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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Emotions: a Philosophical Introduction by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

517 ratings

About the Course

Philosophy is like sex: sure you can get some interesting results, but that's not why we do it. Going one step beyond…why do you FEEL pain or pleasure? Do plants have emotions? How is possible that some people do not understand other’s emotions? Emotions seem to be everywhere, giving meaning to all events of our lives. They are the backbone of social activities as well as they drive the cognitive processes of several living entities. Several animals, including humans, have emotions but…what about machines?...Do machine can have emotions? This course will help you to understand and to identify most important philosophical ideas and debates about emotions, as well as it will provide you a rich source of data about neurological, psychological or anthropological analysis of emotions. In a nutshell: this is a course to feel and think about....

Top reviews


Dec 31, 2021

Learned a lot about being a human as an entity and not just as a specie. A human is made of emotions and this course guides you to perfectly understand that just right. Happy to complete it.


Jun 11, 2020

Great Material! Excellent presentation! Very good use of Coursera technology including Avatars and great summaries in End Remarks on the videos. Highly recommend Bob

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126 - 150 of 153 Reviews for Emotions: a Philosophical Introduction

By Gema A

Nov 25, 2020

How can I ask for my certificate? I can't find that option. Thank you.

By Chan R J

Jan 29, 2017

Thanks for the course. I've learned a lot and will share my experiences to my friends :)

By Jenna B

Jan 12, 2020

Jordi did a great job making such a daunting subject fun and interesting!


May 23, 2020

it was a little boring, but i've learnt quite a lot from this course.

By Claudia C

Nov 17, 2019

Awesome quality of the course/ poor pronunciation and translation.

By Imen O

Nov 1, 2022

Super cours qui m'a permis d'en apprendre plus sur nos émotions

By Matheus A F C

Apr 22, 2018

A good introductory course.

By Djana R

Jun 1, 2018

Good course!


Dec 9, 2021


By Simeon P

Feb 28, 2017

The material covered in the course is adequate and relevant to various aspects to our social lives. The course's purpose is to get you acquainted with the broad field of emotion study, to pique curiosity and fuel further research and deep dives into the multiple topics that are presented. It does this very well by offering lots of references to research papers, articles and videos. The course doesn't aim to dig deep into its topics. This remains as your task depending on your interests. As a final note, and this is critique I've already submitted, the presenter doesn't add too much to the slides in the videos. He basically reiterates what is written on the slides and doesn't expand on it much or at all. You're basically given links and references to what to learn by yourself. Hopefully this will change in future reiterations of the course.

By shriyansi

Aug 24, 2019

A lot of the reading material was far too dense for a course of this nature. Maybe a little more video content, especially hitting the high points of the reading material.

Also, the estimations for the amount of time needed to digest these materials was grossly underestimated. The 6th week for instance, reading was estimated at 1 hour, for an academic paper on the mathematical models for neural computing (a 30 page PDF full of jargon). These things need to be improved as Coursera is used by professionals like me, who need to have an idea beforehand, on how much work and time something is going to take.

The rest was just great. Thank you!

By Greg G

Aug 9, 2016

A useful overview, but I think this course tries to be too many things all at once. It would have been better to break the philosophy, the ethics, and the science of emotions into separate courses. There is a lot of confusion and oversimplification in the considerations of consciousness and self awareness, and the implications of those things for emotions in humans, that would I think have had a better treatment, if the prof had pruned out some of the other stuff (perhaps ethics, or artificial intelligence, for example).

By Johana A S

May 17, 2020

Hay información interesante, actualizada y buenos recursos bibliográficos. Sin embargo la calidad de los videos puede mejorar y las evaluaciones también, ya que son demasiado textuales y en algunos casos se puede contestar bien porque las dos claves restantes no tienen nada que ver con el tema. Agradezco la oportunidad de profundización.

By Bibí R

Sep 22, 2020

Un curso muy interesante. Lástima que el Profesor habla muy mal Inglés. Se pierde muchísimo tiempo esperando su tartamudeo y se pierde la fluidez de la clase. Su sentido del humor también por momentos molesta por las dificultades que tiene para expresarse en otro idioma. Su conocimiento es indiscutible.

By Shaini B

May 31, 2018

It was really easy topic to understand. We can understand the depth of the emotions and its scientific approach.

By Ritesh K

Feb 15, 2019

Nice course to start with..!! you will learn lot about emotions, & unlearn may things as well...!


By Justyna

Apr 20, 2020

Great course to learn more about emotions, very interesting.

By Renata C A B

Feb 5, 2023

Material difícil para estudo introdutorio.

By Daniel P Z

May 28, 2020

A bit disappointing. I didn't feel like learning half of what I expected. I don't want to be too harsh with Jordi, but maybe he should focus more on certain topics and get deeper into them. It was certainly confusing, for the course is presented as 'A Philosophical introduction', but there was almost no philosophical approach until the antepenultimate lesson and even then the content was very poor.

By Nataliia K

Apr 25, 2020

Interesting additional readings and videos. This course could be interesting for people without any background in the discussed topic.

By Shlomo S

Apr 11, 2018

It's hard to understand what the professor is saying due to his accent.

By Mar B

Jan 7, 2018

Me resulto muy complicado entender el idioma.

By Joana

Apr 6, 2020

Doy una estrella por no poder poner una. La pésima pronunciación del profesor y su falta de retórica hacen imposible seguir el curso. Sería preferible tener acceso a éste en formato presentación para hacerlo asequible, o que se limitara a darlo en español o catalán. El tema de estudio es sin duda muy interesante. Una pena que no se haya ejecutado de la forma apropiada.

By Neena K

Jun 9, 2020

The lecturer seems passionate about the subject, but I'm afraid the language discrepancy makes it very hard to follow the content. Even with the text provided it's hard to follow his thought processes as well as his accent.