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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Stanford's Short Course on Breastfeeding by Stanford University

1,690 ratings

About the Course

Stanford's Short Course on Breastfeeding was co-created with the Philani Maternal Child Health and Nutrition Trust to support new mothers around the world. This engaging, one-week learning experience, provides participants with everything they need to know to more successfully establish breastfeeding – or support a new mother who has decided to breastfeed. We created the course because we recognize that there is a very small window in which successful, exclusive breastfeeding can be established, and that many new mothers are mastering this skill during a busy and sometimes stressful time. Brought to life by beautiful illustrations and interviews with international mothers, we hope to reach the broadest spectrum of mothers, helping them understand the current recommendations, challenges, benefits and practical considerations around breastfeeding - while simultaneously inspiring them to consider breastfeeding as the first choice for feeding their babies. And now for the legal stuff... Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability THE INFORMATION IN THIS COURSE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY REPRESENTATION, OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. DIGITAL MEDIC AND STANFORD MEDICINE ARE NOT LIABLE FOR ANY TYPE OF LOSS OR INJURY, OR ANY DAMAGES WHETHER DIRECT OR INDIRECT, ARISING FROM USE OF THIS COURSE. This course is not a substitute for the advice, diagnosis or treatment by an appropriately qualified and licensed physician or other health care provider. Copyright 2018 Stanford University. The course videos must be used according to the term of our Creative Commons License available at free distribution with attribution, no commercial use, no derivatives....

Top reviews


Nov 19, 2019

This is an eye opening course to the benefits of breastfeeding and how the same came be done.I will strive to follow the advice given herein and support my partner once we get children. 100% Breastfed


Mar 19, 2018

This course is very helpful to me to prepare for my baby's arrival. I have learned a lot from the benefits of breastfeeding and will absolutely choose this practice in raising my own child.

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351 - 375 of 416 Reviews for Stanford's Short Course on Breastfeeding

By Ashley E

Jun 14, 2018

Good overview of breastfeeding benefits and basic challenges. The focus was on mothers' choices and beliefs regarding breastfeeding, rather than on structural barriers that may impact how successful mothers are in reaching their breastfeeding goals

By arthemys n

Sep 30, 2024

eu gostei bastante do conteúdo do curso, seria interessante que a carga o horaria valesse como horas complementares da faculdade, mas as informações são muito uteis tanto para profissionais de saúde quanto para as pessoas que não são.

By Sneha J

Mar 24, 2018

Very tastefully done & Wonderful graphics and was beautiful to see women share their breastfeeding journey. I felt that little more should have been highlighted in the practical side - latch, cluster feeds, self care for mother,etc.

By letao l

Jul 11, 2020

good courses, but it is too short, if it could add more lectures about different circumstances and more details about breatfeeding like how to solve the baby do not drink long every time etc. it will be great

By Maria S

Sep 13, 2018

It was very interesting and useful to know about benefits of a breastfeeding, but I hoped to see more practical tips for new mothers, such as how to overcome pain, how to put baby on the breast...etc.

By Hristina K U

Mar 16, 2021

A very good course. I would also like to see more information on breastfeeding practices - pumping milk (how and when), breastfeeding with a silicon nipple (if your nipple is damaged), etc.

By Dominique E

Jul 12, 2022

Good basic information. Could be more in depth in terms of technique and best practices. Also would like some informatio on the best way to transition to solid foods once baby is older.

By Kirstin G

Jul 15, 2020

Very informative on the benefits of breastfeeding and the risks of not breastfeeding. I would have liked more instruction on latching and the practical skill of breastfeeding.

By Łucja D

Sep 4, 2018

I like Maya Adam's courses very much! For me as a medical student this course was a bit less usefull comparing to others I have completed, but still worth compliting.

By Ikdip K B

Dec 1, 2019

Relevant information. A lot it I didn't know. I am glad I watched this while pregnant to prepare myself when baby arrives. I will likely see a lactation consultant.

By Sandra A A H

Apr 15, 2018

I know it says "short" but this course need more tips to achieve a good technique to a successful breastfeeding. Thank you for the information.

By Bhavini A

Apr 4, 2021

The course is nice enough for the beginners . Am interested to go for a detailed one. If there are any such cources please do inform me.

By Karla A N C

Mar 30, 2018

I liked the course, it's practical, however I expected to know about what to do to produce more milk and decrease colics to the baby.

By Bettina S

Aug 21, 2018

Course is focused on healthcare aspects of breastfeeding rather than breastfeeding process. I alos found the course repetitive

By Nozomi K R

Sep 1, 2021

They could introduce more about the infant formula feeding for mothers who are not available to breastfeed for many reasons.

By Margaret m

Mar 11, 2022

easy to follow information and good revision for health professionals to know how to communicate information to clients.

By Bárbara C B

Aug 6, 2020

Bom principalmente para quem não tenho conhecimentos na área. Pata profissionais de saúde pode ser um pouco básico.

By M B J

May 15, 2020

en muchas imágenes vi el uso de biberón, lo que esta comprobado científicamente que no es seguro ni recomendable.

By Clare

Jul 14, 2020

This was a clearly outlined and informative course. Great for awareness on the topic of breastfeeding.

By Irene T

Apr 16, 2019

I found the class to be really helpful but I wish there was a little more information too!

By Maria N

Nov 1, 2019

helpful and basic information about breastfeeding that is suitable to all new mothers

By Ana R G T

Mar 11, 2024

Excelente cursos para población materna. Muy básico para profesionales de la salud.

By Bhavik D

May 18, 2018

Not very detailed. I am not a lay-person, so perhaps my opinion is biased.

By Jerome D

Aug 9, 2020

I would have expected the course to be more detailed and technical

By Kovalchuk O

Jun 17, 2020

Он хорош для ознакомления с Грудным вскармливанием. Но не более.