Sep 21, 2020
learned so much from this course, absolutely loved it, and the way the professor taught the lessons showed his experience and his knowledge even for fist timers it would be a great course to opt for.
Oct 24, 2020
Extremely well-organized. Really glad to see how all previous examples and history records were referenced to every topic. Neatly explained topics. Every aspect was discussed and explained in detail.
By Satinder K B
•Aug 10, 2020
Course has been designed in a very simple, easy to understand format. I having very little legal background could appreciate the case studies, simulations and reading material quickly speaks about the quality of course content and its presentation. Kudos to Professor for delivering this course.
By Sushant A
•Jun 29, 2019
Coursera, through this course and all its other ones has made learning law more experiential and interactive. The role-play exercises and simulations have made me understand Law even better than your videos did. The study material is always top-notch. Overall, the best experience in education.
By Kristin P
•Nov 5, 2017
This was a great course. Professor Scharf is well spoken and engaging. I think being responsible citizens are those who engage with and are knowledgeable about the rest of the world and how things like this work. This course helps you understand systems most of us are very far removed from.
•Dec 3, 2015
one of the most important courses I`ve learned ...really appreciate being in that course ...I did it one time before and now I joined for the second time to repeat it even I didn`t participate any assignments or exams ...valuable materials you should have if you are really interested in law !
By Miila N
•Apr 6, 2022
Dear Michael,
Your course was very interesting and gave me lot of inspiration about the field of Internation Criminal Law.
What I suggest that the certificates could contain short descriptions of the issues we learnt. That would help to prove acknowledments.
Thank you,
Miila Nieminen
By Laura M
•Nov 28, 2015
Videos and readings were very clear, I appreciated the fact that our professor was very knowledgable on the subject of international criminal law. There were many different examples and case studies presented that helped further my knowledge of how international criminal proceedings go.
By Florencia P
•Sep 16, 2020
Muchas gracias por la oportunidad que me dieron para poder realizar este curso. Fue muy didáctico, practico e interactivo. Me llevo muchos conocimientos nuevos. Espero poder participar de otros cursos. Gracias nuevamente. Totalmente recomendable!!!! Florencia Parrotta, desde Argentina.
By Kanishka S
•May 21, 2020
One of the best course I have had on this platform. The professor is very articulate in his speech and puts forward a very balanced perspective in seemingly complex case situations. Absolutely loved it and highly recommend this course to anyone interested in learning International Law.
By BooAli K
•Jun 12, 2021
Quite impressed by the way Prof Scharf taught. Being a student of legal studies, it was hard to follow when I was taught at my university however, Prof. Scharf made it really easy to comprehend. Thank you Professor and case western reserve team and coursera for your unflagging effort.
By Mohamed A
•Oct 30, 2020
It was very best course of my life. I have learned so many things that I did not. The instructor is really a great teacher, well organized, clear voice and above deep knowledge of the subject matter. I want to thank to him dearly and I want the institution that offered me this course.
By Mehran T
•Dec 6, 2021
It was one the most fascinating courses about international law and its sub-branches that I have ever participated in. It showed me that you can learn law while applying it to the real events out there and that is much more effective than just talking about doctrines and theories.
•Jan 10, 2021
Great Course, the Professor is a great academic, explains everything with real cases. The readings are interesting and they're appropriate for anyone that has a basic knowledge of law. The Simulations are interesting too, and they really help to digest the contents of the course.
By Herver R C D
•Aug 20, 2020
Fue un curso muy interesante y formativo, que complementa nuestra formación en el campo del derecho, nos permitió indagar con objetividad y seriedad desde el origen del la corte internacional penal has los juicios que han sido juzgados, y que forman la jurisdicción internacional.
By Mdumezulu S N
•Jul 14, 2019
The course has been enlightening and very helpful in guiding me towards a better grasp of International Criminal Law. The convenience of the online learning environment also means I can do this at a pace and distance that fits in with my daily responsibilities.
By Marcelo J M M
•Aug 1, 2020
O curso é super conciso e as leituras proporcionam ao aluno um desenvolvimento completo das habilidades necessárias para o Direito Penal Internacional, atravessando horizontalmente as áreas do Direito Internacional Público, Política Internacional e Direito Penal. Incrível!
By kennedy m
•Sep 24, 2021
the course has been very helpful and so important to me as a graduate of criminology,criminal justice and public safety.i have enjoyed the course but how ever as i joined the course the information was that the certificate is free only to find that am to pay 49 dollars.
By Violeta A C B
•Jan 29, 2016
Un curso muy interesante y didáctico, útil para quienes no estudiamos derecho. Se discuten casos difíciles y los ejercicios han sido diseñados de manera creativa; además el instructor no sólo conoce la dimensión legal y teórica, sino que tiene experiencias qué compartir.
By mark p
•Jan 16, 2016
absolutely outstanding MOOC; makes great use of all the possibilities of this educational media platform... relentlessly driven by a plethora of highly relevant ICC and other International Tribunal cases and Michael Scharf's undying enthusiasm for all matters criminal...
By Rajagopalan T G
•Jun 15, 2020
It was very helpful as it was my first online course and it was a great experience to be introduced to International Criminal Law as I was unaware of how the International Court Proceedings work. I am very thankful to Prof. Michael Scharf for making it clear and simple.
By Belén A T
•Jun 28, 2017
Un curso extraordinario, breve y conciso. Perfecto como pequeña introducción al mundo del derecho penal internacional. Los videos son muy buenos y las lecturas perfectas. No te exige mucho tiempo, así que es perfecto para complementar otro tipo de educación o trabajo.
By Oliver A
•Aug 14, 2020
Estoy muy contento de tomar este curso de Derecho Penal Internacional, mis expectativas eran diferentes, y estoy gratamente complacido de que me haya proporcionado una visión completa y muy ilustrada de los más notables casos de derecho penal de los últimos tiempos.
By Nikki
•Feb 12, 2020
The course is definitely worth taking! You will surely obtain so much value from this course but also highly appreciate and be thankful for all that you learn within this course. It is an excellent course in general. Thank you for delivering such an amazing course!
By Matilda F B
•Jan 13, 2018
Studying this course in the past few days has made me aware of how much I can benefit from this website. I think Michael Shalf is brilliant in the way he delivers the lectures. Great video on Nuremberg.Loving this website. I'm starting to enjoy learning again.
By Malaya K T
•Jun 6, 2019
As far as my experience concerned, this course was of great use in our professional career and it is also very much helpful in my graduation. The learned Professor of this course deals with the vast topic of this course very gently and in a precise manner.