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Learner Reviews & Feedback for C for Everyone: Programming Fundamentals by University of California, Santa Cruz

6,597 ratings

About the Course

This course is for everyone. In the new world we live in, coding is a universally valuable skill, whether you're a scientist, artist, or a humanist. Algorithms are everywhere, and we all have to understand how they work. The C language is particularly well suited as an introduction to coding: It's a tried-and-true language, and it allows you to understand computing processes at a deep level. No prior knowledge of coding is needed for this course. We'll start at the beginning. The time estimated time commitment for this course is five hours a week for five weeks....

Top reviews


Jun 21, 2020

I am really happy I did this course. The instructor is a really experienced teacher. This course gave a good start for learning the fundamentals and moving onto complex programming languages like C++.


Aug 19, 2020

Great course to gain a foundation in C programming! The video lectures, coding examples, and peer reviewing of assignments allows one to learn quick and in real time. Would definitely recommend it.

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26 - 50 of 1,831 Reviews for C for Everyone: Programming Fundamentals

By nikhil u


Feb 15, 2020

The course was pretty basic but helped in revisiting all the things studied and definitely an easy to remember all the things somebody might have forgotten about C

By Deleted A


Mar 6, 2020

I am really satisfied with the course, the syllabus, and the teaching methodology. Thanks to the instructor and Coursera.

By Ernest A


Jun 18, 2020

Too many concepts not taught before showing up in assignments, and quizzes with wrong answers (see the while loop quiz in week 3). Not bad as a refresher, but too poorly put together for absolute beginners.

By Jose J P P


Mar 22, 2020

This is a great initial approximation

By Vishnutheerth E P


Mar 25, 2020

Good course and good faculty

By James


Jun 1, 2020

The professor talked really slow but i can tell he was trying to be very thorough and concise in his teaching

some assignments are unclear especially the last assignment. i dont think we were given enough instructions or knowledge for it had we followed the course along

but i still think it worth 5 stars as i find it better structured than the other c intro course here (just my opinion)

and the prof does explain well. very respectable person

By Masoud R


Apr 24, 2021

What differentiated this course from others was that i learned from a veteran programmer. This experience boosted my spirit and motivated me to move forward in courses in order to learn more.

By Antonius A R


Sep 14, 2020

So many details has been missed. Rely basically on self-studying more than the instructor in such easy parts in the C programming language. The instructor's explaining wasn't that good too, he speaks very slow, doesn't get the idea easily and so poor introduction and explaining on how to use the C on computer as he is thinking that we should know all of that already!! In the last assignment, he didn't give us any clue on how to deal with data from files which needed another searching. I learnt new things to be honest but I didn't enjoy the course.

By Soumyajjal D


Sep 8, 2020

worst course on c, the instructor is so bad, he didn't tell the way or any modern way to do the code his explanation is horrible & he is not understandable some of the time. listening to him I think he is drunk and then he is talking. I didn't learn anything from the course. I studied free from youtube and submit the assignment and have completed the quizzes. horrible course waste of money, do not take the course ... learn free from youtube (neso,nareshit - channels name ). worst course, worst course.

By Radomir D A


Sep 9, 2021

Quality of videos very low. The professor speaks VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY slowly. The texts he shows are difficult to read! Some of his explanations are very misleading!

By abu d


Jun 30, 2020

Totally a waste of time. I would recommend everyone not to take this course. Its boring and the instructor speaks too slowly. Just find another course or follow thenewboston on youtube.

By Marcin B


Apr 24, 2020

I expected more from this course and the following course - "structured programming in C". To start with the positive sides, the teacher is clearly professional with thorough understanding of the topics he is lecturing. No "monkey show, monkey do" style, that can be found in many other places around the Internet.

Unfortunately, this course is messy. Some videos "continue" on topics that are covered in future videos. The exercises are often foolishly easy. The graded exercises, which I consider adequate level, lack precise instructions. This sloppiness makes me decrease the rating by one star.

The other problem is, that trivial things seem to consume a lot of lecture time, while as the challenging topics that in a way distinguish C from modern high level programming languages - E.g. pointers, arrays, arrays of pointers, passing arguments to functions, allocating memory, freeing memory - are being mentioned somewhere in between the lines without enough explanation, examples and practice problems. Do not expect to gain a deep understanding of C by only going through the videos and working on the exercises. I had to spend many more hours of research on Internet to gain basic understanding. This course should be much longer, better prepared with more valuable problems that would guide the student through challenges of C.

By Jason M


Feb 28, 2021

This is not for everyone by a long shot. The instructor regularly makes references to subtle topics he hasn't introduced yet. He muddles terminology (e.g. referring to using pointer arguments in function calls as "call by reference". Call by reference exists in C++, but not C). If you need a refresher on C, this course might be fine. If you have no prior experience in C, this class is a poor introduction.

By Tj P


Sep 15, 2020

Totally disorganized and definitely not beginner friendly. The prof doesn't explain how to set up a compiler or properly use one in order to succeed in the course.

By Tarang M S


May 15, 2020

Nice explainashon but u are not saying the basics, meaning u are not saying everything on detail

By Catherine C


Feb 24, 2021

Overall is was a good introduction to c programming and I'm glad I completed it. I will continue with the other courses in this specialization. However, I'm not sure I would consider it a beginner course. If I did not have past experience with programming, it would have been difficult to follow some of the more challenging topics and lingo. There was one lecture in particular that was a code example about storage classes and at the beginning the instructor talked about it continuing from the previous lecture. That was not the case -- there was no storage class lecture and the code example was very confusing out-of-context. I looked up the information myself elsewhere. There also needs to be better explanation of some of the assignments.

By George C


May 28, 2020

Course is not very organized. Assignment has items that are not taught for the week and are taught the week after assignment is due. Lots of assignment included things that were never in the lecture and I had to google to learn how to do it. Instructor is just reading notes most of the time. Need to show us how to run the program on his computer more to see how everything works.

By Jeehan ( S


Sep 28, 2020

Warning: Only try this course if you enjoy searching extra stuff about C on the internet, and doing assignments that use knowledge that we are not taught in the course. Oh, by the way. You might want to speed up the videos to *1.25. The teacher talks a bit slowly.

By Carl R


Sep 20, 2020

Very unguided course. Lecture videos are poorly explained, with hard to read and understand visuals. Key skills and information needed to complete quizzes and assignments are not shown or easy to find in the course. I had to look up most things elsewhere and figure out how to do it from other sites.

By Yan M A


Aug 21, 2020

Lecture videos need to be improved.

We don't understand what the lecturer means as the videos are not clear.

I want the lecture videos to be improved than this.

Thank you!

By Lauren W


Nov 5, 2022

The price to value ratio for this course is not very good at all. The content was very good and the professor certainly has a high level of expertise in the subject, but the way the course was organized was not totally impressive. There were not many assignments or practice questions provided and those that were there were all peer graded assignments with no oversight. On the one side the peer graded assignments are great because you can learn from the different ways others tackled the project, on the other hand your peers have a lot of control over your grade. Additionally, I was unable to see the comments and the way that my assignments were marked, so I have no idea what I should have done differently or better. I felt the course left the learner with a lot of responsibility to figure things out on their own and from the perspective of someone who decided to pay for a course to be guided through the subject, it seems like there should be more assignments and examples given from the professor and a professional marking your assignments who can tell you what to do better. I think my time is better spent learning to code on my own and I honestly feel it was a major waste of money to take this course.

By Armando M


Jan 25, 2022

This is not a beginner course. Unless you already understand coding on some level then this class is not the proper starting point for someone beginning their coding journey.

By Yew T C


Mar 7, 2021

Course is dead. Instructor no longer maintains the course or discussion forum. Code is not uploaded for assignments.

By pratyush k


May 31, 2020

cannot understant a thingh. please explain clearly . i have to go watch youtube videos to understand the topics

By Harsh D


May 2, 2020

Very bad course. this course is total time west.