May 25, 2020
For those who want to start your content marketing journey, you may want to take this course. It focuses on touch base points but also goes into further details on what you need as a content marketer.
Nov 10, 2019
This was a great course although it was difficult to find some of the materials they reference during the course, I was able to wing it but it would have been nice to have the full content available.
By Niki F
•Jun 1, 2020
Unfortunately, this course was mainly filled with podcasts, no visuals, and assignments which lacked information. I had high hopes for this course and the reading material was very well written. However, for a course that was meant to teach me how to capture information and generate sales, it couldn't even capture my attention!
By Nina K
•Apr 5, 2024
I really wish I would've been able to complete this course. I spent weeks going through all the material, which is a bit repetitive at times... and then I can't complete it because it won't let me upload one of the assignments... automatic fail. I put a note and left a message and even 2 years later, still no response...
By PKeremidchieva
•Oct 19, 2020
It is suitable only for beginners.
Please update your materials - they are really getting old. Remove Google+ from your examples.
By Megan P
•Jun 23, 2020
I was very disappointed with this course. Most of the useful information was in a "podcast" format without any visuals to accompany them. The whole course felt like one big, poorly produced advertisement for Copyblogger. I really didn't learn anything new and felt like it was a bit of a waste of time. I'm glad I did not pay for the course.
By Sebastianna S
•Apr 30, 2022
Dated materials throughout. Comes across as an advertisement for Copy Blogger, a project the "teacher" hasn't been associated with for years. Some methodologies used are no longer applicable.
•Dec 31, 2022
Unfortunately, these evaluations of peers don't help at all. They act as if they are the super professionals, but without helpful inputs or suggestions for improvement.
By Zhameli K
•Dec 12, 2020
Firstly it was quite good, but then a tutor pushed a self-promotion with spreading her hand-outs. There were good words without deeping in ideas of that words.
By Projit D
•Dec 7, 2020
Most the lectures are in the form of a "downloadable audio podcast" which makes it way less interactive and unappealing. Not recommended at all.
By Vinh L H
•May 29, 2020
Most of lectures are in audio files without subtitle. It is difficult for learners, who do not speak English as a mother tongue, to understand.
By Annemarie
•Jun 12, 2023
Too much repetition and most of the readings read like advertisement for copyblogger rather than giving actual information/
By Kavan M
•Sep 16, 2020
This course is boring and inefficient. Sort of goes against the principles thought in the course for good content.
By Kaiquan M
•Jul 8, 2020
Buggy course platform. Unable to get reviewers to review my assignment unless I posted in the discussion forums.
By abdelrahman a
•May 27, 2021
i'm so confused due the fluency of the course
really distracting me due to the mp3 discussion
By don o
•Jan 1, 2019
I am unhappy that I did not see the full content of this course.
By Mauro M
•May 28, 2020
an endless banality sequence
By William H
•Oct 4, 2020
not what i expected
By Gulnar A
•Sep 25, 2020
very bad
By Elena C R
•Jan 21, 2022
This course has been very important for my development and professional growth. First of all, I would like to thank Professor Sonia Simone and all the interviewees who were able to exchange her knowledge with us, the truth is that it was very satisfactory. The course taught me new tools and search engines for the creation of a much more effective content marketing strategy... I have to say that I learned things that I had never seen before, since in my university career I did not have the opportunity to learn this whole bunch of new techniques... It was amazing...Thank you again for accepting me in the Financial Aid Program, and I invite anyone who is interested in content marketing to take this course...You will have an unforgettable experience!!!!
By Soomin P
•Jan 21, 2024
I really loved this course. It is a must have skill for anyone. Whether it be pure marketing or making your writing more attractive. Learning the ways to sell our vision plays a huge role in basically anything we are trying to accomplish. Importantly, you should see this like an expansion to a skillset you already have. You also need a certain amount of proficiency in your writing abilities (be it written English) to really get the most of this course. It helps if you enjoy reading a lot. [ As of 2023, there are scammers in the comments trying to swindle your information. Please be aware of malicious intents of people disguising as professors or students. ]
By Egor S
•Aug 23, 2020
Thank you for this incredible course!
It was so great to dive in a atmosphere of positive creativity and professionalism.
Thank you teacher, for all the lessons and examples, videos and tests.
Thank you Coursera, for giving chance to study for free in this difficult moment.
I'm refugee from Russia to Sweden, restarting my life again now in new country.
So, it's essential for me to have new skills and knowledge, for free now.
It was a blessing for me to take part in this course, really.
Thank you all!
By Ibekwe E C
•Feb 3, 2019
This course takes even experienced folks through the whole process of understanding how well their content could be doing right now and how they can improve on it. Plus it helps you build a strategy for creating your content. Needless to say, you will understand the use of having a personal site as a professional. I had to get mine www.emmanueibekwe.com
By Ameenah A
•Apr 18, 2020
Sonia Simone did a great job with this course. I can't imagine the number of new things I have learned as regards content creation.
I didn't just learn, I was able to put into practice what I have learned making it stick.
Thank you, Sonia Simone, UAC, and Coursera for giving me this opportunity to grow professionally.
By Cailin S
•Jan 23, 2024
This course was incredibly beneficial to my career giving me new insight to content creation and how to target a specific audience. The course also taught me how to focus in on the customer and the arc of their experience with us as a company.
By Sven K
•Apr 8, 2020
I just started getting into content marketing for my company. For a beginner like me this course was very informative. Furthermore the course is very well structured so that you can easily follow the lecturs.