Jul 6, 2020
Great course. A must have for all horse lovers. The instructor explained everything in a way that I could understand and grow from. I have learned so much thanks to this course and greatly enjoyed it!
Sep 8, 2018
I have learnt so much by taking this course, so thorough and engaging, ill be sad to not be studying this on my evenings anymore for sure. 100% recommend. Thankyou for holding such a great course.
By 1820471
•Dec 18, 2019
By Sofia S
•Jun 24, 2020
By Johanna G
•May 25, 2016
By Melanie F
•Apr 26, 2017
By JoAnne M F
•Jan 12, 2018
By Debbie C
•Mar 8, 2018
By Destiny L
•Mar 13, 2016
By Sophia H
•Mar 14, 2017
This course covers anything you could possibly want to know about horses or other equids. It's great for beginners, like me. Having never owned any pets, much less a horse, I felt naïve in my knowledge on the correct handling of these wonderful creatures. This course really improved confidence for when I come into contact with horses. The only downside to this course was that it only gave one view as to how horses came in existence. There are some people, like me, who believe that all equids were specially created by the Creator. Perhaps for when the makers do this course again, they could give both views and let the viewers believe what they want. But everything else was great.
By Kehan Y
•Jun 6, 2020
I would like to rate this for 4.5? If it's possible to rate for half star it will be great. The course is awesome that both the forum and teacher is knowledgable and friendly. Though it's not possible to learn everything about horse care because of time limit, it introduce you basic plan for being a equid keeper. This might be helpful for me to get into horse club. But I was quite sad about the script that includes a lot of oral words like "you know", this makes note taking quite difficult. And when I would like to read the script to review, it sometimes confuses.
By Susan H
•Aug 5, 2022
I enjoyed this course very much, especially the Instructor's straight forward and concise manner - but not without humor. The course covers some general basic information with a lot of specific examples, perfect for a newbie like me. Others may appreciate more indepth review of certain topics and the Instructor suggests a follow-up course for those interested in additional information. I had to wait for my work to be reviewed by peers and I wish I didn't need to pay $50 to get a certificate of completion.
By Chad v G
•May 29, 2020
I found this to be a very informative course, it touched on every equine related subject giving you a basic understanding of every aspect of horse management. What you learn is also directly applicable in real life, and the assignments challenge you to think about what you have learnt. All in all I found it to be an ideal course for horse "lay-people" as well as people with a very basic knowledge of horses.
By Fiona V
•Apr 29, 2017
I have been around horses for years but I still learned lots of new stuff with this course. The only negative point would be that, sometimes, the lectures lack of explanations. It is the case for week 5 when talking about deworming. I could have done with a few more details about the types of dewormers and how often I should administrate them. Apart from that, the course is great and very interesting.
By Kate C
•Jul 12, 2017
Excellent general information. I would have been interested in more detailed genetics and generalized health problems. I enjoyed the professor's excitement about foals and reproduction, and he did an excellent job running the lectures.
By Jessica M
•Aug 6, 2021
Overview was interesting and course is set up clearly. Would've liked less technical info (cloning, breeding, etc) and more basic care info (stall maintenance, necessary equipment and basic handling.)
By Linda M
•Dec 26, 2020
I enjoyed the course and I submitted all of the quizzes. However I was unable to submit any of the assignments and could do none of the peer reviews.
Coursera needs to fix their text assignment boxes.
By Victoria C
•Jul 27, 2017
As important as the assignments were, for those of us not purchasing the course they take a lot of time and therefore I'm sure I'm not the only one to opt not to do any of them
By Farah E
•Feb 2, 2017
It's an excellent basic course for anyone keen on equines. The best thing about it was interaction in assignments and peer marking.
By Nadine L
•Mar 14, 2016
please try and make easier but not too easy to pass. meaning less assignments and more quizzes, which i find fun to do.
By Elizabeth L
•Aug 31, 2018
It has helped me understand a lot more about equine care, and has really filled up my kit to become a good owner.
By Jack S
•Jan 4, 2022
Fantastic up to date information course. I think there should be a free certificate though.
By Leslie B
•Oct 8, 2024
Thank you! This course was very thorough and the instructor provided relevant detail.
By Lize K
•Nov 23, 2020
As a new member, I found the information valuable and could aply it immediatly.
By sophia d
•Dec 23, 2015
one thing is that people eat horses today in iceland too but super helpfull
By Amy L
•Apr 12, 2021
wonderful course really helpful and well organized
By Riggs S
•Feb 11, 2016
Strong, fluid, insightfull and passionate course!