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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Internet History, Technology, and Security by University of Michigan

2,739 ratings

About the Course

The impact of technology and networks on our lives, culture, and society continues to increase. The very fact that you can take this course from anywhere in the world requires a technological infrastructure that was designed, engineered, and built over the past sixty years. To function in an information-centric world, we need to understand the workings of network technology. This course will open up the Internet and show you how it was created, who created it and how it works. Along the way we will meet many of the innovators who developed the Internet and Web technologies that we use today. What You Will Learn: After this course you will not take the Internet and Web for granted. You will be better informed about important technological issues currently facing society. You will realize that the Internet and Web are spaces for innovation and you will get a better understanding of how you might fit into that innovation. If you get excited about the material in this course, it is a great lead-in to taking a course in Web design, Web development, programming, or even network administration. At a minimum, you will be a much wiser network citizen....

Top reviews


Aug 11, 2020

This course was awesome. A combination of the history, sociology and practical architectural / implementation elements of modern digital and internet technology. I enjoyed it thoroughly. Thanks Chuck!


Jan 6, 2016

This is an extremely important course. I would love to see it taught in high schools or in the first year of university. We should all understand how the Internet was developed and how it functions.

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626 - 650 of 696 Reviews for Internet History, Technology, and Security

By Jacob S


Jul 25, 2017

It was a good overview of the history and tech of the internet. I understood everything, if sometimes just barely, and I have a non-tech background in the tech world.

By Deleted A


Sep 18, 2015

Video quality is poor. The content is quite interesting, but while navigating, the quality of the video disturbs me. It would be better, if you can upgrade this.

By Eden M


Oct 14, 2017

Really enjoyed it- broad overview, beautifully supplemented with interviews of relevant, interesting people and links to technical resources if desired.

By Christopher C


Sep 27, 2020

Complete and very detailed history of first computer, network and TCP/IP/APP (OSI model) but not really about security. AT all it's a very good mooc

By Vikas R


Mar 9, 2017

great course! awesome,

i have learned many of the things from this course

i would like to thanks dr. chuck tell about these studies

By Graham L


Oct 26, 2020

Very informative background history on the internet and the forefathers and mothers of modern day internet and internet security.

By Debra M I


Apr 23, 2021

There is a great deal of information in this course. It provides a true overview of the development of the web.

By David C


Jul 15, 2016

Fascinating interviews of the bright minds that were involved with the early computers, networks, and internet.

By Ifeoluwa W M


Sep 23, 2021

i have really learned a lot and i recommend this course for all who are willing to put in the time and effort.

By charles r


Feb 12, 2016

The course was interesting and low maintenance. The lectures could have been snappier and more to the point.

By Amy S


Sep 9, 2015

I learned a lot about *how* the internet works, which makes this course totally worth the time I spent on it.

By Jeevan K


Aug 27, 2020

I am very happy to take this course and Mr.Chuck I felt I have learnt many things new. Thank you Mr. Chuck

By Jakob P


May 25, 2017

A basic and good introduction to internet history, technology, and security. The pace is very laid back.

By Dale G


Oct 12, 2016

I learned a lot about the under pinning of the internet and how various things worked together on it.

By Sarthak P


Jun 5, 2019

Best historical information about internet technology . I surprised when reads and watch new videos.

By Alp U Ä°


Jul 22, 2022

Could have bean more elaborated in means of theoretical knowledge but it was very fun and exciting!

By aniruddha c


Mar 31, 2019

It was a great learning session. Special thanks to Dr. Chuck for describing all the topics clearly.

By Jorge O A C


Nov 9, 2015

It was a really fun course. I Learn a ton even though was already familiar with the topics covered.

By Nivedha S


Apr 24, 2018

Great brief on the history of internet with interviews from the people who actually worked for it.

By Ildiko Z


Apr 22, 2017

I really liked this course , I only rated it 4 stars, because I think the history part was too big

By Marcos M


Aug 19, 2015

The course is teached with good humor and an easy to understand method. Congratulation Dr. Chuck.

By Ajay K


Oct 26, 2019

It is nice course. I enjoyed learning this course. This course is very long duration but nice.

By Judith P


Mar 16, 2016

Very informative course if you want to learn the basics of internet technology and security.

By yassine m


Aug 18, 2015

I recommand this Course for any one who want to know the history of Internet and technology.