has opened my mind about learn how to learn. Show me some of alternative learning method the i can used in my studying, that build my way how to upgrade my studying methods, like:

- Tommattos techniques: the secret tips that help to fight procrastination and make learning time is more fun.

- Methaphor & Memory Palacae Technique: the secret tips how to memorizing.

And some of new knowledge about how our brain is working.

Also the course courage me as a slow learner that slow learner can be success too, doesn't matter if slower then others, because the goal is to reach the finish line.

I want to thank you COURSERA who have give FREE class opportunity, also to thank you Dr. Barbara Oakley, Dr. Terrence Sejnowski, and Mr. Greg Hammons.

Best Regards,

Sulaiman Hassan

Jakarta, Indonesia

By Steven C

Mar 6, 2019

Although this is promoted as a somewhat simpler version of the popular MOOC "Learning How To Learn", I found the lectures, and particularly the examples and explanations much easier to understand and apply than those of the more detailed course. The use of all of the instructors in most of the videos instead of only having one in a particular video made the videos more interesting and memorable.

I HIGHLY recommend this course for ANYONE, but especially for ANY student, at any grade level from possibly third grade on up. Also take the original course too, for more details and references. But at a minimum, anyone who wants to learn more effectively should take this course NOW!

By Zhiqiang H

Sep 28, 2019

Thank you! This course is great. Before I study,I did not know why we can memory things.Through this course, I know the key word brain links.I get the knowledge of neuron, metaphor, memory palace and many. As a lifelong learner, I will check myself everyday, if my brain links are more and stronger.And I will use technology learned in this course everyday to become a better learner.


Jan 3, 2019

I wish I have learned the learning techniques showing in this course when I was younger, so my study would be much easier. However, it is not too late, I will review the course videos a few more times and practice the techniques in a daily basic, until I have mastered the techniques. Thank you Professor Barbara Oakley, Professor Terrence Sejnowski, Greg Hammons and Cousera.

By Zachary B

Jan 14, 2019

great course really liked it

By Sana P

Oct 25, 2020

This course has many useful tips on how to go about learning a new concept, especially for math or science courses, and actually understand and retain the information. It has teaches how to study for tests, including how to use a Pomodoro to study effectively for short amounts of time. I also learned about the Focused and Diffused brain modes, and how both of them are necessary for learning. Over all, I learned a lot that will help me in many aspects of my life, from learning calculus and chemistry to learning Spanish, how to play an instrument and drive a car.

By Homa J

Jul 22, 2020

The course consisted of bite-sized videos and short, easy to solve quizzes and reading assignments. Great format for kids and adults if they find enthusiastic videos enjoyable.

Depending on the age and previous knowledge of the person planning to take this course, it could be extremely helpful, unhelpful or somewhere in-between. I fell in the in-between section.

I knew some of the techniques and information mentioned but I still benefited from the course. It didn't take long to finish (3.5 hours with breaks in between) so it's worth a try if you're on the fence about getting into the course.

By 成萧何

Mar 18, 2019

I don't know why this course exists when <Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects> is already there.

By Candice W

Aug 27, 2020

Very insightful! This course was taught in a fun and simply way, the teachers have constantly reinforced key ideas in the videos, which not only taught me how to learn, but also taught me how learning could be so easy given the right techniques. The teachers also used these learning techniques to teach us how to learn. All the things I have learned in this course will stay with me throughout my life because the key ideas were mentioned so many times and in so many fun metaphors that I don't think I would ever forget them. I would very much recommend this to my family and friends!!

By Jessica V

Aug 15, 2019

It was very helpful and fun, it's very straight-forward. I liked that they made mental pictures and pictures that you can see on the screen. If you're a visual learner, then definitely go through this course. I wan't to give a big thank you for all the people that worked on this course. I liked that they made it very interactive with the learners. Once again, a very helpful course.

By Anya S

Feb 25, 2019

Very easy, funny and extremely useful course for young people, parents and teachers. Taking this course you can get some basic knowledge how your brain and memory works. Learn some tricks how to fight your procrastination and successfully pass the tests!

By Md. S S

Mar 18, 2021

It is a great course filled with many tricks and techniques to make learning easy. I have learned a lot from this course, specially knowing how my brain works. It'll help me to learn more effectively.

By madi d

May 9, 2020

highly recommend!! made me have a whole new approach on learning and was enjoyable and easy to follow. these tips that i have learnt are something that i will use in my whole life.

By Zhengmale J

Jun 12, 2020

A very good course, but some are too popular, too much use of metaphors, and too little introduction to the underlying cognitive psychology principles.Although easy to understand lowers the threshold, it also reduces the information density and accuracy. Some knowledge is esoteric and abstract and cannot be simplified. Once it is simplified, it will change its flavor.In addition, from the perspective of "memory", the difficulty of knowledge processing is inversely proportional to the difficulty of extraction.In other words, the more easily a knowledge is absorbed, the easier it is to forget.

By Mohini V W

Sep 26, 2021

I understood so many new things we are so important to boast learning like how brain learn when are trying to learn i.e in diffused and focused mode. Promodoro technique to avoid procrastinating. Learn about brain links, what brain do while sleeping? . Learning can be more easy with the use of metaphors, importance of recalling, learn about different memory types i.e working and long term memory, different memory tricks to help Learning, tips to pump up brain,Tips to how to do better on tests using Test preparation checklist and Hard start approach method, Key to success in learning that is Keep options open, be persistent, be flexible. All these things which l have learned during these course will help me to do my best in my further learning journey .

By Beth D

Mar 5, 2021

I took this course so that I would have a better understanding of its potential as a resource for my students and parents. The information presented was well thought out, the videos were both informative and memorable - which made the information 'stick' well after having viewed them, and the options of downloading information made this an excellent resource. I have already recommended it to one of my student's and parent. The parent commented that they would be taking it together over the summer.