May 12, 2017
In the beginning I thought this was going to be a very basic course, but the way the professor explained the topics really make it interesting a practical, going beyond the classical economic theory.
Feb 16, 2020
Larry is one of my all time favorite professors. No one teaches price theory like him. He makes the material entertaining and creates an enjoyable learning experience. I wish he taught more courses.
By Doruk
•Oct 14, 2020
The course is great and it explains everything that is written on the syllabus. Overall I am really satisfied with the instructor and the course and would definetely consider taking another course from him.
By Dr. R
•Jul 13, 2020
Very good course to understand the basic concepts of consumer and producer behaviour.......Very well explained the shortrun conditions of profit maximization and shutdown...... excellent overall experience
•Nov 30, 2020
By Akshay H
•Dec 11, 2017
Excellent course by Prof. Larry Debrock!
How does a market work? How is the price of a product decided? When should you shutdown a firm? and a lot more.
This is the course to get introduced to Economics.
By Bruno C
•Aug 9, 2017
Excellent professor.
Content well structured, videos, slides, quizz, assignments.
Support material and recommended reading also well structured.
I was addicted until finishing in <2weeks!
By Konul M
•May 29, 2020
Əvvəlcə qeyd etmək istərdim ki, çox yaxşı bir kursdur. Əminəm ki, bu kursda əhatə olunan materialın intensivliyi və dərinliyi gələcək karyeram üçün müsbət təsir göstərəcəkdir. Təşəkkür edirəm.
By Alireza A B
•Feb 9, 2020
Concepts in this course are presented very thoroughly with real life examples and Larry is a great teacher! Learnt a lot in this course and looking forward to the second portion of the course.
By Nguyen T T N
•Feb 17, 2021
I have learned supply curve, demand curve, marginal revenue, marginal cost, markets, allocations, how to maximize profits, consumer and producer behavior,… The knowledges is very useful to me
By Shubh S
•May 31, 2020
Though being a student in technical field, i was easy for me to become familiar with the subject, as all basics were point to point explained. Larry sir was amazing xD. "I have got the pen"
By Val S
•Apr 11, 2020
Professor DeBrock is one of the best teachers I have ever encountered. He makes a daunting subject understandable. I can't wait for more of the same in the next microeconomics course.
By Rakesh S
•Aug 23, 2017
Excellent course and very well explained every basic economic concept with real examples.
Thanks a lot Professor for allowing me to audit this course, wishing you a great success ahead!!
By Emehinola O O
•Jul 7, 2020
It was a very interesting course. The instructor taught really well and all his teachings were very easy to understand. I learnt a number of valuable lessons and skills in this course.
By Steven H
•Aug 12, 2020
Larry is an excellent teacher--clear, concise, and entertaining. This was a refresher course for me (I majored in Econ at Berkeley 40 yrs ago) and reminded me why I chose to study it!
By Ekansh k s
•May 18, 2020
Very well taught concepts, Complete coverage of syllabus. Communication from Larry or Per reviews, this course has provided a great experience towards learning economics. Thank you :)
By Sandra G R
•Jan 6, 2020
I did not expect that the economic was so interesting, Larry is excelent in all the videos, and made me want to learn more about the economy, curves, marginal, revenue and shoutdowns.
By Prasad P
•Jan 14, 2021
Found the content extremely interesting. Mr DeBrock delivered the content in a simple and understandable way. Definitely recommended for any beginners wanting to get into economics.
By Ram S
•Oct 3, 2022
This is a very powrefull course about Economics, Consumer and Producer. Everyone must go through this course and its not that much easy as much people may guess about this.
•Jul 27, 2020
Great course that gives you a deep understanding on how the different cost and revenue curves behave. i would especially like to thank the instructor for teaching us. Thank you.
By G 2 ( 2
•Jun 30, 2020
This course was really awesome. Well explained. My confusion also get cleared regarding those. Thanks to my peer also. Because their review meant lot to complete this course.
By Suprav K
•Jul 18, 2020
The course was vey nice but there was some person named JAYA LAKSHMI VAKITI who is passing negative comments about me please look into this matter as it is not acceptable.
By Kaustubh C K
•Jun 20, 2020
It was great! It feels to be hard sometimes, but all the complete course matter is crucial to be understood. We can always go back and clarify your doubts at the videos.
By Neal S
•Nov 26, 2017
Great class -- I have an undergraduate degree in economics. Of the many economics classes that I have attended in the past, this is by far one of the most enjoyable.
By madani s
•Jul 14, 2021
larry im really honored to have you teach me with your kind teachinf skills and a charming humour...thank you for your atmost support in the completion of my course
By Onkar I
•Sep 22, 2019
Amazing course!! Prof.DeBrock is a highly experienced professor who teaches critical micoreconomics concepts in a really easy to understand and intuitive fashion.
By Viktoriia P
•Dec 2, 2022
This is a very effective course, presented intelligibly, clearly. After completing this course, you will understand how to maximize the profit of the enterprise.