Nov 12, 2017
Great course for a novice photographer with a point and shoot camera. Some information was not applicable to my camera, but the knowledge was good to know. I have really enjoyed the challenge.Grace
Dec 1, 2017
Great course structure. Great Professors and Mentors. This course has really help me grow a lot as a photographer. I'm so thankful to Coursera & MSU for putting such a great course for learners.
•Aug 24, 2020
By Peter K
•Dec 23, 2017
The weakest course in the specialization so far (having completed through course 4 as of writing this). Several of the weeks lectures appear to have had the content in them altered, but the quiz questions have not been changed to reflect it. One of the weeks is ridiculously structured with a frustrating and odd ratio of practice quizzes to actual lecture. Not that any of that matters as most quiz questions are true/false making quizzes nearly impossible to fail on retake. The final week feels tacked on in order to make the course a full month with only the final assignment really adding anything. Peer Review remains frustrating, but aside from enforcing the grading rubric that issue is on me and my fellow students more than the Profs. Worth it if you are interested in the full specialization, but otherwise mediocre at best.
By Maya S
•Oct 19, 2020
I love the course and I enjoy the thoughtfulness that went into providing us with the assignments. But I find it irritating to see how many submissions use plagiarized content. Yes, there is a tool for flagging those, and I used it often enough but considering amount of time I needed to provide the evidence (like writing down the names, searching the links, etc) I would have liked to get at least a partial credit for my effort since for every legitimate submission I had 4-5 that was either incomplete or was using plagiarized content. Because of it, what was supposed to be a rather straightforward assignment turned out to be a lengthy and tedious job for a detective or for a nasty schoolteacher.
By shorya s
•Jun 27, 2020
Many things are not useful for the photographer who is starting they are not telling exactly how to click nice shoot. It feels like a boring theory lecture which I don't think to be like this as the course is about photography it should make us learn some creative aspects too.
And half of the times they are explaining thinks like the student is an expert photographer. The person who is signing for this what to improve their photos I don't think it's helping.
I have already completed two 2 courses of there specialisation but neither is helping in my work.
By Lyneth V R
•Dec 8, 2020
This course discussed all about knowing your camera and how to control it to achieve great photos, however, I think this can still be improved in terms of the course outline and organization in such a way that it will highlight the key points rather than the usual "story telling" type of discussion. Also, the ways and manners the professors present the topic can still be improved.
By David T
•May 12, 2016
Sorry but yet again a potentially great course spoiled by the implementation, way too many mistakes in the quizzes, peer review grading systems which in places are nonsense . I hope things get better and I give the the course the 5 stars the content would merit if it had been properly QCed and delivered to best Coursera standards
By Clark D
•May 1, 2016
The glitches with Coursera itself are not excusable and should be taken as a black mark against the organization. They made the professors and Michigan State look less than average and caused confusion among the students. The material is good and it makes me learn about the camera that I use and try new things.
By R. J H W
•Apr 2, 2016
The explanations are a bit and drawn out. For non-native English speakers, this is very difficult to understand as well at time difficult for native speakers. Also, the course for auditors is not very interactive and we cannot participate in some quizzes and work submission.
By roberta l
•Aug 7, 2016
The content is helpful in learning to use the camera and understand terminology, but it is somewhat, if not totally, a false representation of interaction with the experts. There is absolutely none. Some seems repetitive from course one.
By José M G
•Sep 24, 2018
It would be great if you can include o recommend some material or reading that supports the content of this course.
By Marianne C
•Apr 10, 2016
problems..problems ongoing
By rania
•Apr 4, 2018
By Ronald P I
•Oct 27, 2020
Not really worth taking this class. The video production quality has horrible sound issues and there are a lot of bots that make the exercises a pain. I went through the entire specialization, finished the Capstone, and these issues only get worse the further you go. I'm sure there are other photography classes through Coursera that offer the same information in a much more organized way. Gave it 2 stars because there was some good info in here, but a lot of it is probably available through Google.
By Heather R
•Apr 14, 2016
The course started really well and followed on nicely from the first course in the series but I'm really disappointed and frustrated with the video editing issues. Many were fixed but there are still some errors/omissions and the second half of the course was very short of content compared to the rest. Such a shame as I'm sure the writers really know their material and conveyed so well when the content was there. I'm looking forward to the next course and hope the material is all ready to go!
By Lesley L I
•Apr 17, 2016
If there hadn't been so many hiccups with the videos and quizzes I would recommend this course. However, I lost a great deal of time viewing incomplete videos and trying to complete quizzes covering material that was not addressed or only partially addressed in the videos. Then had to go back and Review all the videos once they had been re-uploaded. It was a very frustrating experience. I lost momentum and even motivation and as a result am now behind with the assignments and quizzes.
By Ambar K
•Mar 26, 2016
I had really high expectations from the course, I believe but it wasn't upto the mark. All it went through was some basic though I would have expected to go in details esp. for Aperture, Shutter and DOF.
I am not sure if that i going to be covered in next unit but having gone though the basics in 1st unit, that was expectation in 2nd unit.
By David A
•May 16, 2016
Weeks 1 &2 were worthwhile. Weeks 3 & 4 were very thin, not really up to expectation based on first course or even first two weeks
By Supantha R
•Aug 4, 2020
It was OK
By J K
•May 12, 2019
The instructors abandoned this course 3 years ago. The lectures are excellent, however, the student is dependent on other students to complete the course. There are almost no students and zero instructors or mods. Total scam to charge money for this.
By Rhian F
•Apr 7, 2016
Got lost and left behind very quickly even after watching videos numerous times and doing additional research. There were videos missing even with deadlines approaching. Some videos were very well explained while others I didn't understand at all.
By Laura T G
•Jun 4, 2020
Totally useless, it is a waste of time
By Stafford S
•May 18, 2020
duddy and unmotivating
By Mohammed M
•Mar 31, 2020
very bad one