Jan 18, 2017
Very informative, and engaging, videos. There are however no links to useable reading texts, which is a shame. But the content of the videos are of incredible value.
Jun 30, 2019
well and thorough explanations of important topics that allows us to understand Israel State and Society.I also didn't find the course biased which is a good thing.
By Suat Ş
•May 8, 2022
Jews are the autochthon people of Middle East and Kurdistan geography. The existence of Israel State and Jews are so precious and dateless that they deserve be discovered at any time. They are the most democratic country of the Middle East and their existence and non-stop struggle is a possible guiding light for the Kurds. My interest in Israel State and Society is growing bigger and bigger day by day.
By Stephanie R
•Mar 7, 2021
Thank you very much for this quality learning experience! I found each session packed with insight, personal and educational. I found myself feeling like I was getting to know the teachers and their perspective as well as a sense of a broader perspective on the subjects provided. I feel that I have a better understanding of the subjects and it has made me desire to learn more...thank you!
By Michelle G
•Nov 14, 2020
I truly received a peek into Israeli society, from the ethos to the infrastructure, and of the culture and the history that forms it. There are a few perspectives shown throughout parts of this course, although I did not see eye to eye on some, I am grateful to listen and learn from them. I highly recommend this course.
By francesca p
•Nov 18, 2022
An extremely interesting course to understand not only the dynamics that led to the creation of the State of Israel, but also to explore different ways of studying and researching today's society. Thanks to all the talented teachers who made possible the use of this really well organized and stimulating course.
By JeanLeeUCL
•Apr 20, 2022
This course is very interesting, since Israel is such a unique yet complicated country. So much so that, more than ten faculties take part in giving this course from different disciplines. Now, I know Israel better and will certainly explore more about it in the future. Peace and love to all ~
By Scott Y G
•May 21, 2017
This is a great course, full of new views and perspectives regarding to the Israel Society. The readings assigned are useful and provide some new insights that are somewhat implicitly stated in the lectures.
I really enjoyed the course, and I wish one day I can visit Jerusalem in person.
By David H
•Jan 22, 2022
This course is very in-depth and presented in a very friendly and relaxing manner. All the speakers are quite knowledgeable and together make the lessons fluid and easy to follow. One of the best courses for me so far as I've gained a wealth of knowledge and a better understanding.
By Fernanda d S S M
•Apr 27, 2017
O Curso é excelente. Apresenta um panorama geral do Estado de Israel e dos processos que o tornaram o que é hoje. Muito bom poder aprender com importantes professores da Universidade Hebraica de Jerusalém e suas pesquisas recentes em cada área de estudo. Curso muito recomendável.
By Michael H
•Jun 15, 2017
I was listening to this course to satisfy my personal interests. I think it creates a detailed picture of the Israeli society to a person like me, now I'm a foreigner but in the future I plan to become Israeli. I especially enjoyed the last 3 lectures. Great job, thanks!
By Albert t H
•Feb 25, 2021
It was great to read and hear about this very interesting topic.
Positive was:
1. Information based on research.
2. Information that was both positive and critical about the state of Israel.
3. Information that leads to a better understanding of the news around Israel.
By Марат Б
•Aug 27, 2021
Shalom, everybody!!! Thank you all very much and God bless you all in Israel! Special thanks to Coursera for the financial support! For me as a Christian, and a participant in the Judeo-Christian dialogue, it was important to understand the details!
By Zac A
•Feb 28, 2019
amazing course , It would be more amazing if it could be extended to cover a wider range of different sides of Israeli culture ad its connection to Middle East and future perspectives , and also the linguistic connection with Arabic .
By Robert M
•Jun 15, 2023
There is the biblical Israel and the modern Israel Zion Jerusalem as the capital of Israel Israel as a Jewish state. The conflict between the Jews and the Palestinian Arabs. And gab between the Azkenazi and the mizrahi Jews.
•Jan 18, 2022
It was my very first course taken in coursera. Meaningful information for a thorough understanding of Israel society. I recommend this course for everyone who share an interest in getting to know more about Israel.
By Ekaterina P
•Jun 11, 2017
It was an interesting course, especially week 13. I didn't like the background on video and sometimes the quality of the video. Please, change it, it is so hard to watch this crazy blue wall for an hour and more.
By Afaque R A
•Mar 28, 2017
Except for the last lecture on Jerusalem, I loved each and every lecture in the course. Also, the quizzes should have been a little longer, i.e. with more questions, at least 3-5 questions for each week.
By Mary E
•Dec 26, 2020
One of the most informative courses I've taken. If you really want to know what Israel is all about this is definitely the course to take. It will open your eyes and mind about Israel. Highly recommend.
By Diego d R V M
•Apr 8, 2020
I really loved this course! THanks Coursera, thanks the HEbrew University of Jerusalem for this opportunity. I will keep on learning and hold this diploma as an award! Thanks again!! Diego da Rocha
By Dominik K
•Jan 8, 2025
I expected that the course could be a little bit biased and focused only on Jewish point of view. Fortunatelly not. It was very objective in content.
By Lisa S
•Mar 3, 2024
So much information and lecture videos given by fantastic instructors who helped me learn considerably more about Israel than I have ever known.
By junko y o
•Feb 2, 2020
It is very well understanding for Israel society and political movement by only 14 hours. It is best lecture until now for Sate of Israel
By Leonard B
•Oct 27, 2020
An impressive general coverage of Israel - its' origins, its' development and its' evolution into the modern state.
By Daniel M
•Dec 22, 2019
Thanks for the course, helped me a lot. Almost all of the lecturers were unbiased (except week 8), that's good!
By Fábio C d S N
•Dec 11, 2023
I really liked the course. Besides being very clearly taught lessons, the topics were very interesting!
By Waad A
•Jun 5, 2020
Nice way of explaining the historical information, all Professors are nice and teaching nicely.