Jun 13, 2020
This is a very helpful course that improves my skills and abilities in using technology and lifelong learning skills. I can use my output in the course in my profession and share it with others.
May 30, 2020
This course is highly recommended for everyone from any sphere of life, since the new digital age demands to embrace a change and learn new ways to execute your daily/official life matters.
•Mar 15, 2022
I don't have money purchase certificate
By Muhamad Y B A H
•May 14, 2020
Good platform to upgrade your knowledge
By Carmela G
•Jun 21, 2021
Good well-paced and up to date
By Yudistia P S
•Sep 6, 2022
good experience learning
By Ravinder S
•Sep 8, 2020
Good Learning Session
By Kaveesha N
•Jun 28, 2022
Thank You So much!
By Rahat S
•Jun 2, 2021
good course Good
•Jul 1, 2021
By Rosli B S
•Jul 17, 2020
By Sriram
•Oct 12, 2021
By Bachriah F D
•Oct 2, 2019
By Erich D
•Dec 15, 2019
I would really like if the moderators could check our pages in a more timely fashion. For two of my pages, I had to wait over two weeks to receive my badge. I need the badge for my class in order to receive credit for my work, so it was very stressful.
Besides that, the course was very interesting and full of great information!
By Konrad Ł
•Jun 27, 2020
The course has relatively little content, it's great that it challenges and tells you how to do new things, but every now and then there are a lot of formalities, pasting links, etc. Overall, the course was not bad but its design in itself caused me to lower my rating from four to three.
By Tim D
•May 2, 2020
Relies heavily on learners taking initiative and building a credible portfolio.
By Alvaro
•Aug 8, 2024
Good to find about different tools, but content was a bit basic.
By Arthur J F
•Jan 3, 2024
It's a good start, but it could be soooo very much more.
By Kartik H
•May 30, 2022
Nice!! It should be improved by adding new video.
By Raghavan M
•May 25, 2021
Did not match my expectations. This is just a couse to say there are lots of tools out in the open, explore and use. This is basic sense. Not sure what I gained from the course.
By Tanaya A
•May 14, 2021
It is very best course for our life.
And get good knowledge in this course.
By Daniel S
•Jul 27, 2020
Very basic concepts are explained here.
By Yogita L
•May 30, 2021
Its an exciting concept and interesting. The best part is sharing the link to the Wiki style resource. But is really very basic, because creating artifacts are optional. The quizzes seem to test more your ability to use the SUNY platform, than what have you actually learnt as take aways, and will apply. Too much overlap with other course, of higher qaulity. In fairness, I did not participate in the reflection discussions or create artifacts. I personally have experience with that, for those that maybe have zero experience, they'll enjoy and have fun on this course. For anyone else, with even a smattering of digital experience, this course is not suitable. It does not even cover, emerging tech like Data Science, AI, Robotics, The Ethics of these Technologies, Tech in Agricultute or Space Manufacturing etc... truly cutting fields of Emerging Tech.
It can be fun, but isn't a particularly useful course.
By Lawrence K
•Jul 31, 2020
This course is not what I expected. Also, I was disappointed that, despite Communication being listed as one of the 4 C's, there were several errors in the grammar of the text in the Introduction reading. It seems like a word processor should have caught those, or someone at Coursera who read it would have made that correction by now. It makes it difficult for me to believe that I will learn much from this course. I will drop this course.