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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Data Structures and Algorithms (I) by Tsinghua University

33 ratings

About the Course

By learning this course, you will get a comprehensive grasp of vector and list and the ability to use them in solving real problems. By the end of this course, you will be able to evaluate data structures and algorithms in terms of asymptotic complexity, analyze storage/time complexity of iterative/recursive algorithms, implement vector and list, understand/implement basic sorting algorithms such as Bubblesort, Insertionsort, and Selectionsort, understand/implement search algorithms such as Binary Search, Fibonacci Search, and Interpolation Search, use vector and list in problem-solving. 通过学习本课程,你将得到向量和列表的全面理解以及使用向量和列表解决实际问题的能力。 在本课程结束时,你将能够根据渐进复杂度评估数据结构和算法,分析迭代/递归算法的空间/时间复杂度,实现向量和列表, 了解/实现基本排序算法(例如冒泡排序、插入排序和选择排序),理解/实现搜索算法(例如二分搜索、斐波那契搜索和插值搜索), 使用向量和列表解决问题。...

Top reviews

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1 - 8 of 8 Reviews for Data Structures and Algorithms (I)

By Toan V V

Jun 10, 2021

Thanks professorr, I will be happy if you write your lecture in English

By Yew T C

Oct 23, 2021

should mention upfront it's in Chinese

By Toni H

Jun 30, 2020

It is an absolute pleasure to take this course with Professor Deng who has a neat sense of humour as he is presenting the lectures. The course material isn't very difficult in theory however the learner must possess mastery over C and C++ in order to get the most out of this course. The upside is definitely the lectures, the downside in my opinion are the coding assignments the instructions are very vague and hard to understand. Other than that, a very enjoyable course to help me better understand Data Structures and Algorithms!

By 黄瓒

Aug 18, 2020

Thx to Prof. Deng and TAs for making the course possible, the video lecture may still require someone to know Chinese well, but the quizzes and problem sets are worth trying for anyone who know basic English :)

By cornell

Sep 4, 2020

One of the best courses lecturing on DSA in China.

By Zhibo Z

Feb 28, 2023

Very nice course and clear lectures!


Sep 24, 2020

The language is not untestable by me

By Vladyslav P

Aug 23, 2020

only chinese language