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Learner Reviews & Feedback for International Cyber Conflicts by The State University of New York

1,525 ratings

About the Course

By nature, cyber conflicts are an international issue that span across nation-state borders. By the end of the course, you will be able to apply the knowledge gained for analysis and management of international cyber incidents and conflicts including for activities such as development of policy related to cybercrime and cyberwarfare. Management of cyber incidents and conflicts requires an interdisciplinary perspective including an understanding of: 1) characteristics of the cyber threats and conflicts themselves, 2) international efforts to reduce and improve cyber security, and 3) psychological and sociopolitical factors. The course is designed to reach an international audience and will encourage discussion on relevant current events among participants to enrich the experience with various personal and cultural perspectives on cutting-edge issues. In addition, assignments and other assessments will supplement video lectures and selected readings to ensure application of the material. After taking this course you will be able to: • Identify different types of actors involved in cyber threats (individuals, organizations & nation-states) • Distinguish between different types of threats and issues in cyber security including, data theft, political espionage, critical infrastructure protection, and propaganda • Detail the basic characteristics of the Internet infrastructure and international efforts to address Internet governance • List several international efforts to address cyber crime and espionage • Evaluate how principals that govern international conflicts might be applied in context of cyber security • Apply different psychological theories of human motivation and cooperation and communication and political theories in analysis of different international issues related to cyber security including censorship, media operations and role of social technologies. Grading: Your grade is assessed based on discussion posts and quizzes. Individual taking this course for credit (i.e. students at the University at Albany y will be required to engage in additional activities communicated to them directly). Recommended Background: No background knowledge or skills are necessary, but an understanding and familiarity of cyber security, Internet infrastructure and international law would be advantageous for anyone who participates in the course. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Ersin Dincelli and Nic DePaula were the instructional designers for the course who assisted in the recording of the videos, reviewing material, creating slides, assessments and some of the content. Without their tremendous effort this would not have been possible. We also acknowledge the financial support for the recordings from the University at Albany as well as the support from Media and Marketing. Finally, thanks to Lisa Stephens who is the SUNY liaison to Coursera for being a strong supporter of the MOOC....

Top reviews


Oct 18, 2022

P​rofessor Goel Delivered the basics and complexities on why International Cyber Conflicts occuring. Needs to cover the recent Cyber conflict between Russia Ukraine and NATO


Aug 15, 2020

Great course! Learned a lot about Cyber Warfare and how countries can build up trust and cooperation between themselves to tackle third party threats in the cyberspace.

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1 - 25 of 348 Reviews for International Cyber Conflicts

By Rebecca L

Dec 2, 2019

This is a super interesting course, and I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in tech and its impact on foreign policy.

By Niwech H

Sep 18, 2016

The lectures are very well-organized. The topics are also cover in this field. However, the lectures are very dry and boring. The main professor were reading the scripts on the monitor. From my perspective, with his knowledge in this field as being described on his personal web site, he should be able to talk comfortably by looking at the topic on the slide then discuss about it in detail. I would suggest to change the environment to be at the wide open space, like coffee shop, to make this course more attractive. I'm sorry, it is not what I expected.

By Deleted A

Aug 26, 2017

The title of this course does not reflect its contents.

Modes of presentation were not very appealing (images, examples, visuals).

Lecturer needs to work on his presentation skills.

By madhu l

Jul 19, 2020

This is a great course to understand where the areas of conflicts are in cyber space and also it is an extensive course comparing the traditional models of warfare and cyber arena , the learning and outcomes from the psychological point of view,also the examples of game theory concepts to draw strategies and sensitivity to the international cyber warfare arena and cooperation is interesting and convincing. Though there exists local sensitivity on data sharing and other rough edges,i felt the course touched the most rough edges and tools to build trust among the nations. I also wish there were few cyber tools introduced for monitoring and forensics like packet analysis etc. Overall good course.

By Athina A

Sep 13, 2020

A well-structured course that provides learners with an overall understanding of cybersecurity on a behavioural, social and political basis. This is a great interdisciplinary course that students and specialists can overtake to expand their knowledge on this subject by avoiding the technical or IT jargon.

By Patrick O

Aug 6, 2020

I have learnt the causes of cyber conflicts and raising tensions among nations, the causes and how nations can come to mutual understanding or agreements. Thanks.

By Oh P F

Mar 27, 2019

Excellent overview of existing state of play. Also very interesting coverage of psychology underpinning cyber behaviours. Thank you for this enlightening course!

By Maria L R V

Jul 13, 2021

Muy buen enfoque, necesitamos una segunda parte

By Matthew G

Jun 16, 2016

The same information was covered in multiple lessons. It was a very conceptual look at cyber conflicts that you could get if you paid attention to the news over the last five years.

By Sai T

Oct 18, 2021

while enrolling to this course they mentioned free course along with the certificate but after completion of course they are charging around 2100/- for certificate. this is unfair

By Maja H

Dec 9, 2016

Course material was interesting but very rudimentary, the courses biggest challenge was understanding its spoken English. I do not recommend this course.

By Syed M A

Aug 3, 2020

worst course ever i've seen in my lfe

By Zee

Dec 30, 2019

obvious contents

By R S S

May 8, 2020

worst teaching

By rosemary

Jul 3, 2023

Good course balance with structured curriculum. Examples are not included and the premises rest on theoretical what ifs with no direction.

The course was therefore a type of open - ended discussion platform with very limited real-world instances of cyber mania. As a result, most of the discussions had to hinge on alarmist hyperbole with antagonistic undertones rather than solution seeking efforts to fit with the course reading materials.

What is missing?

-- existing conflicts

-- identification of international governing relevance with respect to presumed hard-core results of potential future attacks

-- lack of circuitous interaction because hacking other government systems through discussions is deemed necessary to share operational information to prevent such hacks. Bizarre lack of respect, and hegemony does seem to be present.

By Brian F

Sep 17, 2017

Good Course! This course by professors from SUNY Albany was a great introduction to cyber conflicts. Everything worked and the professors were easy to understand. The material was well thought out. The presentations were the right length; at most 15-18 minutes and included questions. Questions in the videos worked here because they reinforced the messages in the video. The suggested reading; Cybersecurity and Cyberwar by Singer and Friedman looked like a good book so I bought it. It was a very good read.

By David C

Dec 9, 2018

Sinceramente pensaba que los cursos de Coursera no un soporte y estructura profesional, con esto no quiero decir que fuesen de mala calidad o algo por el estilo, sin embargo, es todo lo contrario, me sorprendio mucho la estructura, los materiales de estudio (son un poco viejitos, pero al día de hoy del momento de la escritura de este comentario), así como los videos de apoyo.

Gracias Coursera por el apoyo!

By Darlene d V

Mar 8, 2020

This was an excellent course. Good lectures, excellent readings. I am a retired Community College Instructor/Dean - retired and love learn new things. I truly enjoy keeping up with my professional topics (Computer Science) as learning new material. I shall be taking more Coursera classes. Thank you for professional material. Keep up the good work

By Ivan J

Oct 25, 2017

Good course to have a structured foundation for understanding the Cyber Security domain in context of international, policy and actors perspective. It sets the differentiation of Cyber Crime versus War and Terrorism and the perpetrator but as well gave me important intellectual triggers to further understand interferences between between those.

By Phillip D

Jan 31, 2021

A wonderful intro into cyber crime and cyber warfare. The psychological aspects of cyber actors was a huge sweetener and helped establish a better understanding of the who, what, when, when, and why. Insightful for those with little-to-no knowledge of how basic internet operations function such as email and IP addresses.

By Regina K

Jun 23, 2017

The course showed me the huge variety of topics that are connected to cyber conflicts. Now I feel I have a better awareness of Cyber Threads as well of appropriate means in order to fight against Cyber Threads. Thank you for the very interesting insights in a (for me) completely new field of knowledge.

By Navdeep S

Mar 12, 2017

The course in very interesting. It is focused on Cyber threats, cyber crime, Actors of Cyber crime, Motivation, attributions, psychology, international situation, cyber attacks in history, confidence building measures.

I learnt a lot from the course and I highly recommend the course to others.

By Deleted A

May 20, 2017

A very interesting and comprehensive basic course on cyber warfare and cyber conflict and how they are will impact our lives in the future. The course provides a good view of cyber threats related to the political, economic, diplomatic realms of nowadays international relations.

By Michael L

Sep 19, 2017

Coursera's "International Cyber Conflicts" was an excellent introduction to the escalating tensions (and potential ways of reducing the tensions) related to cyber warfare. I especially appreciated the sections on "Confidence Building Measures," which was a totally new

By Isaac L P

Jul 23, 2017

It has been an awesome experience going through this course. I have learned even more than I ever knew and have also developed so much interest in the issue of international cyber security. I hope to take more courses on the same subject matter in the nearest futre.