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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere by Google

111,802 ratings

About the Course

This is the first course in the Google Data Analytics Certificate. Organizations of all kinds need data analysts to help them improve their processes, identify opportunities and trends, launch new products, and make thoughtful decisions. In this course, you’ll be introduced to the world of data analytics through hands-on curriculum developed by Google. The material shared covers plenty of key data analytics topics, and it’s designed to give you an overview of what’s to come in the Google Data Analytics Certificate. Current Google data analysts will instruct and provide you with hands-on ways to accomplish common data analyst tasks using the best tools and resources. Learners who complete this certificate program will be equipped to apply for introductory-level jobs as data analysts. No previous experience is necessary. By the end of this course, learners will: - Gain an understanding of the practices and processes employed by a junior or associate data analyst in their day-to-day job. - Learn about key analytical skills (data cleaning, data analysis, data visualization) and tools (spreadsheets, SQL, R programming, Tableau) that you can add to your professional toolbox. - Discover a wide variety of terms and concepts relevant to the role of a junior data analyst, such as the data life cycle and the data analysis process. - Evaluate the role of analytics in the data ecosystem. - Conduct an analytical thinking self-assessment. - Explore job opportunities available to you upon program completion, and learn about best practices you can leverage during your job search....

Top reviews


May 6, 2022

I​ found this course to be very informative in the basics of the field data analyst but I have taken other courses in data analysis/ science and therefore I don't know if I am biased by my experience.


May 13, 2022

I really love how they explain concepts about data, share experience , easy to understand and improved my foundation about data. The assignments and quizzes really helped me in undestanding the course

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301 - 325 of 10,000 Reviews for Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere

By Aditya D

Mar 25, 2023

I am very much impressed by this course. At the very start of this I thought that it would be a boring course and all that, but I was totally wrong, The teachers were amazing (Tony Sir 🔥). And what make this course different and more effective is the way questions pop up during videos, knowledge checks, Learning Logs, Real- Life examples and so so so much more. I have learned a lot from this course and I am confident, motivated and have more knowledge about Data Analysis.

Thank You Coursera and Google (With Team Members) Aditya Dayal

By Juan A

May 31, 2023

This module is a really good starting point for anyone who know nothing about data analytics but want to dive in to this field, they teach all fundamentals in easy to understand ways, not only that they also give the general outlook on how the data analysis world really look like, in this course they give business case and real world example of how data analyst work, if you come to this course hungry I will make sure that you will leave this course with your stomach full, however your brain will crave for the food like never before.

By Dr. P D T

Jun 29, 2021

I really like the videos, and within the videos there was a quiz question, that caught my attention. I liked the information about what type of jobs can come from this certificate. The practice quizzes were great, but the other tests, well, sometimes it didn't feel we covered some of the material, maybe it wasn't emphasized as much, maybe in the video or readings you highlight some things that could be on the test, that way we can make special note of it and even if we write it down we learn from it. Great course, great instructor.

By Khalida Z

Jun 23, 2024

The "Foundation of Data" and "Data Everywhere" modules have provided a solid understanding of the importance of data in today's world. I have learned how data is collected, analyzed, and used to inform decisions in various industries. The modules have also highlighted the potential biases and unfair practices that can occur in data analysis and the importance of addressing these issues. Through real-world examples and interactive exercises, I have gained practical knowledge and skills in working with data. Overall, these modules ha

By Patrick B

Feb 10, 2023

This was a great intro course. Allowed me to brush up on some prior info while being introduced to new info in a digestible way. Learning macro info about analyst role functions and skills they need was also helpful to help set expectations knowing that we will be leaning more about them in depth in future lessons. I had trouble with the final course test content loading properly. I reached out to coursera support and after a few email exchanges they were able to fix the issue. Thanks to the support team for a quick resolution.

By Pinky K

Jan 17, 2022

For some people, it could be very elementary. For absolute beginners, it is a great course. It clearly clarifies different type of data analysts in different industries, beginner can start to think about how to position themselves in the world of data analyst according to their interests. Some concepts are repeated over different videos which I appreciate, as it helps solidify the fundamentals of data analysis. Speakers in the video tell their own story from their data analyst journey, it is encouraging and sheds positive lights.

By Alfonso B

Nov 10, 2022

Tony, the primary instructor, was excellent. I learned a lot about the foundations of data analytics and the essential terminology to grow my knowledge in the field. As a result, I built up my basic understanding of data analytics and better understood how to enter my new career once I complete the certification. This first course was a test to see if becoming a data analyst was what I wanted to do. After completing the first course, it is! Thanks to Tony and the other contributors for making this course accessible and enjoyable.

By Lavanya G

Sep 17, 2022

A very good course that really gets to the very basics of data analytics. This introduces us to a lot of terminology or the data analytics jargon, the differences between some of them. The course gave a bird's eye view on a lot of concepts of data analytics - what it is, who the data analysts and data scientists are, what are all the tools one might use, what is a data life cycle and what kind of job titles, descriptions and again how different they are and what similarities could there be. It just sets the foundations right.

By Georges R O

Aug 28, 2023

Amazing course! The professor speak very clearly, at a slow pace but not too much, everything is his videos was understandable even for a french student of 47 uears old with only basics in british English in school... The Learning logs parts are really boring and even if it helps the knowledges to stick, we can barely systematically write 2-3 sentences with 40-60 words for any question about the course... That's way too much... Please, consider adapting your demands to the questions you ask. Ask less, expect more. Thank you

By Endurance O

Oct 6, 2022

The Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere coursehas met some of my expectations. The exposition to the field of data analytics is so amzing. The repetition for emphaises is one aspect of the program that I appreciated.

The use of videos, reflection, challenges and glossary of terms are all good, for retention.

However, I would like a feature where all my post in the discusion forum can be located on my dashboard and be replaced with the email notification as its a little overwheming receiving comment every second to my mail.

By Finella M

Aug 6, 2023

I've leaned so much from this course; I now see how the data world is diversified. I was able to realize where I am in my career as a Business Analyst and how to move forward. This course has really opened my eyes and made me connect the dots on the data analysis and analytics life cycle; it made me love my passion for data even more, seeing that data touches so many aspects of our lives and futures, and how it can be used to help people and not just businesses. Thank you for putting this course together for people like me.

By prabu s

May 3, 2022

I used this course mainly as a refresher as I already am familiar with spread sheets and sql, I really appreciate the testing process the questions asked bring out the best out of your knowledge and answer combining your personal skills as well. The instructor Tony gave the lecture in a very understandable way. On the whole I find one flaw the course didn't instruct how to install SQL which is a little bit of a negative because some students find it difficult to install it. On every other part the training is first class.

By Manahil S

Feb 5, 2023

"I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for the outstanding course you created. I learned so much and enjoyed every moment of it. The materials were well-organized, the lectures were engaging and informative, and the assignments helped reinforce what I learned.

In particular, I really appreciated the use of real-life examples and case studies, which helped bring the concepts to life. The interactive elements, like group discussions and online quizzes, also made the course much more enjoyable and interactive.

By Fher A

Jan 23, 2024

Para aquellos que llegaron buscando si el análisis de datos es lo suyo es excelente, describe de manera pulcra y sin guardarse nada la descripción de este puesto y en lo que puede desembocar; a los que como yo llegan con una precognición de lo que se trata el análisis de datos no deja de ser util pues da la información necesaria para establecer tal y como lo dice el nombre los fundamentos para continuar en el camino, lo recomiendo a todo aquel que busca integrarse en el mundo del data science y busca entrar al mundo tech

By Tarek K

Aug 22, 2021

It's very interesting course, it relates my experience, education with many concepts and ideas such as: data usage, importance, and power, data analysis, informed-decision making, data analyst roles & responsibilities, data actionable insights, thinking analytically, visualization tools, querying basics... and much more.

At first, I was a little bit hesitant whether to enroll or not, because the subject seemed unfamiliar. I didn't conceive at the beginning how close I could be and how much the course might be interesting.

By Fernesia C

Feb 12, 2023

I found the course to be very informative and proficient in engaging the student in the learning process. I was prepared when it was time to take the quizzes and exams, having the open book learning style is great for those whom never had prior knowledge of what a Data Analysis does!

I would not say that I have retained or mastered each tool, process or technique in this first course material but, I plan to finish what I started and it's interesting so I'm intrigued enough to go back and master each chapter!


By Mihiri H

Aug 13, 2024

I really believe Im in the right place to gain valuable professional qualifications.Cousera provides the best and the most job relevant educeducational opportunities and among the courses here im particularly interested in Google Data Analytics certification. Studying next levels of this programme is my next step for sure.Additionally, I would like to express my gratitude for the financial support I have received for my studies; it has been a great help to me as a student. THANK YOU VERY MUCH GOOGLE AND COUSERA.......

By Theju K

Jul 15, 2022

Overall as the name defines, this course1 justified the real meaning for the Data foundation, it explained each and every steps involved in the word DATA, its not just a simple word to see just as a data, if we dive deep into this course then only one can know that DATA is not only the combination of numbers & alphabets which we see on spread sheet there is lot to know behind the simple word DATA.

Eventually i would like and take this chance to Thank Google team to offering such a wonderful course through Coursera.

By Thembakazi

Aug 18, 2021

Great course for everyone , easy to understand learning made fun while getting the real work done.

As a beginner i am able to understand the terms with ease and i am learning the skills to be a data analyst. The design and the navigation of the course is easily understandable and makes the course even more interesting and motivates one to continue

I would definitely take more courses with Coursera, I like the learning structure that caters for everyone , It helps me explore my options and understand my learning style

By Carmen F

Sep 16, 2022

The only thing I did not like is forum discussions and trying to keep track of my answers and any replys to them. The rest of the course we so fun for me. I cannot wait to learn more and I definitly took less time than given for each part of the course. I think the pacing is great if you have a full-time job and want to gradually add work on for yourself. If you have more time, it is possible to finish a week of work in a day and have the course complete over a shorter span of time. I'm glad I started on this path!

By Rick J R

Dec 22, 2021

I really enjoyed this course. It was well formatted and easy to follow. The videos along with the written transcripts are fantastic. The only item that I found confusing was understanding how to contact class mates. Every time I tried to find people out of the thousands who took this course, I just got lost. It would be great if the entire section could be simplified. Perhaps break the number of people down into smaller groups? Thank you for making this course, I really enjoyed it and cant wait to work in the field.

By Yarraballi G

Nov 11, 2022

tIamveryproudofthiscourserabecauseofcourseraigainmoreknowledgFromthisassignmentexamwillgivesaskillsofunderstanunderstandingsubjectslikeData sciencecomputerscienceBusinesscomputeClikescienceBusinessunderstandinglikeBusinessscienceBusinessBuComputerscienceBusinessandInformationtechnologyThisarethesubjectswhichareveryinterestingandbetterunderstandingpurposesiilearnedlotenjoyedlotwhileunderstandingthisexexamgainedandofknowledgeexamIreallythankcourserafronfronfromtheheartIreallygainedmoreknowledgeforthihelpofcoursera

By Chirag

Dec 19, 2021

At first I thought it's of no use to me as it's only talking and no learning about the stuff but as I proceeded and completed this course I realized that this is the real foundation of Data Analytics. This courses teaches you about what exactly is data analytics?, what are the steps you need to follow in order to become a successful Data Analyst, things and skills you need to learn and work upon, it helps you give you a insight of your life as a Data Analyst, how things are gonna be, how to overcome roadblocks.

By Sanja J

Sep 30, 2022

As being a person without previous knowledge on data analyisis I find this course very sistematic and delivered in very organized manner. Tasks given to be done during the course in my opinion had very good function to help us to better understand course material. As I am not the native speaker, I need to notice that all through the course there are given all over again refreshments of the previous elements/lectures which were organized in a manner to better explain all the relevant issues about data analysis.

By Jennifer M

Oct 6, 2021

This course is a good overview and basic introduction to data analytics. It seems like a lot of negative reviews are based on the perceptions of those who already have some data experience and are looking to brush up on their skill set. Yes, a lot of the information is elementary. However, this is designed to reach various levels of education - including individuals who have no data experience. If you already have experience you will breeze through with a refresher, if not, you'll get the introduction you need.