Jan 17, 2021
I find it hard and confusing at first but eventually I had fun. I love Korea so much that is why I want to learn Hangul. Also I will visit Korea when the pandemic is over. Thank you Yonsei University.
Mar 21, 2023
10/10 for this starter course for anyone looking forward to learn basic korean as a stepping stone. The teacher is the most calm person i've ever seen and her way of teaching is amazing. 감사합니다- Tushar
By Ngan N
•Sep 11, 2017
This course is excellent. It helps me know more about Korean and especially it covers all 4 skills. I really love listening to the conversation between foreign students which improves my listening skill a lot. The staff is very friendly and helpful, too. I hope that there will be more Korean courses like this in the near future! Thank you so much!
By Michelle M S M
•Mar 29, 2021
It was great learning with a great teacher ando also very friendly!!
It would be great to have a korean course that includes things like colors, animals, traditional songs for children and grownups too, and more about your culture, ofcourse to learn about and and to learn how to speak and write about it in korean, Thank you
Kind regards,
By Amnuaysak T
•Jun 3, 2020
Thank you very much Professor Sang Mee Han and your staff concerned to make this course available to people who want to learn Korean language. The lay out of the course content, time required for each module is good and practical to learners. The professor herself is good.
Thank you Yonsei University and all the people concerned of this course.
By Jasmin I B
•Apr 22, 2021
As someone who is studying to take TOPIK and wanting to apply for universities in Korea someday, I found this course to be really helpful with introducing me to beginner grammar and sentence structures. I also enjoyed the way the worksheets and lecture notes were presented. Highly recommended course! Thank you, Yonsei University and Coursera.
By Lacanienta, K M
•Jun 22, 2020
Thank you so much for the wonderful course! I truly learned a lot from the repetitive dialogues, vocabulary and grammar lessons. Practicing the videos and reading materials could help me in my pronounciation and in reading faster. I hope there’s a continuation to this course where I could further enhance my Korean Language skills. Thank you!
By MarianaS
•May 13, 2020
Un curso fácil de llevar, con explicaciones completas y de fácil entendimiento. Si estudiaste hace tiempo, sirve como un buen reforzamiento y aprendizaje de nuevo vocabulario. Gracias por tener este curso disponible, quedo encantada y muy agradecida con la universidad, maestra y alumnos que elaboran y participan para el desarrollo del curso.
By Sebastian S
•Sep 3, 2018
This is a really amazing Course.
(Learn to Speak Korean 1) made me so confident with my Basic Korean skills that I decided to talk to people in Korean. The people that live in Korea say that my Korean is pretty good, and I am able to create my own sentences with the help of an online dictionary.
If you keep going, you will be able to go far.
By Tahany I P
•Mar 21, 2022
Aunque es necesario saber inglés para completar el curso, también cuenta con subtítulos a varios idiomas. Es un curso muy completo y lo recomiendo completamente a las personas que cuentan con conocimientos bases del coreano, también recomiendo completar el curso First Step Korean para tener más contexto de los temas que se tratan en este.
•Jun 11, 2021
I learned alot and so easily to understand well specially when it comes to learning korean. Im so so happy i found this course and proffesor was explained her teaching well. I recommend this course for those who are starting learning korean language and will be improve you korean language skills and communication well thank you so much.
By Patrick Z
•Jul 29, 2020
This course helped me improve my Korean after I took Yonsei University's First Step Korean course with professor Seung Hae Kang. It's easy to follow and it's very organized! Thank you Professor Sang Mee Han and Yonsei University for providing a great Korean language course and I hope you will consider adding more Korean langauge courses.
By Laura M
•Dec 1, 2020
I really enjoyed the course. I love the way it has many interactive sources of learning. From videos, to notes, to practice questions then quizes. The lecturer and students were also really amazing, they definitely made the learning experience even easier. I would definitely take another course from here given the chance. 감사 합니 다 !!😊😊
By Karla T
•Aug 19, 2019
El curso fue preciso con los temas y didáctico por lo cual aprendí mucho y me siento más segura al comunicarme en coreano. Me encantaría que hubiese la continuación del curso para así aprender más y reforzar lo aprendido hasta ahora. La profesora fue muy clara con las lecciones. Muchas gracias a la Universidad de Yonsei por este curso.
By Daniel F
•Aug 10, 2016
In order to take this course, you need to have a basic understanding of Korean and its writing system.
This course met all my expectations and I am truly thankful for such an amazing resource. The way the course is organized allows for the material to build upon previous covered subjects and this reinforces what has already been learned.
By Aldo S C E
•Oct 5, 2019
This is a very good course because it has a very well structured plan to teach the topics little by little. Thanks to this course, I have learnt various topics related to Korean syntax, phonology, and vocabulary at the same time, so I think it is recommendable for all those who already know "hangeul" and want to learn Korean properly.
By Steve C
•Feb 19, 2021
The course is good for beginner learners. But some of the demonstrator's sound is low low, it is difficult to hear it clearly. She seems to lack confidence in speaking Korean. (especially the French lady) As a beginner learner, I wish to hear a loud sound for learning. Wish my comment can help to improve your course. Thank you.
By Natis M
•Jan 18, 2021
me encanto este curso pude aprende mucho acerca de las expresiones y maneras de hablar y escribir en coreano, lo recomiendo demasiado , o videos y el material de apoyo están muy bien diseñados, me gusto mucho este curso aprendí de temas que no sabia y eso me parece muy importante. me ayudo en mi desarrollo educativo y menta. thanks
By Ralph P
•Jan 13, 2018
Very informative, at a decent pace for a student to grasp. I look forwards to a Part 2, as I took "Beginning Korean" before this one, and signed up for this course as a follow up. Regardless, this will provide someone completely new to Korean with a solid foundation with which to proceed in their language studies regarding Korean.
By genaro s b
•Apr 2, 2017
Ha sido una gran ayuda para poder desenvolverme más en la vida diaria ya que he aprendido nuevos términos para poder comunicarme con más soltura en el idioma coreano.Felicito a la profesora y a sus colaboradores por hacernos aprender de una forma fácil y entretenida ya que me motivaron más a seguir aprendiendo este hermoso idioma.
•Aug 8, 2020
El curso me gusto porque aprendí como describir mi ciudad, nuevo vocabulario, adquirí el lenguaje básico para poder desenvolverme en Corea , tanto en un restaurante como en centros comerciales. aunque me gustaría que existiera otro curso para darle continuidad a lo que aprendimos y así tener mas conocimiento del idioma coreano.
By Nisa
•Mar 26, 2023
Thanks for Coursera dan Yonsei University to set this course for free so that I can improve my Korean Language. Thank you for the Professor Sang Mee Han, the great videos, module, example and the exercises. I will continue to study in Korean Language further. Again, nomu nomu khamsahamnida Sonsengnim... It means a lot to me.
By Sylvia
•Apr 4, 2022
O curso é excelente. Amplia o vocabulário, inclui pontos importantes da gramática e os diálogos focam em assuntos e palavras muito importantes do dia a dia. A cada aula o conhecimento é acrescentado e sempre revisto. Obrigada professores, Yonsei University e Coursera por essa otima oportunidade de estudo. Aproveitei muito!
By Teresa B
•Oct 4, 2020
I really enjoyed this six week course! It had a lot of helpful information in it and did not take up a lot of time. The lecture notes were helpful and I really enjoyed the workbook and quizzes. I looked forward to my lessons every day and am so sad it's over. Thank you so much for this wonderful intro course! I learned a lot!
By Giulia L
•May 18, 2020
I loved this course! I learned so much. I really enjoyed all the dialogue. After this course i feel more confidence with my korean and I wanna learn even more. It's a pity that there aren't other level of this course. If you can read the hangul and wanna get better in korean by gaining more confidence, this course is for you!
By Triana N R
•Aug 4, 2024
So here I learned a lot from, how to communicate with people and learn about their culture, food, what vocabulary I don't know how to pronounce the letters. and, I gained experience from studying in this course and the delivery from the lecturer was very good, slowly but surely and taking this class really helped all of you.
By Leticia A
•Feb 21, 2022
Perfect! It really made a difference in my Korean learning journey. It becomes more intense as you go, so it's more challenging but worth it. If you are not familiar with the korean alphabet it may be difficult to keep track, so keep that in mind when choosing this course. Overall I'm very satisfied and highly recommend it!