Jun 10, 2020
Brilliant course. For a HS student the math was challenging, but the quizzes and assignments were perfect. The tutorials and supplementary materials are super helpful. All in all, I loved it.
Apr 7, 2018
Extremely enlightening course on how Neuron's work and the science of computational neuroscience. Even if you don't want to get into the complex mathematics you can get a lot out of the course
By Anurag M
•Feb 3, 2019
Starts off great but get rushed 3/4ths into the course. Too much content, too little explanation, but recovers swiftly to end on a high.
By Efsane A
•Mar 13, 2024
Great background in mathematical models and theories. Great explanations. However, the assignments are not clear and some hints are misleading.
By Akshay K J
•Aug 17, 2017
Overall - A good introductory course. But the last week, reinforcement learning and neural networks, could have involved programming questions.
By Driss A L
•Dec 2, 2018
As a self-paced student, I like this kind of course. I hope to see a whole specialization in this field with final capstone project. Thanks.
By Pho H
•Dec 27, 2018
Pretty good. A bit of mathematical ambiguity and lax notational conventions, but the course content was solid and presented clearly.
By Ricardo C
•Oct 27, 2020
it delivers what it promisses: a first grasp of computational neurosciences, with a good overview of the fundamental concepts.
By Serena R
•Aug 31, 2017
I found this course helpful and inspiring for my research activity. I suggest it to anyone who has basic mathematical skills.
By Erik B
•Aug 25, 2019
Overall I enjoyed this class, but towards the end it gets more into machine learning and away from the neuroscience.
By moustafa e
•Nov 22, 2021
It was amazing journey diving deeply into the the brain and finding out how it works computationally
By Vanya E
•Jul 9, 2017
Great overview of a really cool field, gives nice intuitions for ideas in computational neuroscience.
By Avinash T
•Aug 23, 2020
Very interesting course, gained many skills of modelling that i am going to utilise in my research
By Daya K L
•Dec 19, 2021
Assignment needs more clarity. The course also needs little more depth coverage of the concepts
By Jeff C
•Nov 14, 2016
In general very good, but some concepts are rushed over due to the short length of the course.
By Gabriel G
•Dec 19, 2019
Très bon cours je recommande pour tous les gens intéressé par les neurosciences théoriques
By Zikou L
•Aug 13, 2021
Very demanding math and programming, need some basic knoledge of matrix and vectors
By 徐锦辉
•Sep 1, 2019
A better tittle for this course is 'From neuroscience to artificial intelligence'.
By Pierre K
•Oct 25, 2023
There could have been more supplementary material on linear algebra and calculus
By Waqar A
•Sep 26, 2024
Great course but needs to elaborate more to suit the quiz standard
By Haley Z
•May 8, 2022
很棒的课程,学习了很多计算神经的基础知识! 不过有一些quiz没有看懂,如week8的Q12,如果能有释疑就更好了!
By Renaldas Z
•Jun 30, 2017
Great course, if a little bit outdated today.
By Huzi C
•Feb 14, 2017
Great course and really helpful for me.
By miolee
•Jan 27, 2022
The puzzle should be more challenging
By Abhilash C
•Jun 18, 2020
I like professor Rao's commentary.
By Will B
•Feb 29, 2020
Best for the beginner.
By Christopher M
•Jun 3, 2017
[3.5 stars] The course provides an overview of some interesting topics. I would have prefer more emphasis on applications, perhaps in the form of additional exercises. Overall, I have my adventure hat on and I am excited to push on further into the neuro-jungle.