Apr 4, 2020
Great intro. If you already know the basics, you probably don't need this course though. Not much of a deep dive, more of a "skim the surface" type course. Week 4 on IO was the most beneficial for me.
May 31, 2020
some of the best, clearest, easiest to understand explanations I've ever come across. Other computer science instructors should do this course. not for them to learn Go, but to learn how to explain.
By Werner B
•Feb 1, 2020
A very good start, you really get the desire to continue.
At some other courses (e.g. from a big cloud provider) you have seen enough after the first videos...
Ian Harris is simply a great speaker!
By Amy G
•May 9, 2020
Great introduction. The instructor explains basic concepts really well and to the right amount of depth. I wish there are moderators that are more on top of questions raised in discussion.
By sudhanshu p
•Apr 2, 2019
One of best course i encountered for teaching a new programming languages.
People with none C programming background may feel trouble but with some effort you can easily catch up.
By Dhiraj J
•Sep 20, 2019
It's wonderful Course to get started with Golang.
Assignments and Quiz are extremely helpful to practice and enhance the knowledge.
I strongly recommend to enrol this course.
By Murali M
•Oct 16, 2019
Great videos and lecturer.
Simple to understand the concepts
By David S D
•Jan 18, 2019
I am writing this after having actually completed all three courses in this series. I would rate all of them well. The instructor is fine for me, but there is an occasional error in his slides. But the selection of material was good and the tests and homework were also fine.
The one thing that was disappointing to me is the peer to peer grading format of the course programming exercises. Apparently there are not a large number of students taking these courses and so I sometimes had to wait days to get feedback and grades for my assignments. I actually finished the 3rd course before I had the last programming assignment from the 2nd course graded.
It was annoying enough that I might well shy away from taking courses with peer grading in the future.
On balance, though I have to say I enjoyed all three of these courses and I definitely leave them behind a better Go programmer than I was before.
By Débora D
•Jul 5, 2024
It is very beginner friendly. Nothing intermediate. As it says it is a course for people who already know how to program, I wish it would advance faster in the content. But the course has good quality.
By Alessandro L
•Feb 8, 2019
The instruction of some of the tasks could have been more clear and less ambiguous (e.g a String of 20 characters on Week 4 task).
By Luiz C
•Nov 6, 2018
Interesting Course for anyone interested by Go programming, but Course is really targetted at beginner programmers
By Rohit O
•Apr 13, 2020
Everything was perfect except that there were no examples/test runs for the coding questions.
By Francisco G
•Sep 9, 2021
Many times the functions and packages provided by the theoretical videos were not enough to face the practical tasks, which forces you to search for content on the web (which you could have done without spending money on a course). Most of the more complex exercises are unclear in what to do and how your program should do it. Apart from this, the teacher was very clear in all his explanations and covered all the basics successfully. Perhaps my only criticism towards any of his classes is that when he spoke of some packages he did not mention how, or under what name it had to be imported (for example the json package), which led you to have to search on the web again. In conclusion, the only reason why I would pay for this course is to display the coursera diploma on my LinkedIn. All the contents given can be easily learned by doing research on your own.
By Anton
•Jun 22, 2024
Good overall course structure and sometimes good context explanation (although IMHO not always), but there are just too many errors in slides (so you have to always double check that the syntax is actually valid) and the assignments are very confusing. Overall the professor just seem to go through the motions, to get over it as quickly as possible. The course is also outdated, some introduced methods are now marked as deprecated.
By Richard V
•Jul 22, 2023
The contents of the course are hardly useful to complete the assignments. The description of the final assignment was not clear enough. I was against peer review assignment at the beginning, but, I thought that this could be a good approach to the real world. However, a mix between peer reviews and automated tests could improve the course experience.
By Phil H
•Jul 7, 2019
This course satisfies the basic requirements for learning go. However, it is really annoying that there are so many typos / errors in the course materials. Everything just seems sloppy. All in all, this course does provide useful info, but it's definitely nowhere as good as it could be.
By Giulio C
•Mar 21, 2019
Not very in depth study course about Golang but still good
By Utkarsh S
•Oct 29, 2018
More Lab work would have been useful.
By Kyle W
•Sep 19, 2024
The lectures are not particularly useful, serving mostly as an overview of data structures and types, with an occasional brief code snippet. There are many imported libraries that are required to complete the assignments, yet are never covered in the lectures. Most modules will be completed by going to the assignment section, and then Googling how to complete tasks such as reading user input, parsing data, and so on. Assignments are poorly written, and the peer grading system seems very opinion based - one assignment was rejected for using the wrong imported library, which was never mentioned in the slides or assignment description. Assignment requirements and grading criteria sometimes cannot even be viewed until after submitting the assignment, and don't always match the description.
By Matt G
•Sep 10, 2022
I was underwhelmed by this course, and will not be taking the two follow-up courses in the series. The instructor seems like a pleasant fellow, but the lectures are more-or-less useless. For example, you need to use Scanner to get proper input, but that isn't even taught at all--leaving it up your own Google-foo capabilities. The assignments are confusingly worded and open to interpretation, which I feel like puts the "peer reviewers" (you and me) in an awkward position. Go itself has also changed over the last 4 years, so certain things that are lectured on are now deprecated. I'd recommend finding another means of learning Go.
By Zack K
•Oct 27, 2021
At time this course feels more like an intro to programming course than an intro to go. The assignments should be graded using coursera's unit tests rather than peer reviewed. Peer review's are not comprehensive, and I doubt most people are actually checking the code. Also, having people download other people's code is a security risk. Wouldn't be hard to put something malicious in the code that executes it is run (or even when it is opened)
By Igor R
•Oct 11, 2024
The course is not bad, but there's one major issue: it's super slow. It's called an intermediate course for people who have programming experience, but for some reason, a ton of time in the lectures is spent on obvious things like what for-loops are. Also, there are no slides or any other way to get the info quicker than watching the videos. Unfortunately, for people who do have programming experience this course is mostly a waste of time.
By Simon D
•Jul 2, 2023
The video tutorials are really light and don't provide nearly enough preparation to easily figure out the assignments. Assignments requirements are badly specified.
The peer review system is interesting but introduces a lot of latency.
Overall, I much preferred the CS50 Python available on EdX. This was excellent learning material and the grading system was pretty good and automated.
By Tim “ C
•Jan 4, 2021
It's too text heavy for basic comp sci topics. It's good information but not on topic.
The topic is 'Getting started with Go' not 'Getting started with Computer Architecture'.
There should be more Go specific focused talks and assume a base level of comp sci from your audience.
Or, make basic comp sci a requisite to this course.
By Joseph F
•May 22, 2019
The peer review was a bummer for me; I don't feel like I should pay for a course and have to grade others assignments. If I want to become a TF / TA, much different story.
The final assignment was worded poorly and left some (much) to the implementor's interpretation; a bit uncomfortable.
2.5 stars
By Fei G
•Feb 12, 2023
Poorly structured assignments, very superficial. Don't take this course.