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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Challenging Forensic Science: How Science Should Speak to Court by University of Lausanne

500 ratings

About the Course

The aim of this course is to promote critical thinking with regard to forensic science. Today, in general, most people are dazzled by the technical possibilities offered by forensic science. They somewhat live in the illusion that forensic evidence is fool proof and brings factual findings with 100% certainty. This course – given by specialists in the field – goes beyond the conventional image that is promoted through TV series such as CSI. It alerts (without alarming) the public on the limits of the techniques in order to promote a sound administration of forensic science in the criminal justice system.  It allows participants to understand the importance of probabilistic reasoning in forensic science, because uncertainty is a constitutive part of forensic science. The course is constructed as a series of causes célèbres that could or have led to miscarriages of justice. Some of these cases have been part of case reviews carried out at the School of Criminal Justice of the University of Lausanne. ****************** Special thanks to our translators, in particular the University of Lausanne and the School of Criminal Justice sincerely thank Massimiliano Stabile (forensic biologist), Francesco Zampa (forensic chemist) and Giampietro Lago (forensic biologist) for the Italian translation of the course....

Top reviews


Jan 4, 2025

I am so delighted to take participate in this course (How science should speak to court). The whole team of this course was intellectual, industrious,ambitious & loyal to their work. Good Luck


Feb 20, 2021

Very interesting course developing an understanding of forensic science and its use in various criminal cases as well as highlighting the limitations and challenges associated with its use in court.

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26 - 50 of 145 Reviews for Challenging Forensic Science: How Science Should Speak to Court

By Massimiliano S

Jan 2, 2019

I found in this course all the things that one forensic scientist must be aware about! Thank You

By Dan C

Mar 24, 2020

excellent. I learned a few things that I was unaware of. Good teaching and excellent examples.

By Felix K O A

Nov 17, 2020


By Aarushi

Apr 11, 2020

the teaching methods and articles provided a lot of help! It'a course worth doing.

By German C

Aug 26, 2021

Very important course to clean and use an appropriate language in court.

By Clene A O

Apr 12, 2020

Very educative and eye opening course.

I enjoyed it thoroughly.

By Diego N A

Oct 14, 2019

Excellent course

By Yohana S

Jan 3, 2019

Very nice course


Sep 11, 2019


By Mauro M M

Oct 31, 2020

The course is excellent to understand how forensic science should NOT speak to the Court. This is because, in my opinion, great emphasis was given to mistakes in Forensic Science. In this perspective, one should think that the errors are more frequent than the correct interpretation of evidences by forensic scientists. Nonetheless, I agree that even the correct findings could be fragile in terms of logical conclusions. This is a particular discipline that should have more attention in the training of forensic science practitioners. Thanks for all and congratulations to open community eyes to the better forensic science.


Jul 18, 2020

This course has opened my mind. It has challenged my training as a fingerprint examiner. I do not want to take away anything from the presenters. I think they gave their best however the presentations of the lectures can be explained more clearly. I struggled to understand the quizzes.

By Pragati B

Sep 15, 2020

A very helpful course, to understand how forensic results should be interpreted concerning the case presented before. Also helps in knowing how the results shouldn't be trusted blindly as there is always room for discrepancies.

By Clemente A P S

Nov 29, 2020

It's an excellent course with important information for us, forensic scientists, and also for lawyers and judges. It helps us to write better reports and to giver better answers written or in the court.

By Sally P

Nov 10, 2020

Learnt a lot and really enjoyed the course and the way it was presented.

By Crystal S

May 29, 2020

Some of the translating needed work - but an enjoyable course!

By Amb P M S

Mar 23, 2025

La science médico-légale joue un rôle essentiel dans l'administration de la justice, mais son utilisation devant les tribunaux doit être soigneusement encadrée pour éviter des erreurs graves. Voici quelques points qui méritent réflexion : 1. Objectivité et rigueur scientifique : Les experts en science médico-légale doivent s'assurer que leurs témoignages sont strictement basés sur des données scientifiques solides et vérifiables. Cela signifie que leurs conclusions doivent reposer sur des protocoles rigoureux, des méthodes éprouvées et une analyse impartiale des preuves. 2. Limites de la science : Une des critiques majeures est que, parfois, les résultats scientifiques sont présentés de manière trop absolue devant un tribunal. Or, toute science a ses limites, et les expertises médico-légales ne font pas exception. Par exemple, un profil ADN peut être très probant, mais ne doit jamais être considéré comme une preuve irréfutable. Des facteurs comme la contamination, l'interprétation erronée ou les biais peuvent fausser les résultats. Il est crucial que les experts expriment ces incertitudes. 3. Communication claire et accessible : Les témoins experts doivent savoir rendre la science compréhensible pour le juge et le jury. Des explications techniques trop complexes peuvent perdre l'attention ou, pire, fausser l'interprétation des preuves. La clarté est essentielle pour que les résultats scientifiques soient bien compris dans le contexte juridique. 4. Transparence dans les méthodes : Les méthodes utilisées pour analyser les preuves doivent être clairement expliquées. Cela inclut la validation des instruments et des protocoles utilisés, ainsi que les raisons pour lesquelles un choix particulier a été fait. La transparence dans les procédures renforce la crédibilité des résultats. 5. Évolution et mise à jour des connaissances : La science évolue constamment, et ce qui était valable il y a dix ans peut ne plus l'être aujourd'hui. Les experts doivent toujours être informés des dernières avancées dans leur domaine. De plus, il est important que les témoignages en cours de procès soient basés sur les connaissances les plus actuelles. 6. Éviter l'influence des préjugés ou de l’argumentation biaisée : Les experts doivent veiller à ne pas être influencés par des attentes extérieures, que ce soit de la part des enquêteurs ou des parties prenantes. Ils doivent rester neutres, en toute circonstance, et éviter de laisser leurs propres croyances ou convictions influencer leurs conclusions. Conclusion : La science médico-légale devrait se présenter devant les tribunaux non pas comme une vérité absolue, mais comme un ensemble de preuves évaluées avec rigueur et honnêteté. Il est impératif que les experts soulignent les limites des méthodologies employées et qu'ils expliquent clairement la portée des résultats obtenus. De cette manière, la science peut servir efficacement la justice, sans pour autant la fausser. Ma note : 5 étoiles. Je pense que la science médico-légale, lorsqu'elle est bien appliquée et bien communiquée, est un atout indispensable pour la justice. Cependant, elle doit toujours être utilisée avec une pleine conscience de ses limites et des risques de biais.

By Marvin J D V

Jul 27, 2020

I would like to congratulate the teachers and the University of Lausanne for making their knowledge available to the world. As a Latin American, there remains a feeling of uncertainty because "the fallacy of the prosecutor" and the "fallacy of authority" are what serve to base a judicial decision, ignoring the fact that there is a universe of probabilities that must be studied, included and evaluated in a case.

I think that if in this region we deepen in the way you evaluate and make "speak" Forensic Science, much of the scientific literature that we still use will have to be examined and rewritten.

Thank you very much for this excellent experience. Congratulations to the teachers and all the team who worked to connect our senses to the "new world" of Forensic Sciences.

By Melissa E

May 2, 2021

I have studied forensic science for several years, but this one course definitely confronted some of the more disputed aspects of forensic testimony including what is expected (the 'CSI effect'), the importance of statistics, proper reporting, and even humility. While virtually learning from the forensic campus building, the course covers several real cases and has very special interviews. The course addresses mistakes made in the past, so in the future, miscarriages of justice will be less likely. I appreciate learning online especially during this pandemic.

By Lenett Y H

Oct 18, 2020

Very informative and a great help to how a testify in court in the future. I did have a little problems to understand the “language” sometimes, and I don’t mean language literally, just that the wording was a bit confusing to me and sometimes I noticed the translation to English might have been a bit off. But regardless, I was very impressed with the content and it really made me think about how we here in the US testify. I will definitely explore more on line courses from the University of Lausanne. Thank you!

By Theresa D

May 24, 2023

This was a really good class. I learned a lot of things I didn’t know about the fallibility of forensic science. I always thought that if someone’s DNA or fingerprints were found at a scene, he must have been there. I’ve learned that is not so. I also learned a lot about the importance of how forensic scientists phrase their findings in court. A very interesting course. Plus the professors were readily available to answer your questions; that was excellent! Thanks for a great course.

By kamozut

Nov 1, 2021

This is a great course that provides excellent insights to actual workings of science, human flaws and statistics. It is also very easy to follow and provides lots of additional material if one wants to study further. I have no education in forensic science or law. Even though the course would be most useful to those with such occupations I think it should reach a much wider audience. If you ever enjoyed reading a good popular science book you should try this course.

By Muhammad R

Apr 19, 2022

I am very happy because I availed myself of this opportunity to learn about the Challenges of Forensic Science and how this science should speak to the Court which is a real challenge nowadays in Pakistan to how to utilize forensic evidence successfully in a case during the course of investigation and prosecution. This course is very helpful to me to learn more about forensic science and improve my capabilities being a police officer and proper pursuit of justice.

By Inese

Feb 3, 2025

The course is really great for everyone who is interested in forensics. It is extremely helpful for those whose work is related to forensics. The experts explain so well the examination of evidence from its very start at the crime scene investigation, all the processes, while examining and till to the court. From this course you can learn the role of expert and the right way he must represent his results on evidence.

By Teresa C

Oct 7, 2020

The course provides an interesting perspective in marrying forensic science with judicial system. As a layperson to forensic science, certain concepts and techniques such as analysing DNA seems too difficult for me to grasp, but learning the recommended practice and framework of evaluative reporting of forensic science have enhanced my knowledge and crushed my entrenched belief that forensic evidence is certainty!

By Mark T

Apr 7, 2021

I cannot recommend this course highly enough. The lectures were by specialists, but understandable to a non-scientist. They outlined individual cases of interest, and explained how miscarriages of justice might occur. They introduced the student to the appropriate ENFSI guidelines, and how forensic scientists should explain their conclusions to the court. Thanks to all involved.