Sep 25, 2020
good session, the tutor has a good dynamic of speech, clear and easy to understand without falling asleep during my course, and appropriate knowledge of HTML, step to apply to the useful tools. thanks
Apr 15, 2020
This course was very interesting and helpful in the initialization of web development also the course instructor is very good she delivers her knowledge up to maximum possibilities and also motivates.
By Ismail I
•Jan 8, 2017
Great course got to know that accessibility plays a key role in web development and also corrected my self in writing semantic html code.
By Pedro S
•Sep 27, 2016
Nice introductory course. The speaker explains very well the content and is funny enough in order to catch our attention for the subject.
By Mariana d A S
•Aug 26, 2016
Introduction to HTML5 is a great course for those who are beginning to develop for the web, with a very interesting and updated material.
By Mahmood A H
•Apr 15, 2016
It presents the students with a great head-start at web design and basics.. most needed kick start I think. It worked for me very well :)
By Yvonne M
•Oct 2, 2021
Great course by Colleen van Lent, Now I am really starting to understand HTML. online book by Shay Howes and lectures with great slides.
•May 25, 2020
Awesome in one word. Described in detail. The quizzes are great to test your understanding. Also, the final project is great. Thank you.
By Rishav P
•Mar 23, 2018
This course is very good. It is especially made for beginners.
I loved the way of teaching. and it's assignments are really very awesome.
By Louisa N
•Apr 20, 2017
Was very interesting. I like how the course gave enough knowledge for one to do additional research and understand the online resources.
By Andrei A T
•Nov 28, 2016
Good basic HTML 5 course. It needs to be followed up by additional courses but you will get the syntax used in any modern HTML document.
By wali s
•Dec 20, 2022
I enjoy a lot this course, i learn the basic of web development, how to use html , domain, hosting and deployment . thank your coursera
By Istvan U
•Oct 25, 2022
I like the instructor. I listed to her on 1.25x speed because that's how I usually do and I found her voice really cool on that speed.
By Prince A
•Jun 2, 2021
This is very nicely explain about html and many more information about the hosting and domain. and many more topic cover by this course
•Sep 19, 2020
Thanks to allah almighty Who gave me the courage to complete this course and i really thanks to Mam Collean who had done her duty well.
By Ramesh S
•Jul 10, 2020
The course instructor has thought very well. And course video also understandable to me . Now i am want to learn more about HTML ...
By Leajul H
•Jul 7, 2020
That was a great experience for me and I have learned lots of important things. Thanks to the amazing instructor and the Coursera team.
By Pravar S
•Apr 18, 2020
Great course for beginners.
Way of teaching is cool and I could grab the course quite easily.
Thank you for this awesome designed course.
By Vansh
•Sep 20, 2019
Things that make this course special is the project and the feedback to others project.
it helps to increase the confidence of students.
By huyen n
•Jan 29, 2017
The course is good for introductory level. However, I would like to have more practice than just watching video and completing the quiz
By C L
•Oct 6, 2015
This is a really course to take if you are at beginner level or you want to brush up on your coding skills without using a cheat sheet.
By Louis W
•Oct 27, 2021
Essential for anyone looking to gain insight and knowledge in order to start their career in the tech industry as a web dev./designer.
By Ashok T
•Jul 25, 2020
This course is worth to try for the beginners and the lecturer colleen van lent have done a great explanation on every single topics.
By Erick A
•Jul 17, 2020
Very cool and useful course. Colleen is a great teacher. To make it perfect I will suggest a little bit more of practical assignments.
By Abdul B
•Jul 9, 2020
One of the best instructor. The instructor managed this course in the best way so that there will be not any difficulty for beginners.
By Jayesh J
•Jul 8, 2020
Amazing Course!! Loved the content and way of delivery! Extremely happy tp enroll for this one, will make sure my friends do it too :)