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Learner Reviews & Feedback for A Life of Happiness and Fulfillment by Indian School of Business

5,863 ratings

About the Course

What are the determinants of a happy and fulfilling life? This is surely one of life’s biggest questions, and a question that has interested many of our ancestors. Buddha famously gave up his kingdom in search of happiness. Several Greek philosophers (from Aristotle to Epicurus and Plato to Socrates) had their own views on what it takes to be happy. And of course, we all have our own theories about happiness too. How valid are our theories? Until recently, if you wished for an answer to this question, you would've been forced to base it on discussions with spiritual leaders. Or, if you were lucky, you could've based it on late-night (and perhaps intoxicant-fueled) conversations with friends and family. Happily, all that has changed now. Over the past decade-and-a-half, scientists have gotten into the act big time. We now have a pretty good idea of what it takes to lead a happy and fulfilling life. This course, based on the award-winning class offered both at the Indian School of Business and at the McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin, developed by Prof. Raj Raghunathan (aka "Dr. Happy-smarts") draws content from a variety of fields, including psychology, neuroscience, and behavioral decision theory to offer a tested and practical recipe for leading a life of happiness and fulfillment. Although not mandatory, reading Prof. Raj's forthcoming book, titled If you're so smart, why aren't you happy? can help you review and assimilate the material covered in this book at your leisure. For Coursera learners alone, the hardcover version of the book is available for a deep discount of 50%, plus shipping and handling. You can order the hardcover for 50% off by writing to Aaron at: Please mention that you are a student of the "coursera happiness course" in your email. The course will feature guest appearances by several well-known thought leaders, including: - Dan Ariely (author of Predictably Irrational and, soon to be released, Irrationally Yours), - Ed Diener (“Dr. Happiness”), - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (author of Flow), By taking this course, you will discover the answers to questions such as: - Why aren’t the smart-and-the-successful as happy as they could—or should—be - What are the “7 Deadly Happiness Sins” that even the smart and the successful commit?, and - What are the “7 Habits of the Highly Happy” and how can you implement them in your life? By the end of the course, I expect students who have been diligent with the lectures and exercises to not just gain a deeper understanding of the science of happiness, but to also be significantly happier....

Top reviews


Aug 3, 2020

The course has been challenging , yet fulfilling. Conducted in a scientific way, the course has changed the way I look at Happiness ! Thanks a lot Dr. Raj and team for making the course so engrossing!


Sep 30, 2016

I enjoyed doing this course very much. The amount of research, references included in the study material makes it credible and easy to relate to. The assignment and exercises are also very helpful.

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201 - 225 of 2,057 Reviews for A Life of Happiness and Fulfillment

By Anu G

Jun 3, 2022

Raj is too good. His gestures with examples and showing opinions from other experts during the course was great way of understanding the subject.

A must do course for everyone. Very small things can make us happy and this I have realized after going through this course.

Thanks Raj...already reading your book "If you are so smart...why are not you happy?" to learn more.

By Daniela A C L

Jun 10, 2020

Awesome! You definitely need to take this course because this really teaches you valuable lessons. Don't hesitate to take it. I love this course and I am sure you will do it! I 100% recommend taking this course. They have good information, the videos are really good quality, you have a lot of material and the teacher is really lovely and funny! It is really worth it.

By Wesley D S

Oct 18, 2016

Awesome class, learned a lot which not only do I practice more of now, but also hope to teach others this information in life coaching business I'm trying to do now. Inspiring me to help others find the happiness I did before this class and now added more knowledge to further pass on to my clients and those in my life already to spread goodness to all around me. :)

By Ricardo D M R

Aug 3, 2020

I'm really excited to finish the ALOHAF course, which I recommend you do. Our teacher and his assistant are competent, friendly and offer the best they can for our personal development. The course represents, for me, a great contribution to build a better world together. Oh, and I recommend the book by our professor Dr Rajagopal Raghunathan.

Gratitude, ALOHAF team!

By Ana Z

Apr 7, 2020

Me pare una excelente manera de aproximarte a una vida plena. Basado en estudios sociológicos, psicológicos, antropológicos podemos observar la manera en la que vivimos y hacernos la pregunta ¿de qué manera queremos vivir? Y después de la pregunta, la respuesta y las herramientas de cambio también son facilitadas en éste curso. Sin duda lo recomiendo ampliamente.

By Murali K P

Jan 27, 2018

This is the best course i have ever gone through on Coursera. The information and knowledge that i have gained through this is very useful to reach the ultimate goal of every human - To be happy. Professor Raj and his team at ISB and the team at Coursera has done an excellent job in putting up this course. Many many heartful thanks for the great work from you all.

By Kathleen R

Jan 25, 2018

Excellent course. Lectures were interesting, informative, and very engaging. Professor Raj Raghunathan is a passionate and outstanding educator and he has put together a course that satisfies the needs and interests of all levels of learners. I think this is a must course for all people who are interested in leading a more fulfilling, successful and happy life.

By Emie F

Jun 17, 2017

Very great and very interesting class I've learned so much in 6 weeks. Simply WOW. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this course. Notes to Prodessor Raj : Thank you very much for giving this joyful and smart course, you will definitely make this world a better place for others. Sincere thank you to your team for putting all this course content in place for us the students.

By Antara B

Jul 23, 2018

One of finest course I have taken. Prof. Raj is a brilliant instructor. The course material is easy to understand. If you sincerely follow what has been taught in the course, you will feel the difference in yourself, things around you and the bigger picture. A must take course for people who want to lead a happy and fulfilled life but do not know how to do it.

By María F

Oct 15, 2021

Un curso súper completo, interesante y ameno. De los mejores que he encontrado en coursera en cuanto a estructura, nivel y contenido.

Aporta a nivel personal y profesional, sin lugar a dudas. Aplicable, además, a todo tipo de profesiones.

Muchas gracias a todo el equipo de A life of happiness and fulfillment por el gran trabajo realizado.

Muy recomendable :-)


Aug 12, 2015

I'm waiting for stage four! My real problem! The big hole in the baloon. So far I'm much happier with the two lessons i've got. This experience reminds me students faking jailers and prisonners and end up with the same results. Except, those jailers and prisonners are in the same embodyment. How to get rid of it... Thx for your work. Really nice;););););)^_^

By Sarah A

Jan 9, 2018

This course changed my life! Not only that I learnt so much about happiness, but also about myself. I can recommend this course to everyone - it would be great if this becomes a life-learning session in school, maybe also in kindergarten - with a little-ones adapted version ;-). Thank you for the possibility to take this course! It was a pleasure! Namaste!

By Minnie A A A L

Dec 20, 2020

The manner in which is subject is presented is very impressive since Prof. Raj and team took the effort to prepare the classes to the extent of having animated clips on the subject title, among others. Prof. Raj is amazing in how he was able to synthesize the course in an easy, light, and absorbable manner complete with visuals and a truly happy demeanor.

By Nitesh K

Jan 9, 2016

I loved this course. Prof. Raj is amazing. The way he communicates is very clear and friendly. It doesn't sound like preaching. All the mentors are very friendly and responsive. After the end of course, you will be more aware of the happiness quotient of your own life as well as other. I recommend this course to everyone. Keep smiling :) - Nitesh Manav

By Desirae N

Oct 21, 2015

I love this course, the teacher makes it fun and very understanding and useful. This course in just week one has already opened my eyes a lot to what it means to achieving happiness no matter what situation is faced. I am super excited to see what else I will be learning within the weeks to come!!!

I recommend this course 100 percent a MUST take course!


Jun 12, 2020

Thankyou for this wonderful opportunity ..special thanks to Coursera,ISB, Raj Ragunathan Sir for providing us this lovely and useful course.

The lessons we have learnt are going to have a huge impact on our lives and on the way we think and on the way we accept everything.

It is really going to help us a lot to believe what we think is perfectly right.

By Evita D

Dec 4, 2017

Very useful course with great content, relevant excercises, and most importantly energetic professor. I strongly recommend to anyone who starts doubting if they have what it takes to be happy. The three happiness scores (before, mid-way and after the course) proved the improved level of happiness from taking this course - at least for me personally :)

By john l

Aug 10, 2017

I love this course as it provided both intuitive and scientific underpinning of the basis of the many skills for a life long practice to have a life of happiness and fulfillment. Masterfulness to be in the proverbial zone, Belongingness to be with the loving and/or positive company, and autonomy to be free from often self inflicted negative emotions.

By Monica V M d G L

Mar 1, 2017

ALOHAF. I would absolutely recommend this course to every single person in the world. Can you imagine the impact on our society if more and more people developed awareness for a Happy and Fullfilling Life? I am glad I attended this course and thank Prof. Raj and his team for the brilliant exposure of the contents and for the enlightment it brought.

By Charles C Y

Oct 18, 2015

A very interesting course that helps you get a grasp on what happiness is, define it, and work to improve your own happiness level. I really enjoy the logical approach to happiness, and defining what it means to you and how you experience happiness really does help make positive decisions that improve your well-being. The instructor is excellent.

By Eva

May 2, 2020

This course is a joy! I cannot recommend it highly enough. An excellent course by Prof Raj Raghunathan. It was very enriching both personally and professionally. Enjoyed Prof. Raj webinar about " Sustaining Happiness in Times of Stress: Lessons from the Coronavirus Outbreak ". It certainly helped me a lot. Thank you Prof. Raj, ISB and Coursera

By Laura L R T

Aug 18, 2017

Maravilloso este curso, ha cambiado mi perspectiva de la vida, de mi vida. Ha mejorado mi confianza personal y mis decisiones ahora son más pensadas para vivir con bienestar y plenitud. Agradezco de todo corazón esta propuesta para vivir con felicidad y plenitud. Es valioso darnos cuenta de todo el potencial que tenemos para lograr ser felices.

By Parag S B

Sep 5, 2015

Must for all. Make you think what is happiness for you. Make you analyze your habits and check the direction of your efforts for happiness. I like the structure of the program. 7 Sins and 7 Habits for it. Also references to books, research papers, videos, scientists convinced the audience the techniques to become happy are scientifically proven.

By Phung N T Q

Apr 15, 2020

Very helpful course, very cute teacher. The content is rich, diverse and so interesting. I feel so much happier through every lesson. Week 6 is amazing, everyone, please check it out. Sincere thanks to the teacher and his team. At the end of the course I was very sad when I did not listen to the teacher. I will enjoy the course again next time.

By Ewa S

Mar 5, 2019

I really enjoyed this course and have learnt so much. All the knowledge provided is based on scientific facts and the Professor Raj is fantastic, so full of positive energy and so eager to share his knowledge with us. I hope I will continue to apply the strategies and knowledge acquired during the course to live a happier and more mindful life.