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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Data Scientist’s Toolbox by Johns Hopkins University

34,000 ratings

About the Course

In this course you will get an introduction to the main tools and ideas in the data scientist's toolbox. The course gives an overview of the data, questions, and tools that data analysts and data scientists work with. There are two components to this course. The first is a conceptual introduction to the ideas behind turning data into actionable knowledge. The second is a practical introduction to the tools that will be used in the program like version control, markdown, git, GitHub, R, and RStudio....
Foundational tools

(243 Reviews)

Introductory course

(1056 Reviews)

Top reviews


Mar 11, 2020

I would like to thank Coursera and Johns Hopkins University for the course, I learned new things in the course which I think is the next step which can help me to accomplish my future goals.Thank you.


Jun 2, 2017

Nice Course. Basics are very well taught in this course.Thank you JHU and Coursera for this course. I have decided to donate 10% of my first salary to coursera once I am complete this and get intern.

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6476 - 6500 of 7,161 Reviews for The Data Scientist’s Toolbox

By Rosina P

Aug 12, 2017

This course stays on the surface and doesn't delve too deep, probably in order to not scare off people who are new to the subject. From what I've seen in the second course, the material becomes a lot more difficult, which I was glad to see.

By Francois B

May 29, 2016

Would have like to jump straight to the material. Although I understand some may need it, the command line course was pretty basic. This course on it's own doesn't give much. One can get started with Programming with R w/o missing too much.

By Hollis M

Feb 21, 2021

The course is great. The website is absolutely awful. I can either never get into the class I am working on or I am enrolled in classes I never signed up for and not enrolled in the class I want. If I found a good option I would switch.

By Richard B

May 26, 2017

Fairly basic course covering the fundamentals, I would suggest to most people to complete this course concurrently with the R programming course or to complete it all in one go, as I personally completed it within a couple of hours or so.

By Tejaswini C

Oct 31, 2017

While this is a good introduction to Data Science and the tools available, it might feel a little too elementary if you have had prior exposure to the subject. The final peer review project could have been a little bit more challenging.

By Pierre-Emmanuel V

Oct 8, 2020

Seems like the version of Rstudio shown in the course is outdated. As a results there are several more steps to take by yourself before getting the latest version of Rstudio working.

Some questions in quizzes not dealt with in the video

By William E G

Mar 29, 2020

It did not meet my expectations. It is more an informative course than a specialization course. They thought they were going to go deeper into the use of statistical programs, they only cover details that you can discover for yourself.

By Robert A

Feb 18, 2016

I have mixed feelings. It was WAY too easy for me, but my wife did it too and it was about right in difficulty for her. But either way, I felt like it just taught you to install stuff rather than actually teaching meaningful material.

By Shirli N

May 29, 2020

A good course as an introductory course. My career aspirations are not to become a data scientist so I don't know how much I am going to use the Github. Time will tell. I really enjoyed the videos and how the course is given. Cheers

By Doug H

Feb 10, 2016

Too easy if you already know anything about github or Rstudio, although I do understand the need for an introductory course. The "Experimental Design" video was the only really useful part and contained quite entertaining examples.

By Joseph Z

Feb 21, 2016

This is a very basic course. If you are already a software engineer you could zoom through this entire course in an evening. If you are not a software engineer and don't know what things like github are, this class could be useful.

By Shrief M A E

Apr 22, 2020

it is not the best way to start your data science career for me as a student because it has a lot of reading and theoretical ways I don't think its good for a beginning start and I was hopeful for more practice I would love to do

By Randy c

Jun 5, 2018

Beginning course in Data Science spent too much time on tools and not enough time on concepts, possible solutions and application. Seems like I spent a lot of time in the weeds of application installation and repositories. humm

By Luis E B P

Feb 7, 2018

I believe that in some of the assingments the student is asked to do a few things that werent taught in the course. And also during one of the quizzes the platform wasn't working propperly, and I had to answere it many times.

By William W

Jun 27, 2018

I don't find the contents about R, git, and GitHub very helpful. They are way too brief and perhaps work better in those specific courses where we have a change to use them. Solely learning some commands is not very effective.


Jul 3, 2020

A pesar de que el curso lo menciona, es demasiado introductorio, no profundiza nada y en mi opinión se pierde mucho tiempo viendo lo de GitHub. Aprendí muy poco de data science, lo demás lo sabía de los cursos de estadística

By Cameron J

Jan 18, 2016

Learned a bit but overall it is literally not worth the price of admission. I think that this course could be offered for free and maybe the others are worth paying for. Hope that the rest of the specialization is worthwhile

By Luke S

Dec 29, 2021

In my opinion, peer-graded assignments are not a good method for assessment. A big part of what I look for in an online course is the flexibility to work entirely independently and peer assessments undermine this ability.

By jie m

Sep 3, 2023

The last assignment is not pleasant, I don't know the aim of this assignment, also I don't how to do it step by step, so I just submitted my script in the practise frame. And Peer review also don't know how to operate!

By Thomas G

Mar 16, 2021

Automated "reading" of course text aloud wasn't useful to me. Also, I found that the quizzes required research outside of the course which I hadn't expected...I thought the course would be complete and self contained.

By Arnab M

May 26, 2017

Although the course is a good one to get you all set up for the upcoming courses from the Data Science specialization, the content of the course is very less to be considered as a separate course and charged money for.

By sai c r

Mar 8, 2017

Though the course itself is introductory in nature, i wish there was a lecture on what and how exactly are these going to be useful with the help of a real life example and also an increase in the depth of the content.

By Oscar B A

Feb 9, 2016

It is useful to get to know the software that staticians use and some review about them but it doesn't teach you how to use them. A good introductory course for the specialization track but useless as a unique course.

By Shaopeng L

Feb 28, 2016

The overall outline are great. However, the contents and requirements of this course are too simple to be integrated as a whole course. I think 1 lecture should be enough. I am looking forward to deeper introduction.

By Sawyer W

Jun 15, 2017

This course should probably not be it's own course as it can be completed in one afternoon. It might be better suited as the first week of the R-Programming course (to make room maybe move the graphics talk to eda?)