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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Grammar and Punctuation by University of California, Irvine

19,353 ratings

About the Course

Course 1: Grammar and Punctuation Do you need to review English grammar? Have you forgotten the grammar you once studied? If so, this course is perfect for you. The first course in this specialization is a refresher on some tools needed for good writing. It will help prepare you for the other courses. You will need about 10 hours to complete this first course. Writing is a skill and to learn a skill well, you need to practice. In this course, you will watch short video lectures and then practice and discuss what you have learned. Make sure you take good notes and use the peer discussions to ask questions. Then you'll be able to remember the rules you learn in this course when you start writing essays in the next course. After completing this course, you will be able to: - identify the correct verb tenses to use - use commas effectively - utilize several different sentence types - write more effectively in English Please note that the free version of this class gives you access to all of the instructional videos and handouts. The peer feedback and quizzes are only available in the paid version....

Top reviews


Jun 25, 2020

I highly recommend this course. This paves the way to keep a note higher in my English skills particularly in grammar and punctuation. What a remarkable experience ! You will definitely learn a lot .


Dec 17, 2021

I have learned a lot of grammar and punctuation. So that I got knowledge and professional skills in English. Therefore, this course is completely international. Thank you for learning me this course.

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51 - 75 of 5,831 Reviews for Grammar and Punctuation

By Sharon S


Feb 17, 2016

Good course, although no proctor or supervision at all. No place to go for questions or help.

Please be aware this is primarily designed for non-native english speakers. This was not clear to me when I joined. And although the content is thorough, it is dull and the assignments uninspiring.

If you want to know more about grammar, good (be sure to bone up through, because she assumes a lot about what you might remember from high school and for those of us over 40 ... hmmm).

If you want to feel inspired to write something of value and interest to yourself or others, not so good.

Over all I would not recommend this course or series of courses. And would suggest seeking out a course that has some kind of proctor or supervisory help available.

By Lingfei T


Nov 9, 2015

This course is helpful and I have learned quite a bit about punctuation and sentence structures.

However, while things like tense are important, to be able to differentiate 12 tenses contributes relatively little to typical academic writing. Rather, I have had trouble with seemingly simple questions such as when to use past tense and when to use present tense in a literature review. But these aspects are probably the most useful when it comes to pracital writing. It would be helpful if these issues are addressed.

Also, the use of articles is a common weakness for a lot of students (to "the" or not to "the"). It is helpful to include this component too.

By K W


Jan 20, 2016

Good Course for examining some English Grammar closely

The course breaks down some aspects of English grammar and punctuation very nicely and has relevant practice exercises.

I wish the course covered a slightly wider variety of topics or went into slightly more depth of explanation. The title "grammar and punctuation" is misleading in that only a few topics are covered. However, I believe someone learning English or reviewing academic writing would definitely benefit from going through this course. I am a native speaker, and I certainly learned a few things. :)

Thank you Professor, TA's and Coursera!

By Paula S


Feb 24, 2021

The instructor videos for this class were excellent. However, almost none of the vocabulary practices worked correctly and peer reviews from classmates who struggles to write sentences in English were not helpful. I was taking this as a punctuation brush up. English is my native language. I think the practice quizzes need to be repaired before the course is offered again and peer reviews need to also be reviewed by an instructor. I also wanted to take the final quiz again, as I had missed marking one question, but my course was marked as completed, before I could do so.

By Claire


Apr 5, 2016

It's a good course with some interesting resources. Most of the practice resources use Flash and one of the assignment submissions is inconsistent with the other submission formats. The content of the course itself is 4.5 stars. For me there is one element that I wish had an explanation or somewhere to ask about it. Instead I'll need to search the internet for an answer and hope what I find is correct!

By Rachael H (


Feb 11, 2016

I think this is a good review for someone who has the basic in English grammar; however, if you're an ESL student or English-speaking person (who need to start over in grammar).

Study first before starting this course.

A lot of the feedback in the forum, I found to be poor except when it came from an English-speaking person.

You get a lot of: " OK, Great, etc..", no real feedback.

By Madhubanti G


Oct 18, 2015

I would have liked some more depth in the course. While the course name says "punctuation", it deals only with commas and to a small extent, with semicolons. The assignments and practice exercises need to be tougher. Also, given that this course is taken by students from all over the globe, it should mention that the "serial comma" is not mandatory in all writing styles.

By Arash F


Jan 15, 2021

This is a basic level grammar and punctuation course. While it is outlined well, some of the course work is not available based on the device one would use. Moreover, the current coursera policy of not being able to submit quizes at the end of each module makes it rather pointless to audit the course, and the course by itself doesn't have enough value to pay for upgrading.

By David L


Dec 11, 2016

The course is helpful but incomplete. It does not mention dashes and colons. It also misrepresents the usage of semicolons. I have seen the idea of using a semicolon followed by a transition word taught before, but I do not think I have ever seen it done in published writing in my entire life. It strikes me as being pretentious, something to be discouraged.

By Mohamad K M


Feb 12, 2020

Very good in punctuation and some points but it doesn't teach a lot of grammar as the title is, the training links are pretty old, and they use other sites, so it wasn't easy to use them. Good course for writing skill, anyway, it's so good for good English talkers, who doesn't trust their English writing skill.

By Paul J M


Dec 18, 2015

A good clear examination of basic punctuation and grammar. The lectures are well presented and the exercises useful. The element which really doesn't work is the peer assessment or review. This seems intended to replace forum discussions but it is not a good substitute (and there are no forums).

By Kunal D


Dec 31, 2015

A solid course for those who require a refresher on certain grammar rules. But, in my opinion, the course should go deeper in the different parts of the English grammar. For example, what are gerunds or infinitives? Still a good course though! I really enjoyed the teacher, as well.

By Aida


Nov 12, 2017

The level of this course is way more basic than I expected. The reviews left previously did not succeed my expectations. It might be an interesting course for someone that is starting to write in English and wishes to have extra knowledge in a very collateral way.

By Andrea P


Mar 11, 2016

The course is well structured, but most of the features in the exercises' pages were not working properly. I tried to access them via both my computer (macbook) and mobile phone, but in some cases I could not even complete the exercise or check the answers...

By Emmylee G


Jan 6, 2019

This course was informative and valuable although lacking in character and not particularly engaging. (a Ben-Stein-Bueller aura if you know what I mean). But if you have the patience and desire to really learn this stuff, it will suffice.

By Brandon L S


May 26, 2020

Very okay. I would have liked to see more video content and quizzes, rather than reading. This is a good review on the basics of grammar and punctuation, but I think you should already have some background in this before taking it.

By Estella


Mar 13, 2020

The course is conducted well. But it can be improved better. Some reading materials, however, is not that useful and some videos are useless... More useful tips can be put into this course, it is kind of easy...

By Takondwa N C


Mar 23, 2020

Some exercises were freezing up despite using firefox as recommended. Some long questions were not completely visible, as they slide cut them off. Otherwise, the sessions were beneficial in everyday writing.

By Bahareh K


Dec 23, 2016

It was great but I can't continue it because I am from Iran and living there too so I can't pay and enroll next courses :(

It was just like a great starter with no purpose for me.

By Kevin M V


Sep 1, 2020

Esta bien el curso, pero hay cosas que no explican del todo y muchos links externos para leer, no se motiva realmente al estudiante a escribir y que otros estudiantes corrijan.

By Valeriya N


Jan 19, 2016

The information was quite was good, but the practice and assignments were too easy. Thanks for providing full explanations and a set of in-video examples for every rule.

By Alicia B J


Mar 15, 2019

Algunas funciones no trabajan adecuadamente, envío mis tareas y no se registra, eso hace que no pueda avanzar. No existe un soporte que ayude a resolver los problemas.

By Jim O


Feb 22, 2018

Nice brush up on some long-lost grammar rules. Could have been a bit more challenging considering it was created by a University of California school.

By Gabriel B C


Jul 5, 2020

It could review some aspects from conditional sentences. In addition, there should be the option of doing the practice exercises in Safari or Chrome.

By Nilaakshi K


Mar 6, 2017

Although it should be simple enough, i found it hard to understand the material and sometimes, the videos would end without finishing the content.