Apr 13, 2020
I like that I get to learn new things that I haven't learned before like this new knowledge that I'm add to my learning skills. Including the understanding of how a computer function and operates.
Jul 8, 2021
I found the bits and Bytes of Computer Networking course very much interesting and challenging. I need lots of time to fully learn this interesting field which is full of innovations and experiments.
By jorge f
•Aug 4, 2018
Muy buen material, excelente explicaciones todas claras con ejemplos estupendos. Realmente te da un paneo general de area de Networking. No se si es tan apto para alguien que no tiene conocimientos basicos de redes. Quizas ayudaria si introducen material de practica para realizar pings y cosas asi. Saludos
By David J
•Aug 15, 2020
Wow it was really hard but I get a lof of knowlodge from this course, they will give you basics and after proficiencies study material. It was hard to get know this area and memorize it, but I did it. I think it will help me to get now more with network area, probably I will be able to do someting with it
By Luis
•Jun 29, 2020
This was a great course. A lot of information was packed into this course but all very essential, well presented and very organized. I really enjoyed and appreciated the enthusiasm from the main instructor, and was overjoyed when I finally completed the course. I would definitely recommend this course.
By Gamaliel V
•Mar 7, 2018
Thanks for everything, it was a pleasure to finish this course satisfactorily.
The content seems to be a lot, but in the field of computer networks there are many topics that we should know and consider for the implementation and administration of information technologies.
Best regards
Gamaliel Vazquez
By Md. G R D M
•Feb 5, 2022
Google IT Support SpecializatiI enjoyed the course and learned a lot from it. The content is well organized and focused on practical situations. This is an excellent course especially for professionals, The instructor is great, explains the material clearly. Thank you instructor, google and Coursera
By April Z
•Jul 7, 2020
This course was tougher than I thought it was going to be, but still super informative. I was familiar with the majority of the concepts, but this class really dove into the details of why we use things, what they were created for, how they are beneficial, when we use them, and how to use them. LOVED it!
By Patrick A
•May 10, 2020
It’sa really tough course and I needed to go through the Five Layer Network model several times to get through the written portion but I’m so glad I stuck with it. The material is challenging but it needs to be because this stuff isn’t simple. Thanks to Coursera for regular emails reminding me to finish!
By Karen G
•Jun 27, 2021
very informative and well organized. I paused the videos often to take in depth notes, and frequently rewatched sections or whole videos. I will definetly be returing to specific videos and my notes for refreshers before interviews! This felt like a proper three credit worth class over a whole semester
By Carson B
•Mar 17, 2018
Awesome course, much more intensive than the 1st, but chalked full of useful information.
Some of those quizzes are tricky. If you add or take away a space, misspell, or don't word it exactly as it's supposed to be. You might be at a standstill for 8 hours. Do your research and triple check your answers.
By Stephen G J
•Sep 11, 2020
A very challenging course chock full of information!!! I found the discussions about IPv4 vs IPv6 particularly interesting. I would've liked the opportunity to use the virtual machines in real life scenarios to apply and learn more about using the networking troubleshooting skills that were introduced.
By Jussara L
•Aug 20, 2020
Conteúdo excelente, abre a mente para o mundo de redes, já havia tido um contato com o assunto antes, mas esse curso me analisar o problema de uma forma diferente, as analogias feitas durante o curso para possamos assimilar o conteúdo é algo encantador. Superou minhas expectativas em todos os aspectos.
By Zaheer K
•Jul 25, 2020
I really enjoyed the course and especially the troubleshooting section in week 6. The interview role play regarding networking was awesome. Adding further role-plays as a learning tool could have been valuable. Some practical assessments using quicklabs could have enhanced learning. Thank you Coursera!
By Bryan K
•Feb 27, 2018
Awesome course. However you guys need to explain the rules of the compression of the iPv6 quiz. Had to go to the discussion forums to figure it out but that's what made it challenging and more fun as well. However, it still would have helped if you provided the rules written out in the first place.
•Dec 10, 2022
Excellent and mind blowing! From the lecturers to the course materials. It is so compact and full of useful knowledge and yet concise and down to the earth, straightforward, difficult concepts are presented in such an easily understandable manner.
Bravo! Thank you to all who made these courses great.
By elvin p
•Sep 17, 2020
This part of the course has been the most challenging for me throughout this course, I have a lot of previous knowledge on networking but i really never studied the network layers topology as thoroughly as this course did. My previous knowledge did help me grasp the curriculum a lot more efficiently.
By Castro M S
•Aug 9, 2019
Sir.Victor just nailed this course not only because of so informative according to me interactive keeps a head while learning Online courses this man does includes some fun facts in the middle of the course and always keeps a smiling and a cheerful face.So I am so glad and happy to take this course.
By Daniel P
•Aug 28, 2018
An excellent presentation of networking basics. This course gives a broad overview of how networking works and the underpinnings of all modern communications, useful for understanding when troubleshooting, coding a new app, or just as a fun exercise doing binary addition or calculating a subnet mask.
By Youaremine3
•Jan 4, 2024
Very informative I, enjoyed this course! It was nice to have the quizzes to test you, and also have the interactive labs if you would call them. The virtual machines I am talking about. Only thing I would add is do more virtual machines as it helps the brain understand what material it is learning.
By Joseph C
•Aug 12, 2021
this was an excellent(albeit pretty tough) introduction into how computers work over a network, each week got more and more informative but also definitely upped the difficulty(lookin at you week 2 and 6!) but all in all, it was really awesome, and a great insight to the nitty gritty of networking.
By Osoraa N
•Jun 3, 2021
I sudenly know a whole lot more about these networking stuff I see all around me. While my current knowledge might not be exhaustive, the way Google has delivered this course has done nothing but pique my interest in IT. I always thought IT-Support was something very daunting, but I'm good now...😂
By Fer
•Mar 22, 2021
There is a lot of great information packed into this course. I needed to repeat a lot of videos, read certain things over and over, in order to try and understand how it all makes sense about computer networking. It has been very rewarding and feeling great about moving ahead for the certification.
By Ivon C
•Nov 25, 2020
I loved the course it kept me intrigued at all times. I learned things in ways that I could understand them. I fooled around a lot in college and didn't pay attention, but learning here was so interesting this time around I gave my all. thank you so much. I'm looking forward to learning much more.
By alukumburage r
•Mar 15, 2023
It would be very valuable if you can easily get subtitles in Sinhala and other languages. The courses are really great! I think this course will be very important for me in the future. I am grateful to you for giving me this course free of charge for my inconvenience. Many thanks for coursera
By Michael P
•Aug 2, 2022
While it's definitely a lot of information, I'm thankful for how digestible most of it was! I went through this course a lot more slowly than the first one, but that's not surprising given that it was mostly new material for me. I enjoyed it quite a lot, and am excited to apply it in the future.
By Kruno K
•Apr 13, 2022
Nice to learn this. However, we have learned a lot of technical information so for a begginer I recommend to use additional literature to really get into the matter. Thanks to other great sites this course is really nice to follow. I am excited to take the next one, in operating systems! Thanks!