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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Data Scientist’s Toolbox by Johns Hopkins University

33,988 ratings

About the Course

In this course you will get an introduction to the main tools and ideas in the data scientist's toolbox. The course gives an overview of the data, questions, and tools that data analysts and data scientists work with. There are two components to this course. The first is a conceptual introduction to the ideas behind turning data into actionable knowledge. The second is a practical introduction to the tools that will be used in the program like version control, markdown, git, GitHub, R, and RStudio....
Foundational tools

(243 Reviews)

Introductory course

(1056 Reviews)

Top reviews


Jun 2, 2017

Nice Course. Basics are very well taught in this course.Thank you JHU and Coursera for this course. I have decided to donate 10% of my first salary to coursera once I am complete this and get intern.


Mar 11, 2020

I would like to thank Coursera and Johns Hopkins University for the course, I learned new things in the course which I think is the next step which can help me to accomplish my future goals.Thank you.

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7026 - 7050 of 7,160 Reviews for The Data Scientist’s Toolbox

By Lee

Sep 24, 2018

Waaaaaaaaaaaaay too easy

By Brian B

Apr 11, 2016

Extremely Git centric

By Dimitris K

Nov 24, 2016

Too easy, very basic

By kf F

Mar 17, 2016

Too short and easy.

By Nicolas S

May 18, 2017

Not really useful.

By Lewis H

May 2, 2016

Sound is too quiet

By Nicholas B

Mar 17, 2016

Barely any depth


Jan 15, 2022

Very summarised

By Josh H

Mar 2, 2018

Not very useful

By Markus K

Mar 10, 2016

Way too basic.

By Thong K C

Oct 13, 2016

Too simple.

By Abhishek K

Mar 28, 2018

Very basic

By Vlad D

Feb 26, 2017

Too basic!

By Doug E

Jul 27, 2016

Very basic

By Fan Q

Feb 28, 2016


By Andrew

Jun 28, 2021


By Ashish S

Jan 24, 2017



May 7, 2016


By Deleted A

Jun 12, 2017

The first week has one assignment: a five question quiz that reviews the syllabus, course/program design and purpose. As someone with multiple degrees and a PhD significant other - both of us work, and are successful, in data analysis and research. My career is centered around Business Intelligence. I was hoping to engage a program that would help me develop R programming skills and build my skill set. After watching all the videos twice, taking notes, completing almost five hours of online research into the topics that I encountered during my first attempt at the quiz, having my significant other review the topics & questions with me, I still failed to pass the quiz after ten attempts. Hence, a syllabus quiz is my roadblock to moving forward in the program. This is not pride, I am not imagining myself to be a genius who is insulted by this failure. Frankly, no one is stupid enough to have not been able to comprehend a syllabus and course desi

By Joseph B

Nov 21, 2020

The Amazon Polly robot voice has to go. It may make it easier to update the course on the instructors' end, but it degrades the quality of the course from the students' perspective to a degree that is not even close to acceptable. I'm surprised they are trying to get away with it despite the primitive state this technology is still in.

As for the course content; this is certainly not for a beginner. Not because the content is difficult, but because the way they teach it is terrible for someone who isn't familiar with R already. They just shoot a million concepts and definitions at you with short descriptions and little examples. I tried to take this course years ago as a beginner and it was so discouraging. Now that I have a few years experience, it is a good refresher and nice to pick up a couple new tips. That's all it's good for though, a refresher.

By Andre P

May 3, 2016

most part of this course is a duplicate of the "R programming" course.

microphone/sound of the teacher quality is very bad.

not original, boring, dividing this in "4 weeks" is too ridiculously long, this should be done in 1 week to enable users to take more time for the "R programming".

this course should be free. don't lose too much time on it, it's doable in a day or a weekend and move on to "R programming".

asking for so much money to see how to install R and github is a shame.

feels like this course has been added just to have a round number for the specialization.

even the survey in the end asking for feedback starts with a question not adapted to moment it's been asked "did you get a certificate?" of course i did not as i've just finish the course and now wait for my peers to review my final submission.

By J

Dec 28, 2020

Very unimpressed with the justification of leaning on automated voice instruction for updated content, when the content is still outdated. For anyone who prefers human interaction, intonation, a sense of engagement with visual queues, will be disappointed. This misses the mark as having any merit beyond a reading manual. In fact, a book is outlined more effectively, because the instruction is approached with reading in mind, which is not the case in the written form provided. Truly disappointed and will not continue with future Johns Hopkins course offerings.

By jessica s

Jul 24, 2023

I tried really hard to keep going with this course. I expected much more from such a prestigious university and it is a shame that this is the product they put together. The automated voice can't keep me focused, even when I tried to read along with the written lecture. I understand the reason they chose to use an automated voice but it makes the course just worthless. So I am going to do the Google Data Analytics certificate and supplement with other courses from Coursera as I go along.

By David H

Oct 26, 2023

Utterly rubbish. The course creator claims at the beginning of the course that the automated reading videos are being used in order to facilitate easier updates to material. However, not only are the automated readings monotonous, they're also out of date! Turns out that I had a problem receiving emails from GitHub to verify my account there. Be warned that you can NOT pass this course unless you can successfully complete some trivial tasks on Github. This course was a waste of my time.

By Petros T

Sep 4, 2020

I am sorry but the robot-based voiceover, extremely slow pace, and lack of interactivity made this specialization unbearable. Additionally, choosing R over Python seems illogical for many reasons, such as Python being the #1 language for data science, ML, AI (if you'd ever consider specializing in these areas).

Poor experience - gave up after the 3rd week and started the one from Michigan (applied data science w/ python).