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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Giving Helpful Feedback by University of Colorado Boulder

1,970 ratings

About the Course

This course teaches you the simple principles expert managers use to improve and motivate employee performance. You’ll never have to avoid telling an employee “the truth” again, because the seven techniques we teach will not make employees defensive or afraid. As a manager, or someone who would like to be a manager, you’ll also learn specifically what feedback is, how negative feedback is weighed more heavily than positive, and how positive feedback can super-charge behaviors such as creativity and teamwork. Giving feedback is a skill which develops over time. We give you a process you can use to improve your feedback skills and deliver it with confidence. You will find that there is a scientific basis for many of your observations and intuitions about feedback—such as, it is hard to give correctly, people don’t like it, and more. This will be reassuring as you learn how to overcome these difficulties. We hope you have a fantastic time becoming a better manager!...

Top reviews


Apr 30, 2021

This course was short but very informative and very helpful for an aspiring leader like myself. It also helped me understand how to view or understand when I receive feedback. I highly recommend it!!


Apr 18, 2021

I enjoyed the course and learned a lot from it. The content is well organised and focused on practical situations. I particularly enjoyed the bits of psychological research shared in the content.

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526 - 550 of 603 Reviews for Giving Helpful Feedback


Nov 8, 2020

I have understand from the course, How to handle team with Negative feed and positive feed back. This course will helpful for me while giving feedback to my employees.

By Pansy W

Jun 11, 2017

Excellent course with resources to be used immediately. Opportunity to learn independently and apply the principles with exemplars and video to guide the process.

By eva p

Jul 10, 2019

interesting, a lot of examples,

the only drawback for me is that the presenter seems to rigid and unatural during the presentations of the different subjects

By Heidi L

Feb 22, 2023

Interesting course and helpful tips for giving useful feedback. Would like to see more video examples of feedback situations and practice critiquing them.

By Remegio C R

Sep 24, 2018

It is a good course. Helps in building confidence when reviewing your subordinate's performance and giving them feedback in a proper and dignified manner.

By Kimberly O R

Oct 31, 2021

Me gustaría poder ver al final las respuestas correctas y que los cursos tengan una mejor traducción y archivos adjuntos también estén en español

By Kristy E

Mar 14, 2024

I found the information in this course to be applicable to my current role. It was easy to understand and was presented in a personable manner.

By Hamachi N

Jun 16, 2023

GReat course as it is not consume a lot of time and still the contents are covered in a good details for basic knowledge

of giving feedback.

By Wendy H

Jul 31, 2016

Good course overall. Would be nice if the course offered review of questions we answered incorrectly. That would be helpful feedback.

By Tracy F

Feb 7, 2017

The information was laid out beautifully! Being prepared with this knowledge will help me keep the emotions out of giving feedback.

By Tiziana R

Sep 15, 2019

well done! Good video lectures, good contents, instructor clear enough.

Poor materials, a little bit boring.

By Kukybayeva D

May 5, 2020

I am very glad to take this course, because I've learnt lots of new material I really need for my job

By Irene A

Oct 30, 2018

Good course but it would have been nice to see the correct answers after the tests (especially as a

By Lamar O

May 1, 2021

Surprisingly helpful. I appreciate the introduction of case studies and case uses

By Alba T

Feb 28, 2018

This course will give you useful insights that you will use the same day!

By camilo c

Oct 12, 2017

Un buen curso para aprender a dar feedback de la manera correcta.

By Ilham F

Sep 14, 2019

it will be impact for me, if you have sub in Bahasa (Indonesia).

By Sachin P

Jan 23, 2021

the real life examples helps to understand the concepts well>

By Mar?a E L

Jun 1, 2021

Me gusto harto, bien detallado, buenos ejemplos. Muy útil.

By Rajesh D

Apr 21, 2021

Excellent Topics and understood the benefits of feedback

By Sumit S

Nov 13, 2020

Very good course especially for mid management level.

By Christiane R

Apr 18, 2021

Very helpful content for many everyday situations!

By Michelle S

Apr 6, 2016

Really good information and easy to follow.

By Pension O

Dec 26, 2023

Learned a lot from this course. Thank you


Dec 5, 2023

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