Sep 16, 2017
very useful and practical course.. it boosts my positive energy to cook more and more in healthy way for my baby coz much love=much healthy.. It inspired me, it's very simple , easy and very healthy..
Nov 27, 2019
Dear Maya, Thank you so much for being so humble and cooperative throughout the course. Your course was extra ordinary helpful in daily routine and belongs to every person belonging to any field.
By Praveen V
•Jul 29, 2022
This course has been a real eye opener to me. It is because I have had unhealthy habits of eating food. The information and science provided in this course has motivated and changed my life in moving towards in eating more healthy, nutritious and balanced diet not only for my children but for adults too.
By Renee H
•Mar 19, 2022
I enjoyed the course. I did learn some new information regarding government policies and updates regarding how food is labeled and new updated guidelines on healthier eating recommendations. I also enjoyed the cooking segments. I already cook alot but i did pick up a few new tricks to add in my cooking.
By Putri M
•Nov 19, 2020
I'm so grateful to have an opportunity to join this course, I've learned a lot. The teaching method is fabulous, the lecture feels fun and the method makes us learn easier. The materials are complete and could be given in a little amount of time, and we still can catch up with the materials. Thank you
By Tambudzai T
•Mar 27, 2018
This is a great course that should be taken by every parent and everyone working with children. Maya is so graceful when she teaches. I love all the recipes and I have done most of then at home for my 9 year old son, he loved them. Now when I go into a shop I start from the fruits and vegetables side.
By Buket F
•Jan 19, 2016
Excellent course! I loved taking this course.
Eventhough I did not learn much new, I got assurance via this course, that what and how I cook for my 2 year old is healthy and the right way. ;)
While seeing some of the videos, I found it funny that I actually cook basically exact same way as Mrs Adams.
By Deleted A
•May 11, 2020
Es verdaderamente ultil este curso por todas la habilidades que se logran a través de todos los módulos brindados. Se aprende a grandes rasgos sobre la buena alimentación y pienso que no solo es aplicable para los niños sino para toda las personas en general, sea, adolescentes, adultos y ancianos.
By Laura H
•Jan 8, 2020
While I already had a background on this topic, I picked up some good details from this course. The presentations were concise and well done. I loved the cooking demonstrations! This course has reminded me how much I enjoy cooking for my kids and that nutrition is also aligned with my career goals.
By David W
•Dec 13, 2015
Excellently done. Easy to follow and well organized. I learned a lot! It was a pleasure to see the professor so excited and passionate about the subject and about her family.
I love the plurality of the subtitles. Surprised and pleased by the quality of them (korean is the only one I can vouch for).
By Amjad A
•Nov 27, 2024
The video lessons were very well made, featuring industry experts sharing their knowledge in an engaging manner, particularly referring to the course instructor, Maya Adam. Additionally, the practical cooking demonstrations were helpful for better understanding how to apply the principles learned.
By Aida L R
•May 9, 2020
Me gusto la forma como se explicaba la importancia de la nutricion en los ninos, ya que estos son la base de la nueva generacion, y la responsabilidad de los padres en cuanto a tener un conocimiento para obtener una buena base alimentaria y que esto sirve para fundamentar las nuevas generaciones.
By Damjan M
•Jan 7, 2016
Incredibly informative, definitely appropriate for beginners, but also useful for advanced readers in the field of nutrition, cooking or healthy living in general. The explanations are beyond great, even for people whose native language isn't English. In general, very very interesting and helpful.
By fabiola p
•Jan 8, 2018
Estuvo increíble, aprendí la importancia de la comida integral y sus consecuencias en la salud de los niños, así como el impacto que puede tener en ello ya siendo adultos.
La expositora me encantó sus platicas fueron cortas sencillas para aquellas personas que no somos expertos de la salud.
By Megha M
•Aug 12, 2016
Its a wonderfully compiled course which teaches us how to encourage and inculcate good and healthy eating habits in children and also gives an insight into what is food and how can food be made more healthy and palatable. Some easy recipes have been taught which will surely interest the children.
By Zaraa F
•Aug 12, 2015
This course has really good information. Very simple and straightforward and I am happy to say that I am using lots of the tips and ideas with my boys. I did find that some of the tips given were a bit unrealistic however it still makes you want to make better choices about food and your family.
By Jennifer J B
•Jan 22, 2017
This course definitely changed the way I feed my children. It requires more trips to the store, but knowing I am putting healthy, sustainable choices in front of them makes it feel like less of a burden. The way the material was presented was very understandable and made you want to continue.
By Marilú I A
•Mar 18, 2016
Thanks a lot Maya, I am cooking your recipes and my famly love them. I adjust them to ingredients in my country, I from Peru. The knowledge is great to complement my work. I am a doctor, i got a certified speciality from ACSM, so the course is important for my family and my patients. Greetings.
By Yuridia L C F
•Nov 1, 2015
Good evening, I'm from Mexico and I am a teacher in a School of Nutrition, however, I am Biochemical Engineer, the truth is that this course is very interesting and easy to understand, besides extending the criteria and me about this science. I appreciate the matching available online. Regards.
By Ana P
•May 6, 2022
This covers ver simply but efficiently the whole idea of a healthy lifestyle based on Child Nutrition starting from the environment and going into the little details as allergic reactions. This course is really well understandable if taken at first the Intruduction to Food course is completed.
By Irina N
•Oct 13, 2015
Thanks to this course I buy healthful foods and cut my grocery bill by almost 40%. Tomato sauce and crepes are staples in our family now. I got really inspired to pack not only my children's lunches, but also my and my husband's brown bags. Thank you Maya and your team for improving our lives!
By Anyigor O N
•Apr 26, 2020
This course was has opened my eyes to a whole lot of things about healthy diets for my children. Thanks for the wonderful demonstrations. Though some of the ingredients used are not readily available in my country, Nigeria, I understood all they meant to contribute to the whole meal prepared.
By David A M
•Aug 30, 2020
This course provides an in depth look at not only nutrition but also sheds a lot of light on how the foods we consume are produced and the environmental impact our eating habits contribute to. I especially liked the cooking demonstrations because it proved how simple home made meals can be.
By B K
•Nov 3, 2019
All human beings deserve to know about what they eat, its unfortunate that some do not even questioning the food offers we have because everyone else does it. I was one of them too. My sincere gratitude for offering this course free of charge and making it so fun, easy to follow and useful.
•Nov 13, 2022
This class has increased my interest in this field of study. This course gave me confidence to do more advanced work in the subject. I believe that what i am being asked to learn in this course is important. Student learning was fairly assessed through quizzes ,exam and other graded work.
By Sara T
•Jan 31, 2022
interesting, teacher intelligent and well-spoken (and really pretty). I love cooking demonstrations. I was never really taught to cook. In my head something really that involves searching through cookbooks and long lists of obscure ingredients. Makes cooking simpler and nutrition simpler.
By Jessica G
•Mar 17, 2017
Such a great stepping stone to cooking simple and delicious foods. I have been encouraging clean eating gradually with my daughter and she absolutely picks vegetables now that they are presented differently. I would love to see more recipes from Maya to incorporate in our everyday menus.