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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Business English: Networking by University of Washington

3,381 ratings

About the Course

This course begins with a welcome message and an overview of the Specialization. After this introduction, you will be asked to take a proficiency test to see if this course is right for you. During the course, you will begin learning vocabulary and customs related to socializing and networking in English. The goal is to enable you to interact with business contacts in person, on the phone and over email in a professional way. Course Learning Objectives • Determine whether the objectives of this Specialization align with your learning goals • Evaluate your current level of proficiency in business English communication • Present relevant information about yourself in a discussion forum • Develop your networking skills • Write short emails with appropriate formatting • Recognize and produce formal and informal language in emails • Develop vocabulary related to jobs and companies...

Top reviews


Jul 30, 2020

This course make me understand how to email how to use a word. I have a great time to study it easy to understand even though i don't have understand English so much. Thank you to make this course


Mar 9, 2020

This course taught me a lot of things that I can use immediately with my work. Learning in Coursera is fun too and will surely continue to grasp this opportunity like everyone wants to attain.

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26 - 50 of 1,019 Reviews for Business English: Networking

By vivian

May 28, 2020


By Manuel R G

Jul 25, 2018

It´s was an OK course. It does not go too far on english level. I completely hated that I had to make a brochure for one of the assignment, I use Coursera through my phone app so that was really annoying. I decided to un-roll.

By Tabassum T D

Aug 16, 2020

My week 5 assignment 'Email Part 2' submission page is not working. Please solve this issue.

By Sam S

Mar 14, 2019

Certification process is too slow tho.

By Ahmad M A

Feb 2, 2021

مكتوب الدوره مجانا مع الحصول على شهادة معتمدة

حضرت للاسبوع الثالث ومارضى يكمل لازم ادفع$ 49


By عصام ا

Dec 9, 2022

3months my degree 98% and i can't have my certificate !!!!!!!

this is really not good !!!!!!!!

By Abdullah G

Sep 22, 2023

i want to unenroll this course

By ViraD

Apr 9, 2022

Dear Mr. Moore,

Thank you so much for creating the Business English: Networking course. I enjoyed completing it and doing the suggested tasks, which are made professionally and clearly. Also, I appreciate your help to overcome a psychological barrier while I was seeing that it is not so scary and perplexing to make calls after acquainting with a person a week ago or leave messages. In particular, I would like to mention your emphasis on Business culture aspect, which is so important to be aware of.

Thank you so much again. I wish you inspiration and success from the bottom of my heart.

And a nice closing sentence: I look forward to taking your other courses.

Sincerely, Vira Duda

By Ramy K

Jan 29, 2021

Many thanks for the instructors for this course. It truly was a positive initiative for me to keep learning and practicing communicating in English formally, neutrally and informally.

Noting that it is almost impossible due to the number or peers (enrollments), I wished for my assignments (or at least a few) to be checked by any instructor in order to point out (more efficiently) any common/uncommon mistakes, or to have a more efficient feedbacks.

Nevertheless, having peer-graded feedbacks and reviews by/on me was useful in many ways, notably in interacting.

Again, much appreciated for this lovely simple course.

I wish you all the best, stay safe!

By Edry Y

Nov 14, 2022

The course really outlined the understanding of using professional English in the Native tone. Based on words and pronunciation is cleared for both Native and 2nd language English learners to expand its own dictionary usage for communication and businesses with clients.

I would recommend this course is best for people who are working in the professional career. It is a revision of Native and 2nd language English speaker who had learnt at American High School. In Asia region, Mandarin is highly demanded, which is an advantage for a non-native Chinese speaker.

By Jhonattan c

Jul 3, 2021

It is a practical, simple and well explained course. I recommend it to all those who are looking to improve their English and to be able to receive a Business English certificate. Es ist ein praktischer, einfacher und gut erklärter Kurs. Ich empfehle es all jenen, die ihre Englischkenntnisse verbessern und ein Zertifikat in Business English erhalten möchten. Es un curso practico, sencillo y bien explicado. Yo lo recomiendo para todas a aquellas personas que están buscando mejorar su nivel de ingles y poder recibir un certificado de ingles de negocios

By Rael A

Aug 2, 2023

I really like how this course is taught. The creators explain the topics very well, and they include important details that help us learners understand better. The quizzes and assignments are also good because they test what we've learned in each important topic. The course is organized in a way that makes it easy to follow and learn step by step. The instructors also do a great job of keeping us engaged and motivated. Overall, I'm impressed with this course and the people behind it. They've made learning enjoyable and effective.

By Jimmy C H

May 4, 2021

I would highly recommend this course to everyone whose struggling with business communication skills. This course helped me to make sense and formality to business communication through, It is a great help to watch the videos and practice the associated dialogs. The study material is great and helps a lot to understand the lessons and review its contents. I would like to say a big thank to Daphne Mackey & Richard Moore for helpful video slides and to the University of Washington. Thank you Coursera!

By Pedro C

Apr 28, 2021

This course helped me to make sense and formality to business communication through English language using tools like emails, phone calls, and chats. It also helps a lot to figured out the circumstances where contacts and business take place. It is a great help to watch the videos and practice the associated dialogs. The study material is great and helps a lot to understand the lessons and review its contents. I really thank for the great help of this course.

By Ibtihal A B A Y A

Sep 27, 2018

A highly informative, applicable& easy to follow course by absolutely knowledgeable professors. The thorough, well-organized& engaging course content reflects the the professionalism & the extensive knowledge of the professors in this field. Really looking forward to enrolling in other courses by the same professors & University of Washington . Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to learn from you.


Mar 29, 2020

my journey towards the first of five in Business english Specialization is very interesting,I completed it just 3days with almost 10 hours a day. My Special Thanks to Richard Moore sir and Daphne mackey mam.You made the course very interesting ,

with lots of love to Coursera who made me to met those two persons .

Waiting to Financial aid Approval to complete the rest 4 modules ASAP .

Thank you

best regards,


By zat z

Aug 6, 2016

Excellent and very solid content ! Structured chapters with very informative and explained examples to develop skills in Business Networking.

I'm very exciting to continue this learning adventure with the second course in the Specialization of Business English Communication Skills : Meetings.

Thank's to the two excellent instructors Daphne Mackey and Richard Moore for this course ! Thank you Coursera !

By José A R N

Apr 13, 2017

My name is Jose Antonio.

In Brazil, English is the second language. Very useful in business.

My experience in speaking English is small because I don't practice it every day.

I am in transition career to Data Scientist, doing specializations at Coursera.

English could help me a lot at this moment in my professional life.

The course was excellent and the classes well taught by the teachers.


By Gloria S

Aug 15, 2023

For me, this course was very helpful. I started applying what I've learned at work.

My new position requires from me to write and speak very well in term of communication and business reports.

I'm especially weak in speaking English. I hope I will get better in the upcoming weeks.

The instructors are amazing, joyful too. They make me open the course every evening to study. Thank you!

By Jackie N

Nov 25, 2020

Business English course is very essential to start any kind of work . It enables anyone involved in business to be confident , appropriate and professional in his way of communication , the lessons are well segmented and provide detailed information about every kind of communication . I enjoyed learning how to make emails and reply appropriately at many circumstances . Thank you

By Imad a w a

Sep 13, 2020

Hello, Dears

I am very happy to complete my course (Business English : Net working)>

and I offer my thanks to my teachers espically Mr. Richard Moore and Mrs. Daphne mackey. I dont forget the Awonderful unversity . I really will miss you and I hope to meet in the other course.

finally < Please can I get certeficate of course?

again thanks so much


Imad abdulwahid ali

By alexandre C

Mar 18, 2020

I was very interested in and the video and the exams are realy well formatted and bring all what you need step by step. Even If I was able to make an email or to phone, it was not in an appropriate way. So now I know more words and sentences that help me to use the right ton. I will in the next futur use it and know that it will make appear as professionnal.

By Anwar A

Apr 5, 2024

I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude to Ms. Daphne McKee and Mr. Richard Moore for your support and information I learned during the course. I really appreciate your guidance and advice to me. Your comments and encouragement were invaluable in helping me gain valuable information. Thank you again for your support. Anwar Abu Bakr

By Nino D

Mar 7, 2017

I do like to thank my teachers for interesting course and for the work they did to teach and share so many interesting business details with me and my peers. Besides I would like to thank my course peers for valuable and positive feedback they gave me during our course. The course is great and it is very interesting indeed. Thanks once more.

By Raghubir S

Jan 31, 2018

I would highly recommend this course to everyone whose struggling with business communication skills.

In the course, you will learn how to interact with your fellow colleagues and business partners through emails.

I would like to say a big thank to Daphne Mackey & Richard Moore for helpful video slides and to the University of Washington.