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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Essentials of Global Health by Yale University

2,146 ratings

About the Course

Essentials of Global Health is a comprehensive introduction to global health. It is meant to introduce you to this topic in well-structured, clear and easy to understand ways. Much of the course will focus on five questions: What do people get sick, disabled and die from; Why do they suffer from these conditions? Which people are most affected? Why should we care about such concerns? What can be done to address key health issues, hopefully at least cost, as fast as possible, and in sustainable ways? The course will be global in coverage but with a focus on low- and middle-income countries, the health of the poor, and health disparities. Particular attention will be paid throughout the course to health systems issues, the linkages between health and development, and health matters related to global interdependence. The course will cover key concepts and frameworks but be practical in orientation. ESSENTIALS OF GLOBAL HEALTH WAS PRODUCED IN PART DUE TO THE GENEROUS FUNDING OF THE DAVID F. SWENSEN FUND FOR INNOVATION IN TEACHING. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Course Learning Objectives By the end of the course, learners should be able to: • Articulate key public health concepts related to global health; • Analyze the key issues in global health from a number of perspectives; • Discuss with confidence the burden of disease in various regions of the world; how it varies by sex, age, and location; key risk factors for this burden; and how the disease burden can be addressed in cost-effective ways; • Assess key health disparities, especially as they relate to the health of low-income and marginalized people in low- and middle-income countries; • Outline the key actors and organizations in global health and the manner in which they cooperate to address critical global health concerns; • Review key global health challenges that are likely to arise in the coming decades. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Value Added of the Course The course seeks to add special value by being comprehensive, by handling each topic in a consistent framework, and by helping learners gain an understanding of well grounded approaches to assessing global health issues and what can be done to address them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Readings and other materials for Essentials of Global Health For almost every session of Essentials of Global Health, you will see: - Required readings - Recommended readings - Recommended videos We have selected a small number of readings for each session that are central to understanding the content of the session. We have put these under “required readings”. For each required reading, we have also indicated how carefully you should read the material and on what parts of the material you should focus your attention. In addition, we have selected some additional readings that would be very helpful to your understanding the content of each session. The first is a textbook, Global Health 101, third edition. This is a comprehensive introductory textbook that closely follows the content of this Essentials of Global Health course. We have indicated for each session what part of the book you should read. Using this textbook can be very valuable to your mastering the content of the course. The second set of “recommended readings” is some additional readings, mostly from journal articles and reports. For these, too, we have indicated how carefully you should read the material and on what parts of the material you should focus your attention. Learners should note that to access articles from The Lancet they will have to register with the Lancet, if they do not have online access to a library that has The Lancet. Once they are registered, they will be able to sign into The Lancet and access all of its free articles. We have also indicated for most sessions one or two videos that relate to the topic of the session. These are meant to help the learner get a better feel for the topic which is being covered. Most learners will find the videos brief, easy and enjoyable to watch, and very enlightening....

Top reviews


Mar 17, 2017

It was one of the best courses I have done on coursera.Also the instructor explains detailed subject matter very well which makes it easier to understand the subject.Certainly a 10\10 for the course !


Jul 4, 2020

A very thoughtful and insightful course that help me to understand the global health, its key concept, challenges and cost effective strategies to address the issue in the global health perspectives.

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426 - 450 of 485 Reviews for Essentials of Global Health


Sep 23, 2020


By Kevser B

Apr 30, 2020



Sep 7, 2020



Aug 12, 2020



Aug 8, 2020


By Pankaj R

Jul 16, 2020


By Mona A A

Jun 28, 2020


By Sriskantharajah V

Jun 1, 2020


By Ranakishore P

May 13, 2020


By Keshav S

May 6, 2020


By Joud E

May 2, 2020


By Patrick L

Sep 25, 2024

It was a good course, but the references were a bit old (2013 - 2015) and are in dire need of some updating. In the section on tobacco and alcohol, I was missing a clarification on exactly what causes smoking-related disease. Often not even physicians know that it is the combustion process that generates the vast majority of harmful and potentially harmful constituents in cigarette smoke. I was also missing at least one paragraph on the potential of smoke-free products for public health, for those people who chose not to quit. Cessation and avoiding initiation is of course important, and need to be stressed, but a harm reduction approach based on availability of and accurate information about smoke-free products is the unrightfully ignored "third pillar" of the WHO's tobacco control strategy. Finally, I found the section on "anti-vax" unnecessarily ideological. Many public health experts, such as Jay Batthacharya (Stanford University), Martin Kulldorf (fired from Harvard for criticizing covid-19 policies), and Sunetra Gupta (Oxford) were ignored and censored. Needless to say, this is not science. It's more akin to propaganda.

By Renee O

Jul 30, 2020

This is the first time I've ever preferred to read the attached material rather than listen the the lectures. The quizzes are common knowledge and you don't have to listen to the lectures to answer them, 9/10 I got 80-100% on my first trial. What was of interest to me in this course was the articles, I firmly believe that the more abreast you are in research and improvements or lack there of in what ever field the better and more well rounded you would be. I always ask for more reading material and I never get it, this time, I had more than I anticipated but now after doing the quizzes out of self-interest and self-improvement I'm going back to finish reading all the articles in this MOOC.

By Job v d L

Jun 11, 2023

It is a great course that provides information regarding a broad introduction to global health. In addition, I learned much about DALYs, global health issues in low income countries, but also a little introduction towards nutrition and mental health. Also, it is an easier way to learn the course, because you can do it in your free time during the week. However, some links do not work and therefore I would recommend the course to implement links for required readings that do work. As a result, 4/5 stars.

By Jasmine N

Jul 16, 2017

Great overview of global health and the different issues in global health.

The main con of this lecture is the sloppily written transcript and subtitles, with no paragraphing, lots of spelling errors and words that sound the same but are totally wrong. Futurelearn's transcripts are very professionally done and easy to follow.

By Sue M K

Aug 21, 2020

I thoroughly enjoyed the course, however, was unable to access chapters in the course textbook recommended each session for reading. I found this to be a disadvantage and frustrating.

I also wondered why the data was so dated and feel I'm not really up-to-date with the latest global figures.

Thank you.

By Ishmeet S

Oct 18, 2020

Overall a very exhaustive course on global health./ causes , risk factors. the course also delves into individual causes, risks and possible preventive actions. For some reasons does not go into symptoms a lot, but otherwise very comrehensive.

By Sumaya M

Feb 5, 2021

This course is actually comprehensive and enjoyable compared to other courses related to public and global health which tend to be boring as you delve in deeper. I am glad i took this course. It has broaden my knowledge of Global health


Feb 13, 2022

C'est un excellent cours que j'ai beaucoup apprécié. Tous mes remerciemnts à Yale University et au Professeur Skolnik. Ce cours me permettra certainement d'etre plus performant dans le domaine du Global Health.

Abdoulaye GUEYE

By Winnie W

Mar 5, 2019

A nice course which introduce the basic and the fundamentals of global health from several aspects, which is quiet easy for the freshmen to get a good start up to know more about the global health field.

By Romeo D R

Mar 6, 2020

Very well designed course , which provides key messages on global health by an experienced teacher.I will definitely benefit from the knowledge gained in my career.

By Bishwash P

May 28, 2020

Its a good course but some of the link and resources given in the courses are broken. Apart from that it is overall a nice and informative course.


Apr 15, 2018

This was an excellent way of getting a high quality update of the main issues in global health today.

Very enjoyable, thank you Mr. Skolnik!

By Lê N B

Apr 13, 2020

Nice presentation of information overall on global health. I learnt a lot. However, a lot of recommended reading links are not working.

By Sara R

Jan 9, 2025

Some aspects of the course were repetitive, but overall a good primer for anyone interested in the basics of global health