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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Stanford's Short Course on Breastfeeding by Stanford University

1,684 ratings

About the Course

Stanford's Short Course on Breastfeeding was co-created with the Philani Maternal Child Health and Nutrition Trust to support new mothers around the world. This engaging, one-week learning experience, provides participants with everything they need to know to more successfully establish breastfeeding – or support a new mother who has decided to breastfeed. We created the course because we recognize that there is a very small window in which successful, exclusive breastfeeding can be established, and that many new mothers are mastering this skill during a busy and sometimes stressful time. Brought to life by beautiful illustrations and interviews with international mothers, we hope to reach the broadest spectrum of mothers, helping them understand the current recommendations, challenges, benefits and practical considerations around breastfeeding - while simultaneously inspiring them to consider breastfeeding as the first choice for feeding their babies. And now for the legal stuff... Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability THE INFORMATION IN THIS COURSE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY REPRESENTATION, OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. DIGITAL MEDIC AND STANFORD MEDICINE ARE NOT LIABLE FOR ANY TYPE OF LOSS OR INJURY, OR ANY DAMAGES WHETHER DIRECT OR INDIRECT, ARISING FROM USE OF THIS COURSE. This course is not a substitute for the advice, diagnosis or treatment by an appropriately qualified and licensed physician or other health care provider. Copyright 2018 Stanford University. The course videos must be used according to the term of our Creative Commons License available at free distribution with attribution, no commercial use, no derivatives....

Top reviews


Nov 19, 2019

This is an eye opening course to the benefits of breastfeeding and how the same came be done.I will strive to follow the advice given herein and support my partner once we get children. 100% Breastfed


Mar 19, 2018

This course is very helpful to me to prepare for my baby's arrival. I have learned a lot from the benefits of breastfeeding and will absolutely choose this practice in raising my own child.

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76 - 100 of 416 Reviews for Stanford's Short Course on Breastfeeding

By Claudia G

Jun 2, 2018

This short course is a great way to get the community to understand the importance of breastfeeding and the importance of supporting breastfeeding mothers.

By Παναγιώτης Γ

Jan 6, 2021

The course is very simple and super informative. It has a very supporting feel to it and it has definitely encouraged me to try exclusive breastfeeding.

By Constanza B B D

Jan 18, 2021

great Information, fun videos, beautiful course for advocators, mothers, future mothers and really anyone who wants to learn more about breastfeeding!

By Macy R

Apr 26, 2020

I really enjoyed the course, and it has helped me a lot to understand all the breastfeeding benefits and the possible risks of introducing formula.

By Naveen K

Jul 20, 2020

It's very important to know what is the best choice for a new born child and this course really has the focus on what is necessary for a child.

By Francesca G F

Apr 22, 2020

complete and resourceful course about breastfeeding, benefits, characteristics, problems to solve and tactics to help mother to breastfeeding .

By Jenny T M S

May 15, 2020

Excelente, aprendi muchas cosas para poder poner en practica en mi vida y en las madres que requieran. me facilito el aprendizaje.

Mil gracias.

By Lynne D

Mar 21, 2018

Simple, clear and with an effective message about the benefits of breastfeeding. A message to mothers and anyone in the vicinity of a newborn!

By Sarah B

Mar 14, 2021

Such a wonderful, engaging, and informative course! I was pleasantly surprised and will be recommending this to colleagues and clients alike.

By Gabrielle B

Jan 2, 2021

This would be a great resource for mothers who are interested or on the fence about breastfeeding. Very informational and didn't take long.

By Chit C C

Jun 5, 2023

It is totally effective for me as I am a mother of a 2 and a half months old baby boy. I have learnt a lot about breastfeeding. Thank you.

By Susmita s c

Apr 2, 2020

Its a very useful course for every person..Its very effective technique to do the course at home.thank u so much for ur technical course.

By Cynara B

Mar 18, 2020

Very good overall, had a hard time understanding some foreign English speakers (as I am a foreign myself), but I could rely on subtitles.

By Roberta L

Jul 30, 2024

Muito bom, informações importantes, que ajudam a manter o foco na amamentação e alternativas seguras, no caso que não poder amamentar.

By M D

Apr 22, 2024

This is very helpful especially if you are working in an OB ward area especially when you deal with postpartum mothers and newborns.

By Cecilia C

Jan 11, 2025

Es breve pero brinda la información necesaria para abordar el tema de la lactancia, es facil de entender para el publico em general.

By María I T

Mar 24, 2020

Me gustó, lo hice en sólo un día, es muy amable y ya me siento con las facultades para defender con argumentos la lactancia materna

By Natália R d S

May 18, 2020

It is a fast course rich in quality content, essential information for many mothers and professionals who can guide these mothers.

By Zainab N R

May 13, 2020

Short, concise and to the point informaton. Highly recommend for prospective parents and anyone who wants to support new parents.

By Najmo A

Jun 22, 2018

Excellent, as a midwife i liked it very much. This course strengthened my will to support every mother, who wants to breastfeed,

By Rina M

Mar 9, 2021

Gave me a lot information latch techniques, now I can explain a mom the right way to latch the baby. Thanks awesome information

By Farkhanda H

Sep 7, 2020

Best information for people working with future and current mothers to help and support them in the process of Breast feeding~!

By Margarete D

Mar 1, 2019

My newly gained knowledge gives me great motivation to try and keep breastfeeding during the first 6 months of my baby's life.

By lucia

Mar 23, 2018

Thanks so much for this very concise cours on breastfeeding. It is convincing and very well done with the perfect information.

By Natalie O F

May 16, 2022

I enjoyed this course and it gave me a good amount of information and ways I can help other breastfeeding mothers. Thank you!