May 28, 2020
Great course. I had a general interest in diplomacy and wanted a little taste of what it was, this course has provided me just that. It has amazing resources to help enhance our knowledge of diplomacy
May 1, 2020
Absolutely incredible course in diplomacy that gives you a perfect glimpse of understanding how diplomacy works in practice and what achievements you need to posses in order to become a good diplomat.
By Rossitza D
•Jul 20, 2019
Best short course ever taken!
Initially I was annoyed because I had to evaluate my mates and let three randomly chosen evaluate my homework. Also provided materials weren't smart-friendly - you need to print them out for reading.
Couple of weeks later I realised there is no other way - reading-friendly documents are easy to manipulate and content could be modified by anyone and distributed with amendments. And no one would notice! Besides, if your classmates evaluate you as a diplomat, you don't need lecturer's confirmation.
Thank you, Dr J. Simon Rofe, for teaching me this lesson. Keep-up the good work and take care! :D
By Jose F S A
•Mar 5, 2020
Taking this course was a very important choise. Diplomacy in a modern world is highly needed for all professionals because of the new challenges we are all facing in a new global business scenario. The Agenda 2030 and the SDG 17 highlights the need to strategically integrate and revitalize the "global partenership" for sustainable development. Thus, successful diplomacy is basically reaching some kind of agreement or deal within the governments´ international affairs framework and it is fundamental to understand your diplomatic role to push up the needed dialogue and actions to achieve that agreement.
By Ingūna D
•Jan 26, 2025
The course effectively utilizes its digital format by featuring numerous international relations experts, offering a rich diversity of perspectives. The reading materials are well-selected and relevant, providing valuable insights into the history, functions, and evolution of diplomacy, as well as the skills required for diplomatic work. The workload is reasonable and well-paced. A strong sense of community is fostered through peer engagement, as reviewing weekly submissions and reflecting on coursemates' perspectives enriches the learning experience. An excellent blend of content and interaction!
By Allen R P
•Jun 1, 2020
The course opened an opportunity for me to better understand diplomacy. The program has a number of strength that helped me developed a deeper understanding of what diplomacy is and how plays a critical role in the world today such as: (1) Simple yet understandable Audio Visual Presentations, (2) Relevant readings which gave a clear picture of the topics, and (3) Peer review is a very helpful tool, you get to learn new ideas from the perspective of others and you are being exposed to other valid interpretations. Then you realize that the world of diplomacy is a complex thing.
By Fritz-Gerald D
•Sep 5, 2021
Aside from obtaining a great understanding of "Global Diplomacy", particularly, how it is materialized in the modern world, I had the privilege of listening to the hearts and thoughts of some great, sensational instructors from London University and many others. I am in awe of the amount of information received from this exceptional group of people. This Global Diplomacy class is an eye opener, an attention grabber and a must know in order to be or become a serious, well acclaimed, well informed and true Diplomat.
Fritz-Gerald Delice, Ph.D. (United States) Sept. 5, 2021
By christianah o
•Apr 25, 2022
I am delighted to have come across this course. It has been very helpful to my career and ambition to go beyond the local level. I have learned that diplomacy is not just about politics, public lies as it seem but friendly interactions between a group of representatives aimed at using continuous dialogue and negotiation to resolve an ongoing conflict and ensure peace between people or nations. It has taught me that all skills necessary in diplomacy are natural skills that every one must learn to be a mediator or peace maker.
By Kateryna K
•Mar 27, 2023
Thank you to Simon Rofe & Coursera for the course 🧶Global Diplomacy – Diplomacy in the Modern World by the University of London. We got a critical understanding of the nature and development of global diplomacy, drawing on a variety of relevant contributing disciplines in the broad field of International Studies.
An understanding of changes in diplomatic practices and procedures and the relationship of those changes to contemporary politics. Knowledge of issues in global diplomacy in historical and contemporary contexts.
By Meng V
•Mar 18, 2025
The course of Global Diplomacy-Diplomacy in the Modern World provided me with many things such as the diplomacy aspect with theory and practice; diplomacy's failure and success; the importance of diplimacy and how diplomacy can deal with the global challenges, including climate change, political systems, and international relations in the modern world. More importantly, I can take my role as a diplomat to link with the theory with the real world and upgarde my knowledge of diplomcay more effectively. Great course!!!
By Fernández M I B
•Mar 7, 2020
well,This diplomacy course is incredible, each of its exhibitors have well-founded knowledge, with this course I have learned to better manage my clients from my business, better manage situations of controversies between friends, it will also serve as a basis to be a diplomat for benefits of My country, combining it with 7 Masters in Business, will be a tremendous tool that will open barriers to the benefits of many sectors in need. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to participate and benefit from this course
By Sixtus M B
•Jun 27, 2019
It has been a short journey with great achievements. I have learnt a lot in the Global Diplomacy that I completely didn't know before. Thank you for the course and thank you for the lectures, guidance and I thank all my peer reviewers for reviewing my work and giving me their grades. It was worth taking it and I would strongly recommend others to take it. You will never regret on your time and money by taking this kind of course. Thank you University of London and Thank you Coursera for making this happen. My Kudos
By Isa P
•Oct 22, 2020
I think this a great introductory course about diplomacy. I really enjoyed the way the course was structured and the videos provided. The readings were manageable and interesting. Reading the contributions of my fellow course mates and providing feedback, for me was also very great way to learn. One thing I was missing is the historical overview (at least some kind of introduction) of diplomacy. For me this would have been very interesting. However, the course provided me with a great input on diplomacy generally.
By Vicky C
•Feb 10, 2021
Interesting. Requires commitment.
A number of videos to go through as well as reading material. Kept deviating from script and went into the various links plus did quite a bit of research on the topic.
If you are interested in life long learning and keen to understand the challenges of diplomacy this is a good introductory course.
Yes, as interesting as the topic was nothing can beat the feeling of accomplishment.
Plus amazing peer support, awesome team!!!
A course well worth your time. Thank you to the Coursea!!!
•Mar 30, 2021
I learned in this course more about Global diplomacy such as: Diplomacy in action , the Quality of good diplomat, the difference between good and bad diplomacy, articles of Diplomacy
Conclusion of course what I learned from this course I can't summarize here what i learned I did not know before I started this course
I would like to thank the platform of coursera, the University of London and the professors who took part in this course and presented their expertise in diplomacy
By Aura P M A
•Jan 4, 2025
Un curso excelente porque me permitió contar mi experiencia a lo largo de mi trayectoria en la Cancillería del Ecuador y en la Cancillería de Colombia. Continuaré haciendo más curso como esto que me ayuden a desarrollar más mis capacidades de aprendizaje. La diplomacia es una actividad profesional que se encarga de representar, negociar, proteger, y promover los intereses de un Estado ante otros. La diplomacia global se basa en la negociación para alcanzar acuerdos de paz u otros de interés para los Estados
By Ho N
•Aug 2, 2020
It was an incredibly perfect insight into the modern diplomacy in the world, which is happening in day-to-day life but I have never really to noticed. The materials provided in the course also helped me understand the basic nature of diplomacy & a job of a diplomat, and give me the clues to study the famous cases of diplomacy in the world of politics. This insight & knowledge will help me realize what I need to learn & practice to get a career in Internation Affairs. Thank you for this opportunity.
•Jun 27, 2020
A relevant course for the current economic situation which really needs a global handshake among the leaders around the world to boost the post pandemic Covid-19 situations. The stigma of modernisation though is needed but the old school protocols still works better in foreign policy in order to understand a country's rituals and culture when a diplomat represent his or her country. Every political negotiations has its own pros and cons which works best for their own country an the end of the day.
By Maxim B
•Mar 13, 2019
Excellent, well organized and very professional course on Modern Diplomacy. Happy to join, learned so many interesting things and structured my knowldge in he best way!
Maxim Behar
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Sir James Mancham International
Center for Peace Studies & Diplomacy
Honorary Consul General
of the Republic of Seychelles
in Bulgaria
60, Bulgaria Blvrd.
1618 Sofia, Bulgaria
mobile: +359 888 503113
By Sasy S
•May 4, 2017
I really enjoyed learning about Diplomacy in the world, its application, and real life examples. The course was very helpful in terms of delivering the subject, and the speaker videos really simplified the concept and made it more clear to understand. Although online learning might be a little bit of a dry material but the weekly peer reviews created a kind of interaction and ideas' sharing that I believe made this course-beside its topic- a more enjoyable experience.
By Carla G
•Nov 10, 2020
I've truly enjoyed this course and the different videos and readings in each segment. I also value the reviews and commentaries from my peers on the e-tivities. It's good for giving an introductory insight into Global Diplomacy. I would have liked to see though, a more in depth and detail video commentaries on real case scenarios and their applications, as some of the examples were very general. Great course! I recommend it for beginners in this subject.
By Ana R R d S C
•Apr 27, 2020
The course was great, and I definitely learned different and interesting subjects regarding Diplomacy. It presents the topics in a clear way, and it is quite didactic (with articles, videos, and reports). I did the course in 5 weeks, and more or less spent 3/4 hours per week on it. I would recommend the Global Diplomacy course, especially for those you want to learn the basics of Diplomacy or want to know if you should or should not pursue this field.
By Paul V d E
•May 14, 2020
I have taken many on-line courses, but is is one of the only ones where I looked worked to the next lesson. Course material was very well presented and allowed me to find additional material to enhance the learning process. Assignments were challenging, but well worth the effort required. The review of peers also contributed to a very good learning climate. Of course, now I have no other choice but to take similar courses for my own development.
By Andrew M
•Jul 7, 2023
Amazing course! It opened my eyes for what diplomacy is and how important it is throughout our entire history. Cheers to the professors and guests for sharing their knowledge and thoughts with us. I'd also like to thank the other students for their great analysis and cooperation during the course's activities.
This is perhaps the best course I've seen that's not related to my field of study and work (which is Software Engineering). Thanks again!
By Mohamed A
•Sep 12, 2020
The course is sophisticated but you have made it very simple, clear and easy with practical interviews of heavyweight diplomat or profs. I have gained a lot and I can see from the peer assessments that my peers also grasped a good of knowledge of diplomacy. Well done and I thank you for the lecturer, Dr Rofe, and Coursera giving us this opportunity. I advise to all my peers to upgrade and get the certificate in order to see their achievements.
By Shamrir A
•Mar 2, 2021
This was an excellent course. I truly admire the distinguished professors and instructors who brilliantly delivered their lectures on global diplomacy. For anyone trying to learn about diplomacy, its practice, the current state of diplomatic affairs, and its scope, this course is a must-have. I also like the fact how not only one or two but lectures of almost 8 instructors were compiled to provide insights and knowledge from different angles.
By Fred N
•Feb 3, 2023
I'm a processional intern at the ministry of foreign affairs and international cooperation of Rwanda. when my friend recommended this platform to me, i did not hesitate to start immediately because i found out that is accepted in my country. this platform is easy to use because you can apply for financial aid with ease. i would like to recommend each and everyone of you to realize your dreams on coursera. thanks to the Founders.