Jan 6, 2018
Very well done, these teachers and other important figures involved in the course are sharing extensive knowledges and they are teaching very clearly making the topic easy to comprehend, BRAVO!!!
Sep 6, 2016
I like it and I did never imagined the abundance of its content based on today's market. Really the course helped me a lot and immediately started implementing what I learned. Thank you Coursera
By Jim L
•Oct 27, 2017
I spent quite a bit of time going through the week one course material in "The fundamentals of hotel distribution" class and submitted a quality assignment. However, I was extremely disappointment when the peer review assignment resulted in a failed grade. This process is surprisingly subjective and unfair since my success hinges on the way a fellow student, who doesn't know the material yet either, thinks of my assignment. I feel like the grades need to be more objective and not at the whim of my peers, so seems like I'm wasting money.
By Daniel H
•Feb 5, 2019
I really liked this course and the insights given into hotel distribution and its channels. There have been things to take away from this which I have immediately been able to apply to my current job position and has positively affected the way I perceive and run my business today! The only sad part about this course is that it is a little outdated and a lot of complimentary reading links don't work!
By Shamon R
•Feb 19, 2019
I have learnt so much and now inspired to continue to learn more.... well structured course
By olivier d
•May 29, 2021
It'a very good course, very clear and always straight to the point and giving enough information on how the business is working. I am not working in this industry at the moment but I am not very interested and it really change my views on it. Thank you Peter O'Connor !
One comment though i have the impression that in the grading, some people are retaliating when you grade them badly. There was a guy (initials KK) who i rated low because he just copied and pasted irrelevant text from internet on all assignament questions and after that he retaliated, rating me systematically 1 on all my assignments. I ended up passing because the other people rated me honestly but i think you should make sure this type of behavior is detected and penalized...
By Fonny F
•Jan 25, 2022
Dear Essec, Greetings from Bali! Thank you for the knowledge of fundamentals of hotel distribution, im starting to gain my confidence to learn more about hospitality again. Thank you once again!
By Joannem R
•Sep 6, 2018
You need to take this course to better understand why revenue is such an important thing to implement at a hotel. This course guides you on basic things that will help at better managing a hotel
By C H
•Dec 27, 2020
This course is very helpful to gain insight and knowledge about hotel distribution. I wanted to refresh and update my existing knowledge based on my former studies Hotel Management (BBA). I do rate the content positively. The peer assignment system although, is very weak and lacks professional supervision and feedback. Apart from reviewing I also commented a few assignments. No one commented mine though. When I need to review other people's submissions the page says that no assignments are available to be reviewed, although the forum is full of people asking for their assignments to be reviewed. Also while reviewing, I noticed that some people really don't get what is asked of them. How can those people rate other people's assignments?
By Mario P
•May 27, 2019
I find the course very basic.
By Ariana V T
•Nov 15, 2016
Es la primera vez que llevo un curso online, la verdad nunca imaginé que pudiese ser tan completo y dinámico. Para ser un curso introductorio me parece que te hace ver temas muy interesantes y aplicativos desde la primera semana, he aprendido muchos términos hoteleros que antes no comprendÃa, analizar cada estrategia que usan los hoteles para atraer clientes y buscar rentabilidad. Estoy segura que el siguiente curso será mucho más interesante y definitivamente aportará en mi carrera profesional.
By Vanessa G
•Aug 30, 2020
Excelente! Pequeños videos de menos de 5 min que no permiten perder de atencion los detalles. Me encanto poder grabar mis notas de lo que me interesaba y poder volver a ver los videos cuando no entendia bien el concepto. He aprendido mucho mejor y a mayor profundidad el manejo de las OTA, Revenue Management y las paginas de sitio Brand.com
By Raul L M
•Apr 18, 2023
I highly recommend to start this specialization from the begining. This course will show you the roots of the Revenue Management with a clear program, good structure and a solid message. You will easy to discover the ins and outs about the Revenue and soon you will have a solid base to face the next courses. To do this course is a must!
•Nov 10, 2015
I was pleasantly surprised to realize that I enjoyed this course! The topics were interesting and going through and passing the course assignments helped boost my confidence in discussing hotel business with industry partners. This course is highly recommended, thanks ESSEC and Coursera!
By Leonardo D
•Jan 7, 2018
Very well done, these teachers and other important figures involved in the course are sharing extensive knowledges and they are teaching very clearly making the topic easy to comprehend, BRAVO!!!
By ibrahim m
•Sep 6, 2016
I like it and I did never imagined the abundance of its content based on today's market.
Really the course helped me a lot and immediately started implementing what I learned.
Thank you Coursera
By Ella B
•Mar 1, 2021
The material is presented in an engaging manner and at a good pace. Important concepts are repeated at different points to facilitate learning.
The course could be improved by making it more accessible. Some concepts are displayed visually in the video but are not written in the transcript.
Overall, the course material is very good however it would benefit from having an update. There have been changes in technology and consumer behaviour since this course was created (2015) and many of the links to additional articles are broken.
By H z
•Apr 5, 2024
what ever you do you will not get you certificate . it looks they're just fucking with us.
By Michael L
•Dec 6, 2023
The "Fundamentals of Hotel Distribution" course presents an unparalleled educational opportunity. Enrolling in this program not only grants entry to a concentrated exploration of hotel distribution but also ensures participation in a comprehensive specialization that delves into pivotal aspects of revenue and demand management. Led by seasoned industry experts, the course facilitates the assimilation of innovative concepts while cultivating a foundational understanding of essential tools in hotel management. The emphasis on practical projects augments the development of job-relevant skills, rendering the learning experience pragmatic and immediately applicable. As an added benefit, participants receive a shareable career certificate, affirming their expertise in Hospitality Management, Revenue Management, and Hospitality Management Studies. Thus, this course stands as a valuable investment for individuals aspiring to excel in the field of hotel management.
By Alexis B
•Mar 27, 2018
Excellent MOOC qui offre un contenu structuré de la distribution dans l'hôtellerie. J'invite non seulement les personnes qui souhaitent s'orienter vers la profession de revenue managers, que les commerciaux, chefs de produit TO, à suivre ces MOOC de l'ESSEC. Les 3 points forts à mon sens :
1/ La structure des cours qui permet d'avoir une vision complète; libre à chacun d'effectuer ses propres recherches pour aller plus loin et creuser les sujets qui le concerne /l'intéresse plus.
2/ La parcours permet d'avoir un diplôme (et l'afficher sur son profil Linked In), ce qui est gage de confiance pour les potentiels recruteurs.
3/ La qualité générale des informations; croisement de regards de professionnels et de professeurs.
Merci ! A quand un MOOC le front office dans l'hôtellerie ?
By Aydin U
•Feb 16, 2021
I am proud to complete "The fundamentals of hotel distribution" course by ESSEC Business School and offered through Coursera. This course is providing a comprehensive foundation with very well structured content on hotel distribution management.
I have quite a good undrestanding now on how a hotel is being sold, how to manage distribution effectively using multiple direct and indirect online and offline channels, how to take short term operational and long term strategic approach for hotel distribution, how to distrubute over the web, what to include on brand.com web site in order to achieve direct bookings and how to maximise the potential of Online Travel Agents (OTAs).
Many thanks to ESSEC Business Shcool and COURSERA.
By Ashish K
•Aug 9, 2022
It was an great experience learning from here with all the course work and different practice test I got to give and getting to expand my knoweldge and get alot of learning exposure and advancing my knowledge in regards to this specific course. I got to learn something new everyday and the concepts taught by the expert lectures were taught so smoothly and easy to grasp for me overall I really enjoyed doing this online course as it was time sufficent and easygoing learning for me . Thank you so much to Coursera for giving this platform to learn and develop more in depth knowledge regarding the course I have completed thank you once again .
By Imran K
•Aug 12, 2024
Introduction: Briefly describe the degree and its focus. Curriculum: Assess content coverage and practical training. Faculty: Comment on instructor expertise and teaching methods. Industry Relevance: Evaluate real-world application and industry connections. Program Quality: Review resources, facilities, and support services. Personal Experience: Highlight skills gained and career impact. Strengths and Improvements: Mention positives and areas for improvement. Conclusion: Summarize your overall experience and recommendation. This approach will help you provide a detailed and balanced review of your degree in hotel distribution.
By Pedro F
•Apr 8, 2020
O curso em si é muito bom.Fácil de se entender e vai direto ao ponto .Explicações e professores também a altura.De forma geral gostei muito do curso e graças a isto irei continuar a aprender.A única parte que não gostei foi o fato de depender da avaliação de outros inscritos para poder terminar o curso.Este vÃnculo me deixou preocupado que a conclusão do meu curso e de todos os colegas fica a critério não do curso , mas sim de outros inscritos.Mas de resto adorei o curso e me sinto mais preparado para o mercado de trabalho.
By Maxim B
•Nov 13, 2017
The content of the course is very dense and of good value. I really enjoyed not only the quality of the lectures and energy of the professors, but also the diversity of assignments, ranging from reading business articles on related topics and analyzing hotels economics in terms of marketing expenditures. One thing that needs to improved - please add more up-to-date articles, so that business cases presented are relevant in such a fast-changing industry as on-line marketing.
By Constantinos D
•Jan 17, 2016
Before attending this course, I was really "lost" in the online travel distribution world with the feeling of falling behind in knowledge. Once I started the course, I got a very clear, structured and practical way of understanding what's happening in hotel distribution, apply acquired skills in quizzes, exercises and real-life examples and assignments and be prepared to assist or consult hotel managers on how to handle such issues.
By Pankaj K P
•May 24, 2020
Exceptional . Many a terms were new to me . But as the week's progressed the content became even more clear . Can include strategies of Priceline & AirBnb to make it more complete . Lastly , your this small but comprehensive course has urged me to learn more & do more in-depth learning . All the best for educating we students with high quality content .