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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Exploring Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success by The State University of New York

439 ratings

About the Course

Welcome to an open-access resource designed to spark lifelong learning! This program helps you explore emerging technologies, grow personally and professionally, and build habits to thrive in our fast-changing digital world. Whether you’re a student, educator, professional, or lifelong learner, this course is for you. Join learners worldwide and discover how to succeed with technology. The program has two parts: the #EmTech Course and EmTechWIKI. #EmTech Course This course offers a collaborative space to learn about: - Lifelong Learning - The 4Cs of 21st-century skills: Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, and Critical Thinking Through your learning journey, you’ll create digital artifacts that showcase your progress. EmTechWIKI Visit EmTechWIKI , a curated collection of tools, tutorials, and resources, including videos, blogs, and simulations. Use it on its own or as a companion to the course. You’re welcome to contribute by adding or editing resources! Discover new tools and share your growth through a personal ePortfolio or learning journal....

Top reviews


Jun 13, 2020

This is a very helpful course that improves my skills and abilities in using technology and lifelong learning skills. I can use my output in the course in my profession and share it with others.


May 30, 2020

This course is highly recommended for everyone from any sphere of life, since the new digital age demands to embrace a change and learn new ways to execute your daily/official life matters.

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1 - 25 of 147 Reviews for Exploring Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success

By Kishan R

Apr 12, 2020

Nothing is actually taught in this course, you are just asked to use a digital tool that you will almost certainly never use again to seek validation from strangers on the internet.

By Ko C W

May 24, 2020

One of the worst course I ever had. Peer review is a painful irrespective, I reported several cheating students with screencapture evident. Yet no action has been taken. While random peers simply graded low score on my assignment without even access portfolio. Having re-submission and re-do the assignment for 6 times, carefully meeting all the rubric criteria as possible. Rogue peer review can destroy all your hard work.

By Akash d M

May 2, 2020

thats not how a MOOC should be i have just finished MINDSHIFT and then started this, i am really sad that i have wasted my time on this course its so boring and difficult with hardly any video in the starting just reading material is given. seriously you need to work on it. sorry

By Kevin W A N

May 2, 2020

Without any disrespect, I think this course and all of the university that take part in this course is just trying to sell their product without any meaningful things to learn

By Osamose O

Apr 15, 2020

very poor

By Debbie

Dec 24, 2019

The course let me learn at my own pace. The materials such as the videos and links are very helpful and easy to follow. The mentor on the forum site are very helpful and encouraging in their response on our postings. I have never ever felt so accomplished. I will recommend to anyone who wish to have a good start on learning about Technologies to take on this challenge by signing up this course.

By Rachel H

Aug 1, 2019

This course is self-paced, but with enough support if you need it. This course can help you keep up with new tech.

By Susan S

May 6, 2019

Great opportunity to explore emerging technologies that are immediately applicable and useful in everyday life.

By Sehresh M

May 29, 2020

this is a very boring course and worst course which i had taken in my life, now i realized that by taking this course i only waste my time, i am not interested in boring peer graded assignment of this course........this is my feedback and i didnt give this kind of feedback to anyother course in my life

By G36

May 23, 2020

Each time after submission of assignment you overridden my grade , just one question that I want to ask you , why you are giving grade on previous mistake even after I have correct tham. And resubmitted by assignment and cleared the assignment.

By Jickson J

Nov 23, 2020

Very pathetic course.Remove it from coursera.

By Usman T

Jun 2, 2020

Before Taking this course I did'nt know a single thing about making an Eportfolio but now i am at the last stage of the course. One can assume that now where I am standing after taking this course. It is one of the best courses I have taken so far so, it increase my potential in personal branding and i will get along in making my portfolio better and better with the passage of time. Thanks to the Emtech Team for making such a course. Now I am waiting to get my badges so that i can show them at my portfolio. Thanks everyone :)

By Antima S

May 27, 2020

Its very interactive kind of course with peer learners. Technically very strong and updated. I Have learnt about many new applications which is beneficial for my future prospective.

By Savelios A

Apr 16, 2018

Great experience, supportive instructors, excellent source of information.

By Andreolli A

Oct 4, 2018

I found in this course - Exploring Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success - the essence of what I was looking for: technological adaptation, through learning and exchange.

I was able to know several digital inclusion tools, made available in an organized way and in line with my objectives and profile. This, coupled with the fact that I had to present works in my portfolio, contributed much to the resumption and conclusion of a personal project that had been stopped for some time.

The course was great and I would not hesitate to recommend it. But stay tuned, because this is not a one-way course. Task involvement and group interaction are halfway to making things hotter. It is worth checking!


Eu encontrei neste curso a essência do que eu estava procurando: adaptação tecnológica, através da aprendizagem e da troca.

Pude conhecer várias ferramentas de inclusão digital, disponibilizadas de forma organizada e alinhada aos meus objetivos e perfil. Isso, aliado ao fato de ter que apresentar trabalhos em minha carteira, contribuiu muito para a retomada e conclusão de um projeto pessoal que havia parado há algum tempo.

O curso foi ótimo e eu não hesitaria em recomendá-lo. Mas fique atento, pois ele não é de mão única. O envolvimento nas tarefas e a interação no grupo são meio caminho para tornar as coisas mais quentes. Vale a pena conferir!

By Chrissy O

May 15, 2020

Course was structured well but had flaws. The main flaw is that there is not enough insurance that people submit correct ePortfolio links. I had to report several peer review assignments because the links to the ePortfolios were not valid. I also found inconsistencies in peer review feedback. I understand that the instructors cannot force everyone to follow the plus, delta, plus peer review structure but there should be a way that everyone gets adequate peer feedback on their assignments. Lastly, I felt that there was not enough instructions for how and when to update ePortfolio pages during the peer review process. I found that some of the prompts for reflections were located after the peer review requirements. There needs to be clearer instructions to submit reflections before the peer review submissions.

By Ramiz R

Jun 24, 2020

The course is ok but don't do this because you will be stuck in week 5 assignment. The teaching staffs are not supporting the students. even after hitting fill marks, they will make is Zero from the staff side. It seems like they have designed and controlling the course grade to fulfil their own satisfaction. In this course worst experience in Coursera.

By Задойный А

Jun 25, 2018

Курс абсолютно бесполезен.Каждая неделя содержит несколько коротких видео (1-2 минуты), которые описывают чему будет посвящена неделя. И всё. Больше материалов нет. Только ссылки на внешний каталог сайтов, который содержит один мусор.Тесты ничего не проверяют. Я честно должен сказать, что всё выполнил, и мне поверят на слово.

By Daniela Ș

Jul 2, 2020

This program has opened up a number of new horizons of study, I have a large list of tools that I want to study and to be able to choose the most effective ones for my work with students. Of great importance is the fact that we have experienced how to do evaluation through the portfolio. It's a technique that I bypassed, because what I knew by the time the course started about this form of evaluation didn't seem satisfactory to apply it. Now, at the end of the course, I already know that I will use it in the next school year, in all my classes. It was a revelation of this course and I leave it with a huge bag of study paths for a lifetime ahead. I loved exploring "EmTechWIKI Essential Tools” and finding new tools to take to the students in the classroom in the teaching process. I'm glad I had the opportunity to be here, to become part of this community where you feel like you're growing wings from day to day. I thank you for this, "parents" of #EmTechMOOC! Good health to all and dreams fulfilled!

By Bernadene R

Mar 24, 2021

I enjoyed the variety of learning methods provided such as readings, videos and the creation of an ePortfolio. It was very useful there were a few good examples from previous students--one I found by reading the Facebook page which influence my choice of platform for my own. The knowledge and skills I gained in this course were unexpectedly and joyfully useful. My experience with the SUNY EmTech database was like discovering a gold mine. I will continue to read through it for more great learning.

I would definitely search for other courses offered by this university based on my experience with this course.

By Miri T

Aug 24, 2020

I would like to thanks all the instructors and designers of this course.

It is was very useful course.

Here some notes for this course.

1) Lifelong learning it is my motto in life. The ideas in the course are supported my mission and vision.

2) My favorite discoveries was Emtechwiki on this learning journey.

3) Especially making exercise in each module and putting these projects in our portfolio is super idea.4) This course making the people more confident by themselves.

In every age we have to use #EmtechMOOC and this course prove that we can do that.


May 22, 2020

A excellent course, Exploring Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success has been a positive experience for me. I have learned to Identify the value and implications of using emerging technologies for personal and professional growth. Also Gain strategies to develop lifelong learning habits to keep pace with technology change. I am so glad I completed this course! #EmTechMOOC pushed me outside my comfort zone to explore further options to create interactive, engaging, and modern learning techniques.

By Julia . J

Nov 15, 2022

Excellent course. Relevant for lifelong learners. The list of emerging technologies tools and apps is ideally relevant to this course because it identifies a wide range of digital tools and related learning resources which are exceptionally valuable. I also learnt a lot from the type of questions in the assessment quizzes. I am extremely glad that I did this course. Highly recommended to novices and persons wanting to keep up to date with emerging technologies in a unique way.

By Ranjit L T

Sep 16, 2020

In this course I have engaged in a series of challenges designed to increase my own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for these tasks, Professor Laurie Santos reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change. We will ultimately be prepared to successfully incorporate a specific wellness activity into our life.

By D. N

Jun 12, 2020

A great experience for me to learn this course in Courseera. Such an amazing experience while doing activities in all the modules. Doing Assignments itself make us to learn new techniques and each modules are having quiz also, to explore our ideas. Overall it was an amazing experience to learn. Excellent course and everyone in the education field must do this course to explore new things towards teaching methods.