Oct 25, 2016
This course is really a challenging and compulsory for any one who wants to be a data scientist or working in any sort of data. It teaches you how to make very palatable data-set fro ma messy data.
May 2, 2020
This course provides an introduction of some important concepts and tools on a very important aspect of data science: cleaning and organizing data before any analysis. A must for any data scientist.
By Nicolás H
•Jul 4, 2020
El curso es excelente, es muy claro y te da herramientas muy útiles, con mucha aplicación en otros lenguajes de programación. Muy recomendable
By Linda J C O
•May 27, 2020
Me gustó mucho este curso. Todo lo aprendido ha sido muy valioso para cualquier investigación o análisis de datos que se realice en un futuro.
By rahul g
•Dec 22, 2019
A very interesting and unique course, for the kind of things it helps to learn are often ignored. It brings the breadth of the theme forward.
By Jack D
•Jan 8, 2018
This was my first course with serious data gathering and manipulation. I found some of week 3 challenging, but overall enjoyed the learning.
By Xiaorong L
•Oct 20, 2020
Very good contents! But to be honest, the final course project is a bit too easy (I personally enjoyed it because it was not frustrating)...
By Daniel S
•Jul 11, 2017
Very informative and useful! You learn a lot specially through the (last) assignment(s)! Very happy with the course, materials and subjects.
By Adi T
•Jan 15, 2017
I feel that getting and cleaning data course is highly important to know since this is where 80% of the work in data science is being done.
By Alejandro B G
•Feb 11, 2016
WHen i took this course i though i will never apply the knwoledge in here... i was wrong, the basis of a credibly analisis is here. Thanks!
By Glenn W
•Mar 4, 2019
Very good course. Dr. Peng did a nice job of presenting the material. The projects and quizzes were challenging as well as educational.
By Gowtham B
•Apr 28, 2018
Excellent course to learn about data pre-processing techniques and data science. Really helpful, if you wish to become a data scientist.
By Jheroen P
•Dec 12, 2016
Very useful course. I suggest taking this course straight after R programming and before taking any other courses in the specialization.
By Ishwarya M
•Jun 21, 2019
The course content as well as the assessments are very good. I would recommend this course for everyone who wants to learn Data science
By Brett M
•Jul 12, 2016
Really fantastic even as an experienced R user. This is helping me remould my habits and break some of the bad ones. Thank you so much!
By Sajal J
•Aug 14, 2020
Very good course. The end course project was also very good as it gives a good experience in loading and cleaning a real-life dataset.
By Ricardo L
•Dec 29, 2019
The most important information I learned was the tidy data standard. Very useful and clear. It will make the analysis process easier.
By Michael A C R
•Aug 17, 2020
Fue una experiencia maravillosa, llena de actividades y lecciones muy útiles para obtener y limpiar bases de datos. Muy provechoso.
By Rumian R
•Aug 13, 2020
Massively underrated - I appreciated this course and I learned a lot. I now find it baffling how taken-for-granted data tidying is.
By George P
•Sep 24, 2018
The most crucial part of statistical inference or machine learning is tidy data and this course provides the basic tidy data rules!
By Yanying J
•Feb 3, 2020
It's useful and practical! Especially, the swirl excerises offered not only the method, but also a clear example of data cleaning.
By Andrew C
•Jan 8, 2019
The class was very interesting and useful, although I would have liked more opportunities to do web scraping in the problem sets.
By Mainul I
•Nov 21, 2016
This course is really helpful and very practical. Provides industry standard information and adheres to the scientific principles.
By Jorge L P d l T
•May 21, 2020
Managing Data has be a passion for me, this course for sure, opened me new skills using the powerful features of the R language.
By Shashikesh M
•May 27, 2017
This course is one another step forward towards my data science specialization. I'm really enjoying my study about data Science.
By Dimitrios G
•Mar 3, 2017
Challenging and very educational. Needs a better explanation on the final peer assignment. Otherwise a great overall experience!
•Apr 14, 2020
I am very happy to have done this course, I discovered something new and I have new skills in Data Analysis thank you very much