Jun 26, 2020
Excellent, informative course, with much diversity. I laughed and smiled, felt awe and inspiration, cried and felt the pain and the beautiful defiance of pieces I might have never appreciated before.
May 3, 2020
Very interesting and easily consumable resources, lots of video, audio, and short text so it was very fun and accessible. They have a good diversity of artists across ethnicity, sex, and country.
By Carolina M F
•Mar 27, 2020
muy completo e interesante!
By Mario B
•Jun 19, 2020
El contenido tiene su parte muy interesante, pero no considero que vaya de acuerdo al titulo del curso, ya que jamás se responde a la pregunta sobre "What is contemporary art?" ni el contenido del curso plantea de forma clara una ruta para dar una respuesta a la pregunta, sobre todo para los que seguimos preguntándonos que es, como se define, como llegar a él, la mayoría de los trabajos son pobres por sí solos, sin el discurso en el que se sostienen las obras no sé en donde quedarían; claro que también hay excepciones y algunos eran trabajos más completos, se notaba la intencionalidad de crear, mas que de justificar algo realizado.
En lo personal me quito la necesidad de querer que me expliquen porque le llaman arte a esas creaciones y ojalá muchos de los autodenominados artistas tengan el valor de quitarse la necesidad de querernos convencer de que lo que hacen es arte, al final todo será subjetivo.
Siempre existirá el dilema del arte, el trasfondo en esto, es que lo más tangible está en el mercado que existe a su alrededor, y eso nos puede dar más respuestas que los millones de palabras utilizadas en las explicaciones de obras de arte contemporáneo a lo largo del tiempo.
Entonces, ¿cual sería el titulo que recomendaría?:
"The World Of Contemporary Art!"
By Monica A
•Jun 21, 2020
I much enjoyed the learning offered by this class. The topics are interesting and relevant. I felt a little less guided by the curators, so I could not form a clear frame in which the lessons would follow each other. I could only make connections to my own references, not to the historical flow of Art, and I would have liked that. Maybe it's because it's a free class, but hey.
By Eric J
•Jul 9, 2020
The worst art course I have taken by far. For example, information is repetitive and boring. The instructors are just saying facts word by word and with no enthusiasm as well. It was good in the beginning, however in week 3 I got bored immediately and that I wasn't thrilled or anxious to learn anything at all. I thought this course was gonna be interesting and exciting, but no it was just repetitive like the previous courses I have taken. This course could have been properly executed better. I rate this course a 2 star out of 5.
By Laura A
•May 22, 2020
It seems the goal is to make each of the themes different throughout the weeks but some were so similar to each other that it almost did not made the students explored other subjects further or made the topics memorable.
By David K
•Feb 27, 2021
By Laurie D
•May 19, 2020
I do not like this course at all.
By Abhina M B
•Jul 8, 2020
By Aleyna “ Y
•Aug 1, 2022
Thanks to the information provided and made easily accessible in this course, I now feel much more confident in diving deeper into this journey of learning about art. The course all together was a really good one. Information was provided at a length that does not bore the student, instead gives you a taste and provokes you to research more and learn more. I am grateful for all the artists, lecturers, and technical team that has come together to provide such an amazing course, full of great-length videos, a very informative and unique approach, special interviews, and more! I think this course is beginner friendly, but also very informative for advanced students too.
By Miguel d l C
•Sep 23, 2020
Es un curso exelentemente interesante y necesario para los artistas, amantes y seguidores del mundo de las artes ya que despierta en los artistas la chispa para lanzarse a crear sus propios universos, y les muestra las herramientas e ideas para poder servirle mejor al mundo ecologico y humano, para costribuir a la consevacion de nuestro planeta.
Y por otro lado al expectador le permite conocer los artistas, los materiales y los procesos que usan para desarrollar sus obras, y tambien aprenden a interpretar la obra y a llegar a sus propias conclusiones.
Por ultimo debo decir que el curso para mi ha sido de mucho provecho y felicito a los organizadores
By Katharina S
•Jun 8, 2020
Time connects old and new. One lives from the past but we dream of the future. Mostly we dream of a better one, because we are dissatisfied with the current situation. Contemporary is therefore the connection from the past with the present and the view into the future. At the same time it is a criticism and an impulse. We should see the bad as well as the positive, connect it and bring it together anew. We learn and create with a knowledge we have created over generations, but with new challenges and spontaneous creative views.
Thank you very much for all the information, videos and texts! Stay healthy and creative!
By Aleksandra M
•Jul 20, 2023
Contemporary art is expressed by the authors in different works. I think what is meant by the word contemporary is contemporary art. As soon as it ceases to be relevant, it becomes outdated. I saw a lot of work and a lot of points of view. I expanded my horizons in this topic. And I think a lot about ecology, about the problems caused by pollution and lack of resources on the planet. Conscious consumption is essential. There would be more works, a lot of works devoted to environmental problems. I would like it. Until I can create such works myself, I study illustration.
By Bianca E H O
•May 22, 2020
It was a great pleasure to be in this curse "What is a Contemporary Art?
From the beginning to the end....It allowed me to explore the broad spectrum of all this talented artist....
This curse gave me the answers for most of my questions...
It let me appreciate and understand how the Contemporary Art is, and how Art still constantly evolving and offering maximum freedom to the artist to express their art in a very unique and personal way,
so the viewers can see and interpret their art with their own perspective.
By María B P
•Jun 17, 2020
This course gives you many artist references. It also gives you a little perspective of what contemporary art is. The best thing is that it can be done for free and if you like it at the end, you can pay for the certificate, which is signed by the teachers. In some comment somebody said that the word "signature" appeared in the signature of the document and that the certificate is false. But I have not had any problem with mine. I strongly recommend it!
By Tito D M
•Jun 9, 2020
What a fantastic course! An absolute delight for anyone who is interested in the world of Contemporary Art. The course runs in a very smooth and easily understandable series of subjects and studies a vast number of artists and their pieces. Both video and reading material have outstanding quality. I would definitely recommend this course and would encourage everyone to learn more about Contemporary Art and visit MoMA after completing the course.
By Olga G
•May 26, 2020
I am very grateful to the Museum of Modern Art and the creators of this course. I see with what love and attention to artists, contemporary art and the audience this is all done. I got a new layer of knowledge and also structured what I received from other sources. Many works have added to me not only impressions and reflections, but also additional information about the historical, geographical and social context in other countries.
By Neil L
•May 1, 2024
Great course. This series is truly enlightening, in the broad range of arts and topics discussed. The recordings or dialogue discussions with the actual artists as they explain their art and sometimes the motive behind their work, is truly phenomenal. Hearing from the artists, you can see the impetus of their work and the meaning behind it. This is one of the best courses offered on this platform.
•Aug 3, 2020
The course is very interesting for those seeking a greater learning about contemporary art, its artists and specialized bibliography. Finally I took the course I wanted for some time and for free. The quarantine brought the availability I needed to complete the course. It is certainly a good baggage to better appreciate contemporary art in Brazilian and international museums.
By Laura P V
•May 17, 2020
It opened a window of ideas for me even for my on works of art. On self improvement and self expression. It also gave me the opportunity to think about society and issues of our world today. So I concluded that contemporary art helps us understand our on present and were the world’s moving forward, based on all these analyses of ideas, concepts, places, time, etc
By Annabel C
•May 5, 2020
To any art enthusiast, looking to better understand contemporary art ideas and themes, develop an appreciation for contemporary artists, artworks as well as gain confidence in discussion on contemporary art subjects, I would recommend this course - recommended for the varied selection of art, breadth of content and succinct exploration of the topic.
By Laura.G
•Jun 8, 2020
"What is Contemporary Art" has no doubt demystified the art process as a solitary act which excludes those who are not affiliated with the art world. This course has shown me that contemporary art is in fact challenging but that those challenges force you to make your own connection and that connection once made is intimate and personal.
By howard t
•Mar 10, 2021
I liked the course. A person can take it superficially or follow links to get more information about the artists. So, it becomes an unending loop for exploration. I have gone to youtube to find more information on artists and their production. It is great to be able to explore other MOMA resourses to, like the magazine.
By Ana K V L
•Mar 24, 2020
This course offers a wide range of subjects that contemporary art deals with and, in addition to an introduction to the subject, it gives us a perspective of the different functions of art and how they detonate certain social devices around the world. For me, contemporary art always responds to where, why and what it is for.
By Cecilia M
•Mar 6, 2022
Le cours était très intéressant et bien organisé. Le charge de travail est bien organisé et séparé, les leçons sont assez courtes (10-15 minutes chacune) de façon qu'on peut décider en autonomie et à son rythme quand les faire, même si on ne dispose que de peu de temps dans une même journée.
Je le conseille.
By hamideh b
•Jun 6, 2020
I would suppose that contemporary art is a new idea and concept that is sometimes difficult to follow. For me, It means,the forms, the colors , the concepts and their relationships with technology or the modern world. I also think that nature is a major part of it because our world is based on nature.