Feb 10, 2020
I am really happy taking this course. Challenging but the course really well structured so it helps a lot! My learning curve taking this course is huge. Thank you Prof. Erickson and team!
Jun 25, 2016
The analysis and materials of this course are very useful. A great section. If the MATLAB script for calculating the converter Poles and Zeros can be provided will be even better.
By Rubem P
•Oct 31, 2017
By Behnam M
•Oct 9, 2019
By Ali s
•Jan 12, 2024
By Akanimo I
•Aug 21, 2018
By Cédric L
•Oct 12, 2018
By Miguel B
•Oct 2, 2016
By Vaishakh V
•Mar 16, 2016
By Saar B
•Nov 16, 2020
good practical course which give a unique insight in Switch mode control system.
the professor POV shows that a simple graphical construction of the transfer function can be sufficient and reduce the complexity otherwise needed to gain the same insight using exact computation.
furthermore a step by step explanation of how to contract a practical PID compensator is given .
I wish that the course would also contain a compensator explanation referring to the isolated (Flyback forward) converter using more practical topology (the control loop is isolated also).
By Kaushik M
•Aug 12, 2020
The course was exceptional. I found this course assignments more interesting than the assignments corresponding to course 1 and 2. Overall a good way to understand the design aspects of Power Converters. Thanks to Dr.Erickson and his team.
I would also like to add that I have read Dr. Erickson's book- Fundamentals of Power Converters during my undergraduate studies, it was the most phenomenal book I have ever read to date.
By Andrew W
•Apr 4, 2021
Nice overview of converter controls. One gets a lot more out of this course with some background knowledge related to classical feedback control.
If you want to get something out of this course, plan to take a lot more time (than advertised) to complete the assignments.
By Pouria M
•Jul 22, 2022
It was a great and useful course in overall, but some parts of it was so hard to understand deeply. perhaps it could be better if this course focused more on the basic control theory. still I can't deny the value of this course, I learnt a lot of things
By Sayantan G
•Nov 19, 2020
Along with the asymptotic bode plot it could have been nice if bode plot thru simulation could have been introduced with the help of Matlab/python (preferably python, as its open source tool)
By Maximilian Z
•May 4, 2017
Unfortunately this course did not include the discussion feature as the previous two courses. This means if you get stuck there is no way of asking for help. Fortunately I managed.
By David C
•Apr 27, 2021
Very interesting way of looking at ac circuit analysis from a graphical perspective. Makes visualizing the ac variations in switch mode power supplies less complex.
By Elyka A
•Jun 2, 2016
Very good!
I think week 4 was very time consuming, in contrast with week 3, that was very light. Maybe these contents can be better balanced in the fuute.
By inico i
•Jan 18, 2022
Excellent course. In my opinion, a huge lack of practice exercices, though
By Jehan A L
•Jun 30, 2017
The explanation was clear and valuable I enjoyed very much
By Philipp M
•Sep 17, 2017
the learning material is very much and it is tough to get through the homeworks.
Expecially weeks 1 and 2 are mixed which makes it difficult to solve the first homework. As soon as you watch the first lectures of week 2, you wonder why that wasn't tought in the lectures of week 1.
Nevertheless, I still like the course and keep getting progress although I nearly have no preknowledge about the topic. I use the course to get some basic knowledge about this topic
By Rajat J
•Apr 3, 2016
PWM Switch modelling and use of that to simplify converter modelling not covered in detail.
More theoretical. Intuition on the models that we derive is not there.
By Mohamed E M
•May 15, 2020
i dont feel that i can use what i ve learned in this course to design a modern SMPS, it feels outdated but nonetheless i learned some basics of control theroy
By Manish K S
•Jul 13, 2020
Assignments should be more formula based rather than giving exact numerical values with 0.1% accuracy. The 0.1% accuracy is very disturbing .
By Akira Y
•Apr 12, 2016
Contents are excellent.
The only disappointing is that It costs to submit assignments.
By victor g
•Jul 21, 2017
Great technological course on low power DC/DC converters.
By Carlos A
•Mar 16, 2016
No me parece adecuado que en un curso de este tipo los problemas sólo se corrijan si pagas (cuando lo hace el ordenador)
By Sagnik D
•Jun 3, 2020
Very tough